Witcher 3

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Witcher 3

Post by kregoth »

No one here has really mentioned it, but I wanted to leave some praise for such a great game. It's not perfect, but I am more than happy, and can't wait to dive further into the game.

The narrative is top notch, every quest is well written and enjoyable. I have yet to feel like I was on a fetch quest (lots of doing favors for information though) but it was all so engrossing. Even Geralt shows how much he hates doing half the shit people ask of him. The game never lets you feel like a hero, you're just a guy passing through in a really troubled land. You're always kind of broke and you don't get much gold, so it really sells that "you're in a war torn land" hell most people think you're some crazy madman.

Combat is great, though I recommend raising the difficulty. Difficulty at first just modifies damage and whether or not you heal while meditating, but it actually makes you use more of the games systems to give yourself the advantage and even out a fight. Generally you want to prepare for each mission/quest, reading a monsters bestiary is vitally important. and making sure you're potions and armor are stocked and repaired. I've had to run from fights more than towards them, at least in the earlier levels.

Graphics are great and at just about every level. not going to really get into it, as it's not what really makes this game great. It is very pretty though, my graphics card is a generation behind the minimum requirements, but I was able to get everything on high at a 720p resolution on my geforce 560ti.

I highly recommend you get this game, and more is coming with all it free and paid DLC. even new quests and a few interesting fixes. Like how they "fixed" the cow exploit, where if you keep killing them eventually a nasty monster attacks you.

Anyone else here own it? What are your thoughts?
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Re: Witcher 3

Post by Wibbles »

I really, really wanted to buy witcher 3 in the steam sale. Gods how I struggled resisting hitting the buy button. Sadly, finances are tight and I just can't afford it. 10% off just wasn't enough justification to buy it at that price.

Did however pick up witcher 2, as that was very heavily reduced - and I'm having a blast. Probably having more fun with it than I had with skyrim. It's certainly more geared towards adults, that much is for sure (and I appreciate that). The humour is more refined, the story is rich and the graphics & voice acting are superb. And if it's true that witcher 3 does an even better job then I just can't wait for another sale. Maybe christmas?
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Re: Witcher 3

Post by Wafflewaffle »

Been playing Witcher since the first one (ow the terrible cluncky combat brings memories of so many rage quits) and i needed every muscle in my body to not pick it up. You see The Witcher 3, GTA V, Batman and probably Fallout 4 made me realise that my PC cant run current games anymore and that means an upgrade, which means spending money i could use to do other stuff right now, like eating.

So i decided to make the right choice, save some bucks for Xcom2 later this year which i believe i'll be able to run just fine, upgrade my machine next year and buy all this wonderfull games on a good discount then.
Oh great, now nothing can stop the inbred train

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