The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME ONLY

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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by magikeh »

Oh dear, I can already feel my mind running away with this double dipping.

One thing that I have found difficult for many artisans that work alongside the mod creating texture packs and the such is the absolute horror that is getting McPatcher to work alongside BTW. The install process is convoluted and twisted at best, but really that style should be saved for within the gameplay itself.
In essence, my final suggestion here is to reach out to Khar and speak about the potential for including his 1.5.2 HD texture fix and associated patches in the BTW mod itself. Also, just the cherry on top would be allowing texture artists to insert custom models for blocks/entities into the game much like how the current Vanilla game handles that.

Thinking back as far as I can into the years of IRC these are the most pressing suggestions that I have heard from others and that have hit a soft spot with me.
Best of luck and thanks for opening the slew for us here ;)
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by Sarudak »

Hm. I hesitate to jump on this band wagon and my ask may be out of scope but I wish that there was something that kept my survival instincts going after sustainable food.

I really find my motivation diminishes after getting wheat setup. I know that I *can* go out and advance but I don't really feel any pressure to do so. I know that there's a few things like this (groth, blight) that bring pain along with advancing tech but I wish there was something you had to let out of pandoras box more midgame and the counter/antidote/solution was a continual pressure pushing you towards something at the end of the tech tree.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by Niyu »

One thing I always thought of was having different wood types needed for different blocks, for example jungle wood needed for axles and gearboxes for its flexibility, spruce for pumps for water resistant... it would incentivice farming/collecting all the different kind of trees. It would also keep the texture of the kind of wood used consistent with the block crafted.

The only problem i see would be wood in early game(shafts, workbenches and chests) and not sure if there are enough wood based blocks to make this worthwhile.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by destineternel »

Pumpkins are the OP item. Hemp seed drops are random and pumpkins are always 4 seeds. Maybe make pumpkins seed return random and make melons the more vaulable ones.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by jackatthekilns »

I would like to maybe see some tools (available mid to late game) that would assist in exploration. maybe allowing diamond tools to break crafting tables and furnaces intact. I hesitate to suggest backpack, if there was some way to limit how many could be carried and make them sufficiently expensive to craft. Also maybe some wayfinding placeables, in my head i;m thinking those signs that have several placards that say things like "Tokyo 200 miles" but any kind of landmark aid,again this would be something available mid to late game.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by Marasambala »

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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by DiamondArms »

The ability to rename things, like in a vMC dead weight.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by Equitis1024 »

destineternel wrote:Pumpkins are the OP item. Hemp seed drops are random and pumpkins are always 4 seeds. Maybe make pumpkins seed return random and make melons the more vaulable ones.
Seconding this. In the playthrough I started last month, as soon as I found pumpkins the food game was over. Granted, it took a long expedition to actually find the pumpkins, but overland exploration poses no real risks if you build proper hidey holes at night and don't linger in areas with wolves. I had penned a pair of cows for milk, built a tower for fishing, and built a brown mushroom farm but barely used any of those since pumpkin and chickens are far more efficient. I've been eating nothing but poached eggs since and don't even feel a push to find village crops.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by ryoloth »

FlowerChild wrote:..If there are any simple aesthetic blocks you guys want, now is a good time for that with the extend block ID thing being added. Sidings, mouldings, slabs, stairs, that kind of thing are quite easy for me to add in (in most cases.. glass being a possible exception)..
I was hesitant to post here, but with the being said, I do feel a need for mossy/cracked sub-blocks. I love to build with mossy/cracked stone but the lack of sub-blocks for these variants makes me use them less. Just my humble request, thanks for such a great game!
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by Skyte Aero »

I agree with some more storage block ideas. Things like spider eyes. The recent flesh and bone blocks have me rushing to finish the mob trap.

The other note would be some blocks that can be placed similar to logs. It's almost three blocks in one that you can change it's orientation. What blocks... I dunno. But that's a functionality I like.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by abculatter_2 »

EDIT: Wow this ended up being a much longer post then I anticipated... sorry about that lol

As a very heavily 'automate EVERYTHING'-focused player, there are a few things that I would sorta like to see, and had thought out systems over the years I've played this mod that I thought were interesting;

First, originally an idea for making bowls, (which I'm on the fence about whether or not that's a good idea to add. On the one hand, integrating a tree farm into my hearty stew production properly would be pretty damn awesome, especially if there were a lot of other automated things that also need wood, meaning I'd want to set up distribution systems via BTW automation. On the other hand, having to occasionally visit one's machine for 'maintenance' is pretty interesting as well, and also it gives a reason to save bowls and toss them into the system for recycling) I had an idea for somehow 'enslaving' villagers (probably through the breeding harness, maybe needing weakness and/or slowness effect?) and having them pick up nearby items to craft certain crafting-processed resources. Ideally no important 'finished products' would be makable by villager, only certain 'resource' items, such as 6 hemp fiber => 1 rope, sugar cane => wicker/paper, wicker block + 4 wool => wool block, mouldings => shafts, etc. This would require either a crafting table or an anvil adjacent to the villager, and for instances of ambiguity in recipe (such as with sugar canes) you can put moulds into this table/anvil to specify the recipe. (I know you can't put moulds into crafting tables, though, so probably have ambiguity default to a specific recipe?)
Certain recipes could also be easily gated by making it require a villager of a specific type and level to be enslaved, and also I like the idea of making it so that villagers will become 'exhausted' after crafting one or two recipes within a span of time, requiring them to be fed vegetarian foodstuffs or they'll eventually die from the exhaustion. That would give an incentive to automate things like donuts and bread, and peasant villagers would be a good candidate for allowing the automation of cake batter, raw pies, etc. so that you have the enslaved peasants feeding the enslaved bourgeois! All in the name of glorious PROGRESS!!
Another potential balancing point for the above, would be to make the villagers occasionally fail at the crafting, destroying some or all of the material in the process. This would make them not definitively better then Steve for crafting, but still useful for the highly automation-focused player, considering how many resources in BTW are 100% renewable.

Second, while I know that there are many issues with it and it's a rather difficult beast to address without introducing all kinds of problems, I've always wished there were some way to chunkload things in BTW. This actually led me to an idea for another problem, that of mob spawners being... kinda meh overall, though in a rather roundabout way, so I'll share both ideas at once;
The idea for mob spawners I had, was to replace them with Statues, one statue for every mob, and which completely replace the current mob spawners in functionality. However, rather then spewing out mobs when the player is close, they instead cause some kind of special effect on a large surrounding area, with the 'default' being to cause mob spawning in the area to become bias towards a particular mob, and also causing mobs spawned via this bias to be able to instead take up a global 'spawner mob cap' so that there can be more mobs then usual in an area with a statue. When the statue is broken by the player, however, it becomes 'Inert', thus causing it to have no effects, and being purely aesthetic. (making it useful for aesthetic purposes as well, for players who want such things) The player can re-activate it once placed by placing a set of items into an inert statue, such as a diamond + soul flux + soul urn, or a nether star, or the mob's head, whatever really. Only really matters for balance.
Certain mobs would, rather then or on top of biasing spawns in the area, cause special effects. An idea I had for the Bat statue, for example, was to make it cause bat spawns in the area to occasionally (or frequently?) spawn as 'Vampire Bats', which take up the hostile mob cap and are neutral to the player unless attacked, then they swarm like zombie pigmen do. They would also occasionally attack passive mobs that are nearby, especially when low on health. This would allow the player to make an area that has less normal hostile mobs, but also introducing a unique mob that they probably don't want around their base. You could also make these bats be possessable, and pass this along to passive mobs they attack. (would also make for an interesting possession of normal bats if they get possessed)
Special/rare statues would only spawn in 'Burial Mounds' in tundra/taiga biomes. These Burial Mounds would, ideally, be about as common as desert temples (maybe less, considering how large tundras tend to be) and I had this idea mainly to make tundra/taiga actually useful to explore in the mid-to-late game, as I found myself always avoiding filling them in on my maps, instead just skirting along their edge as much as possible. These mounds, in addition to having a bit of loot (those shiny new bone blocks/flesh blocks, maybe? And gold/diamonds beyond village abandonment range) would always have a statue at their center, usually common undead statues, though occasionally wolf or bat statues (or whatever you feel is most appropriate) and, rarely you'll find a Steve/Player Statue in one.
The Player Statue would always spawn deactivated and, when activated, would bind itself to the player who did so, removing previous ''soul bindings' such as the SFS beacon and other player statues, and causing one hour (or a specific number of Minecraft days) of chunkloading in the area around it, in the exact same way that the player would cause if they were standing in that spot. Using a soul urn or some other renewable (maybe expensive though? Like one of any arcane scroll, or a wither skull?) on it would restart the chunkloader countdown, thus requiring the player to at least occasionally visit the area again to keep the loading going. For servers, a player who logged out would have their statue also instantly deactivate. As I said earlier, I know chunkloading is a prickly thing, though, so I dunno if this is a great idea? I figure this would probably be the closest thing to a good way of doing it that I can think of, though, other then making the player statue instead temporarily move the original spawn point's chunkloading to the location statue, though that would cause issues in servers. I do feel like some form of chunkoading, ideally in the late game, would be worth having in BTW, as it allows players more lee-way to branch out and build things outside of already developed areas, without feeling like you're wasting valuable chunkloading-time.

Thirdly, the railways thread that was posted recently on the forums gave me some more specific, suggestion-ideas that I thought were interesting, and probably more appropriate for this thread then there;
Personally, I feel that the way that minecarts work right now, as far as functionality in automation goes, is actually pretty spot-on. They provide something useful, without completely replacing anything. Except maybe elevators, though that could fixed by making minecarts with chests that contain items have a severe penalty to speed when going up a hill, to the point of being unable to go up even a single block. Other carts would also have similar upward drag increases. This could also be improved with another idea I had, which was to either make the current booster tracks significantly more expensive (normal track + latch maybe?) and add an alternative, much less expensive track (gear + rope + track?) which uses mechanical power to boost minecarts instead of redstone. Alternatively, booster tracks could be made to simply use mechanical power, without a new track being added.
The main thing that I think could be done to improve minecarts, imo, is to make them less finicky and more stable/intuitive in movement in general, possibly add a new track or block or two to help with that, (I don't have any specific ideas for this atm though) and possibly to add a way to 'tip' over minecarts using mechanical power, similar to how you tip over a cauldron or crucible. This would cause minecarts to immediately dump 100% of their contents, but in a neater way then the current block dispenser method, probably putting them all in the block adjacent to the cart. This would make them useful as an expensive but flexible way to bus items around, but completely useless for sorting, and making them require mechanical power would make them probably overkill for small-scale projects where simply using a water stream would be easier and cheaper.
Also, I feel that the recipe for minecart tracks should use a lot more wood per track then it currently does. And also use mouldings. (I forget if you've already done this?) It just feels... wrong to get 16 tracks out of one shaft.
EDIT2: Had an idea for introducing better flow control to railways, by making mechanical boosters be one-way boosters, that stop carts that are going the wrong way and push them in the right direction, while regular boosters work as two-way boosters, as they do now.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by ion »

most mobs can be sorted before killing them with some ingenious solution so i don't see a need for a hopper sorting system

i'm a sucker for aesthetics so i would like to sub blocks for blood wood, white cobble and the stone stairs.
also i don't really like some trades with the villagers and the cost of them. ex: by the time i get a blacksmith i kill him outright as i'll have access to all that he is selling from my mob trap as i value emeralds higher. librarian high level trades with lens block. lens block requires diamond and i can get a new villager ( librarian) by spending diamonds.
trading with the new one would net me more emeralds that trading 2 lens blocks. maybe just add an always random buying slot and the 5 level of every villager

EDIT: SFS armour immunity to poison and food poisoning. those jungle spiders really hit fast and hard even with full armour on
Last edited by ion on Fri Feb 02, 2018 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by VivaGabe! »

I wish there was a storage block for milk (besides a bunch of buckets in a chest).

A scaffold block would be nice.

I LOVE the new sail mechanic but it makes mapping more difficult (as was pointed out in the first post). Maybe adding a boat with a sail as a new type of boat?

Adding a bit more alchemy would be cool. Being able to be a mad scientist and create things from other things.

Making fireworks explode instead of fizzle out would be nice.
Last edited by VivaGabe! on Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by Mbossa »

FlowerChild wrote:If there are any simple aesthetic blocks you guys want, now is a good time for that with the extend block ID thing being added.
Alphabet blocks! Just normal wooden blocks with a letter painted on them (A-Z, 0-9, and arrows for the eight cardinal directions). That way we can make giant signs that can be seen from a much greater distance than Signs.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by FlowerChild »

I had to stop reading when I hit abculatter's above as I'm in a bit of a rush right now, but while I've got a whack of interesting ideas here, these two were really suggestions after my own heart that I wanted to specifically comment on:
destineternel wrote:Pumpkins are the OP item. Hemp seed drops are random and pumpkins are always 4 seeds. Maybe make pumpkins seed return random and make melons the more vaulable ones.
YES!!!! I was saying something about how pumpkins were the bane of my existence awhile back in a stream chat. I'm still pondering that one, but I am most assuredly on it :)
Sarudak wrote:I know that there's a few things like this (groth, blight) that bring pain along with advancing tech but I wish there was something you had to let out of pandoras box more midgame and the counter/antidote/solution was a continual pressure pushing you towards something at the end of the tech tree.
Huh. That's a cool idea man. Maybe a slight repurposing and reordering of the tech tree is worth considering. With blight in particular, I was so timid about it that I relegated it to a portion of the tree that I suspect few people ever see.

Other stand out items (in a bit of a rush, so don't take offense if I don't cover your suggestion):

-Lighting and animal collision bugs bad. They're both vanilla, and a huge pain to fix (I've done at least cursory inspections of the code several times, and it's a heavily obfuscated mess in both cases, which makes it very hard to work with), but I really should bite the bullet get on that. Maybe I'll try to spend this weekend on at least one of them. The second actually stalled a bunch of features I planned to do a couple of years back as it made further refinement of animal behavior problematic if they would just keep dying due to bugs. Since that's limiting gameplay development right now, maybe that's what I'll hit first.

-Super sub-blocks: Not necessarily any more feasible with extended block IDs. Would either require tile entities, which was the big difference between my approach and RedPower's WAY back in the day (I refused to use tile entities because of the associated performance cost), OR, it would take me 16 block IDs for each type (smoothstone, oak, pine, etc.) of subblock. While I now have 4000 at my disposal, you will notice that if I were to take 16 IDs per block (which wouldn't actually be the case in practice, just providing the example), that would divide my 4000 back into the original 256 :)

I am also not certain I am down with that design wise either. As many of you may remember, I always considered building design constraints to be a big part of what made Minecraft as fun as it is, and years of playing newer games with more free form building has only further convinced me of that.

As an aside, same with the 3 width or variable size nether portals someone mentioned. For those same design constraint reasons, I think I actually got in a mild argument with Dinnerbone on Twitter about that being a bad idea when Mojang implemented it :)

Gotta run. More later.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by Niyu »

For the hopper minecart thing. The current block dispenser to empty the car would be great if items didn't get thrown all over the place, even going through walls. An alternative way to do this, as expensive and bluky as the current system, that allowed to safely drop the items from thecart would be great.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by dawnraider »

magikeh wrote:Aesthetic block suggestions? By Cthulhu's tentacle you really have gone off the deep end! But fear not, I will try to make use of this situation.
One thing in decorating that has had me wanting for a while is the sub block system you currently have setup. Currently we have the sub blocks sidings, mouldings, and corners. My biggest irk is that they, while all visually less than the size of a single block, each takes up the space of a single block.
Long story short here, I'd like the ability to place corners as micro blocks within a single block space, so if I wanted the effect of a moulding I'd simply place two corners atop each other, or drop down a slab/siding and carve out two of the edge blocks.
Why would someone want something like this? To have a finer grain of control for how things look in the sub block space, without having to worry about the auto connections that currently exist.

Tldr; chisel-n-bits
I remember a long time ago when FC did that interview with Battosay, shortly after leaving Forge, he had some issues with that. Namely the sheer amount of janky base class edits that it took for Red Power to have that, which was a contributing factor to why FC left Forge, from how bloated it became. Given that, while it would be cool, I don't know that that would be possible. Though I do wish there were a little more options (sideways stair block?).
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by Sarudak »

FlowerChild wrote:Huh. That's a cool idea man. Maybe a slight repurposing and reordering of the tech tree is worth considering. With blight in particular, I was so timid about it that I relegated it to a portion of the tree that I suspect few people ever see.

I wanted to expand on this a little bit. I was imagining something that as a singular event in the world would permanently add some new difficulty/danger to the game. It would also have to be a tech tree gate or no one will go for it. Imagine if after you open your first nether portal some new dangerous mob starts spawning or from that point forward you might get ambushed by endermen assassins occasionally or perhaps Steve contracts some kind of soul corruption and has to consume some expensive medicine to ward it off (although arguably this might be considered just food all over again). Not sure if any of those would give the right feeling (or heck maybe all of them could happen). In any case it seems the first nether portal is so thematically and mechanically appropriate as a game changer. You wanted the power, you choose to breach the barrier to hell, you were just starting to feel confident, now is the perfect time for BTW to kick you in the nuts. :)

Critically whatever it is should not avoidable simply because you have forewarning. For example if you just changed nether portals to spawn blight I can just build mine out in the ocean or turn it off when not in use. Neither of those require tech advancement. Also it needs to be a required step to advance up the tech tree or people like me will avoid it (like how I've never made an SFS beacon because, you know, blight) plus you need to be able to balance late game tech against the increased danger.

As I said though what I'm imagining might be out of scope for what you want to tackle.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by magikeh »

I believe I may have not put it as quaint as I had it in my head, please allow me to explain further. The idea was to essentially have a single 1m*1m block sub divided into 8 parts of a single type (much to match the visual of the current implementation of corners)
When users craft siding or moulding it would really be a group of corners or such that would have the ability to be placed all at once. (for the sake of efficiency)
As for implementation I saw it working on the basis of using a single 8bit value which just packs the 'present' or 'not' values of the corners of the associated block. This would allow for a single id to be consumed per block type (oak, spruce, stone,...)
This was also to potentially free up additional id's in that we'd be able to collapse stairs, full blocks, slabs and the current decorative blocks into a single id.
The intent was never to allow users to place more than one type of block in a single 1m*1m area. (I have this is something I incorrectly got across earlier)

However on further reflection of implementation with the IRC I realized that the meta values of blocks are in fact a 4 bit and not 8 bit value which royally screws up this whole idea. As I don't think that extending the block class just to add 4 bits to a value is easy as it sounds (I have a feeling the anvil save format is tightly packed as it is because it can make assumptions about certain things)
HOWEVER, this is a suggestion thread and I have done just that earlier. It's not my place to be suggesting what you do with your time instead :D Thanks again for letting us play with your design ideas man!
Magical Shit
Syruse|Work: i like magic shit
MagikEh: ...
MagikEh: >.>
MagikEh: <.<
»» MagikEh walks to the bathroom
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Syruse|Work: wait
MagikEh: xD
Syruse|Work: fuck
Syruse|Work: NO
Syruse|Work: DONT
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by dawnraider »

Sarudak wrote:
FlowerChild wrote:Huh. That's a cool idea man. Maybe a slight repurposing and reordering of the tech tree is worth considering. With blight in particular, I was so timid about it that I relegated it to a portion of the tree that I suspect few people ever see.

I wanted to expand on this a little bit. I was imagining something that as a singular event in the world would permanently add some new difficulty/danger to the game. It would also have to be a tech tree gate or no one will go for it. Imagine if after you open your first nether portal some new dangerous mob starts spawning or from that point forward you might get ambushed by endermen assassins occasionally or perhaps Steve contracts some kind of soul corruption and has to consume some expensive medicine to ward it off (although arguably this might be considered just food all over again). Not sure if any of those would give the right feeling (or heck maybe all of them could happen). In any case it seems the first nether portal is so thematically and mechanically appropriate as a game changer. You wanted the power, you choose to breach the barrier to hell, you were just starting to feel confident, now is the perfect time for BTW to kick you in the nuts. :)

Critically whatever it is should not avoidable simply because you have forewarning. For example if you just changed nether portals to spawn blight I can just build mine out in the ocean or turn it off when not in use. Neither of those require tech advancement. Also it needs to be a required step to advance up the tech tree or people like me will avoid it (like how I've never made an SFS beacon because, you know, blight) plus you need to be able to balance late game tech against the increased danger.

As I said though what I'm imagining might be out of scope for what you want to tackle.

So basically a Terraria Hardmode kind of thing? That would certainly be pretty cool.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by MrLemon »

Disable Hardcore Buckets. Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait!

In Vanilla I've been trying out using lava instead of torches to light caves and it is a pretty interesting change that reminds me a bit of some of the early game survival/resource management/building stuff in BTW. It can get a little tedious but it is fun to try and maximize each lava bucket and make paths to and from lava pools. I think it creates some interesting building decisions to make while caving and at least the way I play I end up pushing out my range more slowly and developing the cave more.

The issue is that you almost never want to do this because you already have plenty of torches by the time you are exploring at the lava level, and it is impossible anyway in BTW because of HCB. So my suggestion is to make coal not spawn below a certain level and disable HCB for lava to lower level cave exploration more interesting.

Honestly, I'm not sure if that is actually the best way to implement something like this though. The game is so complex and changing these things would probably throw a lot of other things out of wack. Coal would be less valuable now, and rarer, pre-diamond nether portal construction would be easier, above ground lightning might be easier with access to lava, etc. In the end it might be too big of a change for a relatively small gain, but I think it's interesting to think down these lines.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by Frantiq »

Newly registered, but I've been playing and browsing the forums sporadically for a few years.

I'll start by echoing magikeh - MCPatcher is a nightmare. I can't play MC without Better Grass, antialiasing, and mipmapping, so I'm stuck with it. Incorporating those features somehow would make a gargantuan difference. Obviously it doesn't affect gameplay once things are set up, but I really, really hate the MCPatcher install process. I'm also always paranoid that a new release is going to break MCPatcher compatibility, or at least some part of it.

Other things I really want to see:
  • Fix the lighting bug.
  • Push the render distance out further.
  • Punish AFKing. Maybe by making hunger penalties steeper if the player looks like they are AFKing. As it is, AFKing is the easiest way to skip night and get hemp + furnaced resources.
  • Change health regen. If it's early/mid game and I'm at the bottom of a cave at half a heart, my absolute best option is to make a 2x1 and tab out to Netflix. Even if you punish AFKing, I don't see what else the player should do in this situation. My fix? If the player takes damage that drops them below a set threshold (let's say 4 hearts), temporarily lower their max health. Make the effect stack, and last a few in-game days. Or, you could make it require a craftable to fix. Give relatively fast regen back to (now adjusted) max health if the player hasn't taken damage in 30 seconds or so. That way, there won't be rapid regen during combat. If that's not enough punishment, you could also make regen sap hunger quickly.
Edit: brevity
Last edited by Frantiq on Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:15 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by the_fodder »

Wow. Four back to back updates and now a feature request thread. This is Christmas!

First I want to thank you for a great game. I say game as to me Better Than Wolves IS Minecraft. I haven’t been able to play anything else since I found it. I’m always impressed by the way you can make the game challenging without resorting to unnecessary over complexity, take for example how the ‘tinker furnace’ was described in a recent post. I’m glad you have been bitten by the Minecraft bug again and are able to work on it. is my list of demands, um requests. Bullet pointed in case any veer too far from request you can skip to the next.

Dear Satan
  • Expand the bookcase range for Enchanting table.
    • I hate the cube we have to build for level 15. Nothing as big as infernal, but encouraging build expecting expand and upgrade.
  • Armor stands.
  • Name tags or ability to rename items.
    • I want to call my sword the kindness , is that too much to ask?
  • Ability to put double chests next to each other.
  • Stop the torch spam with more Decorative lighting options, possibly even better lights.
    • in wall alcoves; placing candles on half slab/ stairs?
    • Candle in picture frame.
    • Tiki torches
  • A fight or flight option at low health, like a boost of adrenaline or a mom lifting a car off their infant.something.
    • Currently if you are gravely wounded there is really no reason to fight back. As you are move so slow anything can catch up to you and you do very little damage, if any, you are better off try to put your stuff in a chest with your last seconds than fight back.
  • Incentivize late game resources gathering. After a mob trap mining iron ore is neer pointless.
  • Revisit how the string & stake work. With the current mechanics i end up placing the string 3 or 4 times and might as well count out spaces with torches.
    • Imagining something like the hot bar system the bow and arrow uses. The number by the string is reduced by the distance you are from the first stake but not placed in world until a second stake is used or you run out of string. Then it goes everywhere like when you break it now.
  • Quality of life improvement. minimize time jumping between menus by adding the ability to use certain items from within your inventory (look at map / eat food /drink potion).
  • I see why you don’t want to Micro block everything. Mid game I end up using wood moulding as impromptu stairs, but having an early dirt stair option would be nice.
  • A way to move large amount of items at once. Like a pack mules or llamas. Slower movement and requires fuel(wheat) or they become more unruly and near impossible to control.
    Something that will break my fall when I inevitably fall off the tower I am building.
  • Rabbits :)
Echoing what others have requested.
  • (echoing Frantiq, echoing magikeh) The horror of getting McPatcher working alongside BTW.
    More Aesthetic blocks for the builders.
    • Colored Glass, sand, hard materials
  • While I agree with keeping the nether portal restrictions, it would be nice to have an odd and even option.
  • Furnace minecarts need some love and a way to connect them together.
    • Powerrails feel like a waste of gold.
    • The mechanical option suggested earlier could be interesting and could be an opportunity for the pulley to get more use.
  • Bottle or barrels of milk for storage.
  • The idea behind the ‘sharpened flint pickaxe’ suggestion. It would be nice to have a small step up when you have an established base but not quite out of the stone age.
  • The ‘half dead’ waiting game you play in a 2x1 box regening health.
It's FC mod, he just lets us play it.
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by FlowerChild »

magikeh wrote: However on further reflection of implementation with the IRC I realized that the meta values of blocks are in fact a 4 bit and not 8 bit value which royally screws up this whole idea. As I don't think that extending the block class just to add 4 bits to a value is easy as it sounds (I have a feeling the anvil save format is tightly packed as it is because it can make assumptions about certain things)
Yup, hence what I was about the 16 block IDs this would take without tile ents. You'd essentially have the 4 bits of metadata, and require an additional 4 bits, or 16 values on top of that.

Will catch up on the rest of the posts here in a bit, but that one just jumped out at me :)
MrLemon wrote:Disable Hardcore Buckets. Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait!
Thank you for coming up with such an effective demonstration of why this is a "limited time only" thread :)
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Re: The Feature Request / Suggestion Thread - LIMITED TIME O

Post by FlowerChild »

abculatter_2 wrote:EDIT: Wow this ended up being a much longer post then I anticipated... sorry about that lol
Sorry dude... can't do it. Tried several times to read your post in detail and kept waking up standing over yet another corpse with no recollection of how I got there.

I think I got the gist of most of it (maybe?), but if you feel strongly about any of them I'd really suggest bullet pointing them and avoiding the explanations of why you're suggesting each, or the pros and cons involved.