It got me! (Jury Duty)

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It got me! (Jury Duty)

Post by Folrig »

Well, I had my jury duty today. And I got selected for service. I did not see that coming at all, and expected to be a little excited about being selected.

I was absolutly petrified...

The part I least like is that I feel like both sides are constantly trying to manipulate me.
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Re: It got me! (Jury Duty)

Post by morvelaira »

That's because that's exactly what they're trying to do.
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Re: It got me! (Jury Duty)

Post by TheAnarchitect »

Remember: Jury Nullification.
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Re: It got me! (Jury Duty)

Post by Folrig »

I survived! It wasn't as awful as I built it up in my mind to be, boring in parts, and I was very nervous at the prospect of rendering a verdict. That is until we went into deliberations. It was nice hearing five other interpretations of the trial.
TheAnarchitect wrote:Remember: Jury Nullification.
I had to look this one up. I'm not certain it applies. This was a civil case about an automobile accident, and a contested injury. The law we would have had to say was unjust would be about compensation for injuries and such.

And Morv, they never stopped. I thought they would give it a rest at some point, but man lawyers have stamina. I value honesty imensly, and to listen to these guys twist words that people said to muddy the water just pissed me off to no end.

That reminds me: I don't think I will ever voluntarily be an expert witness. The oposing side just rips into the character of these people. Calling into question everything from their motives for taking the job to the most minute detail of the witnesse's contribution.

I have some unsolcited advice for FC's coming jury duty. FC, if you get pulled into jury interviews just let them know at some point that you cannot be objective. I believe one of the reasons I was picked was because of another juror. He said our society was a letigous (spelling?) society, and the lawyer asking the questions jumped on that statement. He asked if anybody believed that all lawsuits were frivolous and a waste of time and money. Nobody answered, so I raised my hand. I told him, "I believe that there are frivolous lawsuits, but not all of them." Then he asked if I could set aside the existence of these "frivolous lawsuits" and give his client a fair trial. I answered confidently that yes I could. I think you're biggest problem is not that you will have a trial where you will have to rule against your moral judgement, but rather you may have a trial under a law you care absolutly nothing about. Therefore making you especially objective.

For all my complaining I thought it was a great experience. For anyone else who gets a jury summons don't shy away from it, instead take it as a an oportunity to learn.

P.S. FC if you happen to be summoned to the same courthouse as was I, may I suggest a hotdog from the courthouse's cafe?
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