New Release! (BTW V4.8914)

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Re: New Release! (BTW V4.8914)

Post by TallTyrionLannister »

Dude, how is it you fix things i never even realized were busted?
jack-o-lanterns... brewing stands...

I can honestly say all of your contributions have elevated my MC.

As a side note: have you realized how epicly long tech progression has gotten with all of these major and minor early game updates you've been implementing? I'm currently on an odyssey to find a nether fortress, which, after the recent updates to nether portal-mob interaction, caused me to break my main portal to the nether and relink with a new one about 200 blocks away from my base... which led to a side project construction of a road (major project as I reside in a snow biome and have to build a covered walkway). Inside the nether I'm going through a lot more iron picks as I have to swiss cheese my way through the walls, which has resulted in a lot more mining (more deaths... more side projects of HC spawn base building). All of this has motivated me to be more efficient with resources along the way... more time. I'm LOVING it.
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Re: New Release! (BTW V4.8914)

Post by FlowerChild »

Wow. Surprised at how much love the brewing stand change is getting :)

It's only more of short term measure in my books. I'm not so keen on the brewing stand being the only non-craftable crafting station, if you catch my drift, as I think that feels slightly inconsistent with the rest of the game. HOWEVER, it did fit my goals of how I wanted it to relate to gameplay (and witches).

Anyways, will keep pondering it. There's something about it that's still nagging at me.

Also glad to hear no problems reported on the line of sight code this morning. Given it was such a fundamental change to the game, I was a tad nervous about the potential trouble it could cause :)
JakeZKAM wrote: Oh and I tried out the Golem changes as well and did a little testing, so yeah Iron Golems are pretty Badass and Snow Golems are still horrible but the sound effects are pretty cool :D. But seriously Iron Golems tear through absolutely everything, and the only thing they seem to have issues with are spiders and endermen.
Keep in mind here that I just changed the creation method and added in a few effects. I didn't touch the behavior of them at all, and will unlikely do so.

I've largely been pretending golems don't exist, as I've never really liked them, but someone pointed out the other day on MCF that their recipe was really off in relation to everything else in BTW, and I could at least concede that point.

So yeah, just a quick little pass to make them slightly more consistent with everything else, even if I still don't consider them to be really part of the game proper.
TallTyrionLannister wrote: As a side note: have you realized how epicly long tech progression has gotten with all of these major and minor early game updates you've been implementing?
Hehe...well, yes :)

I've been playing through my own world as I go here. You'll notice the changes I'm making have been getting higher and higher in the tech tree as I perform this final balance pass, and that's because a lot of times I'm actually tweaking things as I play.

The brewing stand thing is a good example, because I got to the point where I wanted one for my own world and that lead me to thinking about the method of obtaining one which was basically a non-event given my other activities in finding a nether-fortress for various mod tech. A lot of times I put off actually attaining a goal for myself until I am satisfied with the method of attaining it.

Anyways, suffice it to say I'm very much aware of how extended the tech progression has become as I'm playing right along with it :)
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Re: New Release! (BTW V4.8914)

Post by JakeZKAM »

FlowerChild wrote:
Keep in mind here that I just changed the creation method and added in a few effects. I didn't touch the behavior of them at all, and will unlikely do so.

I've largely been pretending golems don't exist, as I've never really liked them, but someone pointed out the other day on MCF that their recipe was really off in relation to everything else in BTW, and I could at least concede that point.

So yeah, just a quick little pass to make them slightly more consistent with everything else, even if I still don't consider them to be really part of the game proper.
Yup I got that from the Changelog, I just had never really tried out using golems before and wanted to see the new sound effects. It was just a side effect that I found out they tear through mobs like butter :P.
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