Better than Seasons Proposal.

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Better than Seasons Proposal.

Post by Panda »

Better than season proposal.

*This mod will add no new blocks or items currently.

Better than season adds the four seasons to the game. Each of these seasons is designed to have an implication to how you play and mainly harvest during each one. The mechanics will work as follows:
Each season will affect the grass and leaves colors. This will be done with a color gradient change (how vanilla effects the colors of the biomes) Summer will be the default gradient, fall will be orange and browns and spring will be brighter and slightly more blue tinted grass and finally winter will be a darker muddy greenish gradient.
Each season will be 30 minecraft days. You will start on spring day 1.
Spring will have a much higher amount of storms and rain. During winter every biome except desert will snow and accumulate snow, however, water block will not turn to ice except in biomes that already do so, which is done to prevent breaking peoples existing setups. During the winter snow will be able to accumulate more than the normal half block, meaning you could potentially have a crazy amount of snow during winter over your head (Get ready to shovel snow kids!). During spring the snow melts in all biomes even taigas. Summer and fall will have the same ratio of storms and rain as default. During fall leaves will fall from trees and accumulate on the ground. Much like how they did in the previous deco add-on.
Spring will have normal growth rates. Summer will have higher growth rates for wheat, hemp and melons. Fall will have higher harvest rates for pumpkins, potatoes and carrots. Winter will have horrible growth rates for everything with pumpkins and potatoes only being slightly cut back by comparison (you better store food for the winter!).
Please keep in mind that this is only in the proposal stage currently and I would like feedback.
During winter you have a chance the get 'frost bite' if you are in an area with low light levels (aka anywhere the doesn't have fire from torches, furnaces or glowstone) which will effect you very similarly to being wounded. To prevent this wear wool, hemp or leather armor. Heavy metal armors will help but it can still happen.
Never say no to Panda.
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Re: Better than Seasons Proposal.

Post by woeuntoyou »

Yes, love the idea. Someone make this happen please.
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Re: Better than Seasons Proposal.

Post by FlowerChild »

Add-ons operate under a different set of rules from when you were last here Panda due to some unfortunate incidents that have occurred. They basically require permission, and I'm not giving that out anymore.

Closing this down as it can serve no purpose as a result.