New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOILERS

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New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOILERS

Post by FlowerChild »

Version 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer: of Better Than Wolves is ready for download!

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-Added a big revamp of how chunk loading and block/entity updates work to create a more consistent system overall. The individual changes involved are listed below, but as a quick summary: chunks around original spawn are now fully loaded and updated. Chunks are loaded up to 10 chunks away from the player / original spawn, and all entities and blocks are fully updated up to 8 chunks away. That's all the explanation really needed to understand how chunk loading now works.

-Added the ability to activate (right click) string blocks stretched between two Stakes to find out how much distance is between them.

-Added the ability to place Buckets as blocks and to push them over a ledge with a Piston causing them to tip over. In situations where either using the bucket or placing the block are both valid (collecting water, or placing it for example), sneak clicking will force placement of the bucket as a block. At present this feature isn't very useful as it is part of a larger system I am continuing to develop, but they are fun to play around with regardless, and are an interesting decorative block in their own right.

-Added a display of the number of chunks loaded in each dimension to the F3 debug display. This was primarily for my own use in tracking down various issues with chunk loading, but I left it in for now to help diagnose any potential issues that might still be lingering. Note that it'll only work in single player games as the display relies on the server being on the local computer.

-Changed logs to provide a Shaft when their 2nd level is punched, rather than just when a tool is used. This was done to speed up first day progress a smidge.

-Changed the Campfire to burn a bit longer for a given amount of fuel, while requiring less fuel to cook a piece of food. This means that food will take as long to cook as before, but less fuel will be consumed in the process, easing early game resource demands slightly.

-Changed the Campfire to smoulder for longer after going out to give the player more of a chance to relight it.

-Changed Snow and Iron Golems so that they can be created by hitting any of the blocks (snow or pumpkin) used to construct them with a Soul Urn, rather than just the head.

-Changed the Wither to be summoned by hitting its block construct (Bone Blocks and Infused Skulls) with a Soul Urn as is done with Golems, rather than by just placing the blocks.

-Changed a few non-progression related villager trades involving chocolate to make it a resource that peasants want to buy rather than one they sell.

-Changed a few non-troublesome details about the Wither's behavior which are left to the player to discover.

-Changed the Jack'O'Lantern recipe to require a Candle rather than a Torch to reduce their effectiveness as a non-fire-starting light source somewhat.

-Changed spawn chunks to behave in a manner more consistent with other loaded chunks. They will now update in the same way as chunks around the player, making original spawn an automation paradise. Note that these chunks will now even update when players are in other dimensions. In all cases I've tried to make this behave as if there's a player always standing at the original spawn location, but please let me know if I missed anything as it's a rather complex change, and one that can be difficult to test given it functions in the player's absence. There will of course be some performance overhead to this change, given it means a larger number of background updates going on at all times, but given that these chunks were partially loaded anyways, I haven't found the performance impact to be severe in my own tests. I've also performed a number of optimizations and bug fixes in this release that may even negate the performance loss entirely.

-Changed the despawn distance on mobs to be a rectangular solid rather than a sphere, to match the spawn distance. This should aid performance somewhat as mobs won't be spawning just to instantly despawn as much, and result in more consistent spawning behavior overall.

-Changed (increased) the number of hostile mobs that can be in the world at any time to compensate for the decreased density of them due to the above change to a rectangular despawn volume. This should result in mob density being roughly equivalent to what it was in previous versions in most cases, but will increase mob trap output somewhat if the surrounding area is well lit and all spawns are channeled into a small space.

-Changed updates of various kinds, including mob spawning, to occur up to the full world height (256 blocks), allowing automation projects and mob traps to be built as high as you like without their functionality being affected.

-Changed scheduled block updates to only occur up to 8 chunks away from the player/original spawn, instead of the full 10 that are normally loaded, for consistency with other update types, and to fix a number of issues (both vanilla and mod) with blocks loading neighboring chunks during their updates. This was actually causing a large number of chunks to load when they shouldn't, especially in the nether (from fire trying to spread), which I suspect was a rather significant drain on performance. These chunks would often also not be appropriately unloaded, resulting in memory leaks. I think that in many cases this change alone may compensate for the performance cost of fully updated spawn chunks in this release.

-Changed unscheduled/random/irregular block updates (grass and crops growing, etc.) to occur up to 8 chunks away from the player/original spawn, instead of the 7 in vanilla, to be more consistent with other update types. My goal here was to make the overall system easier for players to understand by using consistent distance values for a number of different update types.

-Changed chunk loading to get rid of some extraneous chunks at a larger than normal distance around original spawn that vanilla was keeping unnecessarily loaded, to help with performance.

-Changed the view-distance dedicated server parameter to appropriately scale the distances at which entities and blocks update to solve a number of potential issues with its use. All update distances mentioned in this release should now be appropriately scaled by this value, including those around original spawn. This should solve problems where adjusting that parameter could seriously mess up mob spawning in particular.

-Changed a bunch of other small internal details about chunk loading/unloading and updates to improve performance, reduce chunk loading errors, and to facilitate future development. At a certain point the number of changes became too large to track individually.

-Changed (refactored) how Wolves, Witches, Slimes, Endermen, Skeletons, Blazes, Pigmen, Magma Cubes, Ocelots, Bats, the Wither, and Villagers work internally to simplify the related code.

-Fixed problems where the gravel slab recipe involving two gravel blocks would return 2 slabs instead of the appropriate 4.

-Fixed a problem that prevented the Hopper from inserting items into Hampers.

-Fixed a problem where items in Brick Ovens would be improperly position when using the fast graphics option.

-Fixed a problem with tree stumps converted into Workbenches being retrieved intact by the Block Dispenser.

-Fixed a problem where quickly glancing at an Enderman, for a shorter time than would normally cause it to attack, could still cause other nearby Endermen to attack you.

-Fixed a mod issue where brown mushroom generation would cause unnecessary chunk loading / memory leaks.

-Fixed a mod issue where Witches spawning around Witch Huts could cause unnecessary chunk loading / memory leaks.

-Fixed a vanilla issue where zombies were causing unnecessary chunk loading / memory leaks while pathing.

-Fixed a vanilla issue where lava generation in the nether would cause unnecessary chunk loading / memory leaks.

-Fixed a vanilla issue with village doors causing unnecessary chunk loading / memory leaks.

-Fixed a vanilla issue where players travelling between dimensions would cause unnecessary chunk loading / memory leaks.

-Fixed a problem where Iron Golems could still be created just by placing the pumpkin "head" block, without using a Soul Urn.

-Fixed (maybe) a problem where the player would rarely be attacked by invisible mobs upon repeated hardcore respawns. This was a very infrequent bug, so unfortunately I can't be 100% certain it's actually resolved. Please let me know if you run into it after this release.

-Fixed an issue where falling blocks could not rest on Light Blocks.

-Removed the ability to insert items into the Brick Oven with a Hopper, fixing a few related bugs in the process. Such insertions were never intended.

-Removed vanilla restriction on mobs not spawning within 24 blocks of original spawn for more consistency. Having a no-spawn volume smack in the middle of the now always active chunks didn't make much sense.

Chunky Buckets!


If you'd like to say thanks for this release and help contribute to the further development of Better Than Wolves, please consider making a donation:

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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by EpicAaron »

It's not even Christmas yet! Consider me titillated.
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by FlowerChild »

EpicAaron wrote:It's not even Christmas yet! Consider me titillated.
Hehe... well, I never really stopped developing, just ran into some eye trouble late in the summer that slowed me down some :)

Glad to hear that your tits are elated!
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by jackatthekilns »

My wife and daughter will be out of town for a while soon, 1 week of Better Than Wolves, MST3K, and Cricket coming up!

This update looks great,thank you so much
[Update] I just died so now I get to test early game changes and will eventually see how much my hemp has grown when I get back to spawn
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by FlowerChild »

jackatthekilns wrote: This update looks great,thank you so much
You're very welcome :)
[Update] I just died so now I get to test early game changes and will eventually see how much my hemp has grown when I get back to spawn
Entirely grown I suspect. One thing I've noticed with this update is that it takes some of the edge off of death (a teeny bit anyways), as you know your home base is still chugging away. I find it makes time away from home feel more productive in general, and not like you're losing out on something by being away.

Of course it's also possible to return home to find it's just a smoking ruin too :)
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by ko_teknik »

awesome a lot of new stuff, i have to try it in original spawn !
thx for all
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by CrimsonStorm »

I know emoji in the release number is an obvious progression, but I still can't help but feel some responsibility after mentioning the idea in the Discord that one time.

Anyway, thanks for the release, Flower! I'm excited to try it out. :)
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by Epsilon »

New release, nice. This will get me to set up a new game after I moved to a new home lately and didn't play for a while.

Though I wonder, with spawn farms now being fully official, how important will it be what bioms you get inside that radius...

I imagine desert being strong earlier for the lack of storms, while the extreme luck of a swamp with a witch spawn point inside spawn distance could be incredibly strong for late game mob farms. Slimes similarly.

But well, for now that's just speculation and we'll have to wait till we get player data. Maybe I make it that far faster then last time ;)

Anyway nice to hear BTW is still worked on with joy, wish you the best for your health FC, and thanks.
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by FlowerChild »

You're most welcome guys! Glad to hear nothing has exploded yet as I must admit I logged in this morning with some trepidation given the extent of the changes.
Epsilon wrote: Though I wonder, with spawn farms now being fully official, how important will it be what bioms you get inside that radius...
I wanted to mention at some point, and now seems as good a time as any, not to stress too much on that one. I'm not quite done with the whole chunk thing yet. My rework of the chunks as it stands right now was just laying the groundwork for something larger I'm working on which will (among other things) make the above much less of an issue.

However, this bit took me so long, was so extensive in itself, and can be so useful on its own, that I wanted to get it out to people before going further with it.
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by karnak sam »

The recent changes have taught me to slow down, take my time, and stop chasing instant gratification. Can't wait to build my mob trap, reading this change log.

My current game has me holed up in a desert town (with no crops). I killed all the "previous residents" and have a temp settlement with a hemp/suger cane farm and 5 trapped chickens. For now, i'm sustainable.

So sweet how valuable string and bone are, now. I find myself getting excited to see de-aggro'ed spideys in the morning.

QUESTION: i test out new versions on a test world, set to creative mode. On testing this, i noticed some world seams and, strangely, double stacked, floating gravel slabs in scattered spots around a grassland that was already previously generated. I've copied my current world as a backup just in case, but should I bother reporting this to bug reports? I have yet to see anything out of the ordinary on my current survival world.
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by Panda »

Yesterday my in-game house burnt to the ground and I was thinking to myself wouldn't it be great if there was some way that I could have automatic bucket systems in case of a fire... It's in the show is your builds section...

Spawn chunk is always active now... I might just farm there and put my mob trap there...
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by FlowerChild »

karnak sam wrote: QUESTION: i test out new versions on a test world, set to creative mode. On testing this, i noticed some world seams and, strangely, double stacked, floating gravel slabs in scattered spots around a grassland that was already previously generated. I've copied my current world as a backup just in case, but should I bother reporting this to bug reports? I have yet to see anything out of the ordinary on my current survival world.

Hmmm... shouldn't really matter in this case whether it's creative or survival. Don't bother reporting, I'll just keep it in mind as a potential issue should more evidence surface.
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by FlowerChild »

I just uploaded a :bee: version and updated the link in the OP to direct to it. It contains the following change:

-Fixed a problem where spawn chunks would continue to be updated even after all players had left a server.

It occurred to me when I woke up this morning that I had forgotten to address that bit :)
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by Moldiworp2 »

Christmas came early just in time for my b'day! Oh, FC, you temptress you ;)
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by Whuppee »

Thank you Flower! <3
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by Veracity »

I just tested out the new stake functionality and I have to say, that was an extremely cool and creative way to make them a more useful measuring tool without breaking immersion.
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by FlowerChild »

Veracity wrote:I just tested out the new stake functionality and I have to say, that was an extremely cool and creative way to make them a more useful measuring tool without breaking immersion.
Why, thank you :)
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by Ethinolicbob »

FlowerChild wrote:Such insertions were never intended.
Such kink shaming
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by kwoz »

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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by karnak sam »

So the recent changes have dragged me, kicking and screaming, away from the overt safety of my spawn centric "never leave home after an as short as possible early game nomad trek".

At first, I felt like a vampire in 'John Carpenter's Vampires', being dragged out of it's den by a tow wrench. You MONSTER!!!

I'm currently enjoying a settlement I've made, far from spawn, gearing up to take a civilization starter kit of seeds and contents for a portal, and some gold iron, diamonds and enchantment table.

When I leave for spawn, the stakes will be high. High as they come. There is a measured calmness to my planning now. Chances taken, but only calculated ones.

Bloody genious. You better know just how special this game is. Simply an experience Without equal.
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by FlowerChild »

karnak sam wrote:So the recent changes have dragged me, kicking and screaming, away from the overt safety of my spawn centric "never leave home after an as short as possible early game nomad trek".
That's really interesting man. I'd be very interested in hearing your motivations with regards to all this.

As much as I'd like to take credit, I can't say I was trying to specifically address that playstyle. I was more looking at an alarming trend I had become aware of, where people were dismantling their original base to move it out closer to a village in the mid game. I thought of that as a bit of a tragedy.

Thus I wanted to further incentivize maintaining your main base permanently, as well as pursuing some secondary goals like greater consistency in how chunks and original spawn behave.

But hey, if it's broadening your play in other ways, that's awesome, and I'd love to know more about that :)
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by erikdk321 »

Awesome stuff, man.
I have been meaning to get back into BTW, but the patient and temperate part of me wants to wait until the mod is entirely or mostly finished :)

Can't wait to see more from you!
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by Panda »

Finally i dump milk all over my body using redstone. Life is good.
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by karnak sam »

I'd be very interested in hearing your motivations with regards to all this.

I've started typing replies twice but i keep on rambling and deleting, so before I start, i would like to ask what aspect of my play style would you like me to explain the logic behind?

Knowing what you're looking at can help me to stick with giving you data you can use.
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Re: New Release! (BTW 4.ABCF:dancer::poo::dancer:) - NO SPOI

Post by FlowerChild »

Well, mainly I'd like some insight into what motivated you to settle and stay in place previously outside of original spawn, and what's motivating you to move back now.

I had previously considered the centralized location of original spawn to be a large incentive to settle there.

Don't worry about rambling. I asked for it :)
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