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Do you have a ticket to Pony Island?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 10:00 am
by kazerima
After my gf started watching a let's play series of Pony Island, I knew I had to play it after the first five minutes or so. It's extremely short, only about two hours of gameplay, but I very much enjoyed the experience and treated it like a two hour movie. It goes on steam for $5 normally, so it wasn't a big cost either. Has anyone else been to Pony Island and what were their thoughts?

Re: Do you have a ticket to Pony Island?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 2:13 pm
by Katalliaan
I've watched someone play it, and it was definitely interesting. However, from what I'd seen, it's one of those games where you really want to know as little as possible about it before you start playing.