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Dying near original spawn is unfair

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:18 pm
by woeuntoyou
Normally, you have all of the time in the world to get your items back provided that they weren't destroyed (in lava or from creepers or something) but not near original spawn. Because certain number of chunks stay loaded near original spawn, dying there almost certainly mean your items will despawn unless you get back in 5 minutes, which is very unlikely.

Happened to me more than a few times already and they weren't really a big deal until my most latest one when I died from a creeper just outside my fenced up base after I got back from a three hour exploration and lost tons of valuable items including an enchantment table, a brewing stand, a vessel of the dragon, some carrots and potatoes, and many more.

Re: Dying near original spawn is unfair

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:25 pm
by FlowerChild
This is balanced by original spawn being a great place to build mob-traps and other automation due to it being constantly loaded, and by the fact that if you build near spawn, recovery from death is generally much easier.

So no, I don't consider it unfair. There are advantages and drawbacks to it, and it also fits into the mod's back story. I'd say it also increases the value of infrastructure such as roads and rails as recovering quickly from death becomes a real consideration.

I've considered in the past making items dropped on death disappear after a fixed time regardless of whether they are loaded or not, but it sounds like that's the opposite of what you'd like here :P

Re: Dying near original spawn is unfair

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 11:46 am
by Sarudak
FlowerChild wrote:I've considered in the past making items dropped on death disappear after a fixed time regardless of whether they are loaded or not, but it sounds like that's the opposite of what you'd like here :P
That would be great! It would remove the gaminess of thinking "No rush I dropped my stuff in the nether so the chunks won't be loaded."