Thank you, FlowerChild

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Thank you, FlowerChild

Post by Project2100 »

Thank you for the Hardcore beacons. This very feature pushed (actually, rushed would be a better verb) me to fight Withers, instead of just ignoring them.

I mean, I've been around since 3.52, and I'm the type of later that tends to hoard raw materials while being overly cautious at not squandering a single item, thus I tended to see a mob like the Wither as a true nightmare.
With 4.50 I just went nuts, made me an Obsidian arena, and slain 2 Withers (for now... *evil grin*), and had a blast with it.

Oh, and when I finally built a couple pyramids, I was greeted with a surprise, thought I would share:

I take great pride from my mob trap. It's probably the only thing in my world that is truly automated, and it surely is inefficient as hell, but I'm really proud of it.
For aesthetics, I wanted to make use of the void fog underground and give it a "dark & forgotten" feel. However, after building a glowstone beacon, well...
...let's say that from "spooky", it went straight to "heavenly" xD

Come to think, I wanted to put marble columns instead of stone ones, but the dragon (or rather, my fear for it) still kept me from visiting the End... things may change abruptly with the recent happenings :)

So, again, thank you very much, for the beacons- no, for everything. Thank you for making this game awesome.

P.S.: Damn, 1hr to write this? The shyness is killing me...
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Re: Thank you, FlowerChild

Post by Benanov »

It caused us to fight the wither on Wasteland, and it was a blast. Turned an optional fight into a worthwhile one for us.
There's only one V in my name, thanks.

<TaterBoy> I figured out why there's so much lag. We have too much iron.
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Re: Thank you, FlowerChild

Post by FlowerChild »

Excellent! Glad people are getting some enjoyment out of it :)
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Re: Thank you, FlowerChild

Post by xou816 »

Wow, your buildings are absolutely awesome! That's really a neat idea using the void fog.
Great job :)
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