7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by DerAlex »

FlowerChild wrote:I think it far more likely that someone just got a little carried away in describing their physics-based camera system :)
I think it describes the (new?) tanky and sluggish camera-movement-system-thingy. I don't know if it was because I played other, faster games in the past few months, but the first hour back in 7DTD felt really bad. The movement somehow just feels off, and I can't exactly put my finger on the "why", just generally delayed and not very precise. I don't know if this was always the case. Like walking through pudding with a dash of ARMA. Also, jumping or more precisely landing is very strange. The camera is violently shaking upon landing, like when you jump on a trampoline and then want to stop bouncing really fast... hard to describe, at least without using the word "spazzing". And when you crouch, suddenly you are moving like a boat... all kinds of strange

I addition to what Renegrade said:
The game runs great... I had a stable 60 FPS, which I never had in 7DTD, ever. Content-wise... I don't know... The item quality thing is interesting, I feared they would make the old version of the item the baseline, and by leveling up you can make even better stuff, but that's not the case at all. The first tree I chopped down took 2 of my crappy lowest level stone axes, for example. The game also is a lot harder, I died in the second night on top of a hardware store. Melee combat is still a mess, dodgy hit detection on both sides, with weapon and zombie ranges impossible to predict. The world itself looks much more natural, worldgen is really coming along. It's nice to see cars on the roads now, for example. Also, POIs don't seem to be as ridiculously big as before.

I have to play more for a better summary, but as of now, I don't think they 1.6'd the game yet.

I started a new game, and on day 3 I have 2 augers, a chainsaw, a "flawless" pistol and a "great" hunting rifle. After that, I took an hour long walk because the weather is amazing right now, and I thought about A11 for a bit. It's the old 7DTD problem of great ideas burried in bad balancing. This game makes me angry like no other because there is so much wasted oppurtunity. I'll spoiler my rant, because I tend do get a bit rambly, and I don't want to clog up the thread, but I have to vent somewhere :D. Also I write about the new game mechanics in detail, and whoever wants to experience and discover them for themself, you have been warned.
I was skeptical at first about the whole leveled crafting thing, but I now love it. How it works is this: Every item you can craft has a quality level of 1-599. If you craft something, the game takes your level, multiplies it by 10, and RNGs from +50 to -50, and the result is the quality level of the item. For example, at level 10, you craft an item with a quality between 50 and 150. For reference, I was about lvl 11 after 3 days of play, WITH an auger, which one shots everything, so I did quite a bit of killing. According to a dev, the standard quality of items in A10 and before would equal about quality level 400.

Every 100 quality levels, the item gets a different quality class, e.g. 1-99 is faulty, then poor, good, fine, great and flawless, so there are 6 different quality ranges, but every single quality level counts, somewhat. A quality lvl 45 stone axe is worse than a level 53 for example, even though they are both considered "faulty".

So, the best thing you craft at the beginning of the game is the worst thing you can craft with bad luck at about lvl 11. That's a soft progression that was simply not there before. The quality of the item affects the entity damage, block damage, durability for weapons, guns and tools. For armor it affects the absorbtion of damage, as well as the durability (At least they would if armor would be finally fixed, but as far as I can tell, it isn't. As in nothing loses durability apart from the gloves, and on reddit they speculate that the damage absorbtion does not work ether).

Same thing goes for weapon parts. You find weapons as well as weapon parts in the world, as before. But every part now has a quality of 1-599 as well, and this data is stored inside the weapon. If you craft a pistol with 2 flawless parts (quality 500+) and 2 faulty parts (quality 1-99), the resulting weapon has a quality of ~300, but more importantly, for example the accuracy rating of the stock, the damage value of the pistol gun parts, and the effective range value of the barrel and so on. And if you find a part that has better stats than the part you have in your gun, you can disassemble it and change the part. In 7DTD I always cherish my gun, especcially in BTGB, so this addition I really love.

My problems with both of these new system is that the rest of the game does not seem to be balanced around this, at all. There seems to be no propability curve or something like that. You find items with quality 1 as well as quality 599. Everything is equal, propability wise. Why ever care about crafting new weapons when the flawless quality 577 hunting knife you found at level 2 will be useful to you for the rest of the game? How can it be possible that I have a top tier hunting rifle (quality 500+) and a 2nd best tier pistol (500+) after 3 days of play? Why do I have 2 augers and a chainsaw with loot abundancy 25%? This breaks EVERYTHING. I'm done, basically. Progression is over.

And now we come full circle. Maybe this is what they want to do with leveled loot. They can't possibly playtest this build for weeks and think that the system right now is anything other than broken. Maybe the goal of the coming leveled loot system isn't high level players finding higher loot, but low level players NOT finding high level loot. With this in mind, I'm not against the new system, on the contrary, I actually look forward to it. In my opinion, this is good for the meta game in the long run. If their approach to character progression and gated skills/content is the best one possible, I don't know, I doubt it, but I could see it work. Augers and chainsaws need reworking, they are gamebreaking and let you skip the whole progression, but now I'm nitpicking, and this can also be done via mods.

Leveled loot, as opposed to leveled crafting, is NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. This is exactly what I said in one of my previous post, the pimps implement codependent systems one after another, and in the mean time the game is flat out broken... See you in Alpha 12, I guess :D
My recommendation: skip this, wait for Alpha 12 / leveled loot
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by Renegrade »

FlowerChild wrote: Yeah...I dunno man. Reading over the change log isn't really doing much for me. I'll definitely give it a try at some point in the next week or so, but I'm not exactly feeling excited about it.
It is indeed very "meh" overall. The increased challenge is nice, and gating the hated crossbow is nice too (requires leather tanning and forge ahead books and materials). I think the average framerate has improved but some of the animation is recorded with very sparse samples and not interpolated or something (gives a 'grindy/framey' feeling). The new systems are "meh", and the caves are everywhere and a bit buggy (I was able to seal one over by placing a frame over it - it restored the original surface blocks, as if they were still there, just passable to people).

You're definitely not missing out on some gameplay revolution, so definitely no rush :)
devak wrote:It seems that they're aiming at Borderlands: Zombie Survival.
Yeah, definitely. They even mentioned Borderlands in the title (although I don't think you can make your own guns in Borderlands, that all happens internally only). Not to say Borderlands was a bad title (I rather enjoyed the first, although the second didn't really do it for me for some reason)...
DerAlex wrote: I started a new game, and on day 3 I have 2 augers, a chainsaw, a "flawless" pistol and a "great" hunting rifle. After that, I took an hour long walk because the weather is amazing right now, and I thought about A11 for a bit.
Bur? Wow, I haven't found a single tool by day .. 16? 17? I'm just into crafting the 200+ quality stuff. Granted, I had some rough times due to poor spawn (first POI I found was about two hours till sundown), and later on, I discovered the "day 6" dogpacks the hard way, which curtailed my exploration somewhat. I've been through one large-ish POI.. cluster..whatever town thing (8 buildings, 4x2, mostly sheds heh), and I've found about three standalone POIs (mostly that new luxury cottage or whatever, which is quite nice).

Here's a list of the stuff I did find:
- 3 magnum handles, one excellent (or 'great' or whatever, high 400s quality), and two other magnum parts (one of them purple/mauve/whatever 400+)
- a complete pistol with some halfway good parts inside. another with crappy parts inside. One or two other pistol components
- two shotgun pumps, a sawed-off stock, a shotgun receiver
- two hunting rifle stocks
- SMG plans, forge ahead (in a pile of garbage!), home improvement 1 (hammer/repair tool), leather tanning, shotgun ammo book, standard ammo book, pistol book (many, many times), and a hunting rifle book.

I also discovered that you can fit through 1m high holes now. O.o Not sure what to make of that - that's all realistic and stuff, but at the same time that takes away from breaking and entering and the "certain types of baddies can fit through holes that you can't" gameplay element.

Oh well, at least they seem to have trimmed back on the garbage piles a bit.
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by FlowerChild »

All right, spent a few hours with the new release this afternoon.

Nothing too exciting IMO. They seem to have made POI's rarer, and for several days I was living in the only structure I could find which was a cabin in the woods, which was quite fun. Had dysentery though, which I didn't cure with goldenrod in time, so I needed to go out searching for antibiotics.

Eventually found a POI which was a huge sprawling mass of many blocks. Immediately had a "fuck this" response at the thought of looting that mess, and promptly quit my game :)

So yeah, they seem to have made POI's rarer, but left them just as big as ever, which IMO is not a reasonable solution to the building density problem of previous releases. I suspect playing with feral zombies is no longer really feasible as you're much more likely to find no shelter at all, and if you do find it, it's likely going to be a severely depressing looting fest that may keep you occupied for a week, after which point the progression will essentially be over. I have the sinking feeling that they're balancing building density for "realism" rather than gameplay, and absolutely want to have these small towns here and there which I don't think suit the game well at all.

This kind of building density issue is one of my big pet peeves in survival games right now. It's also coming up in the Long Dark, which is another game I play quite a bit of, and they have one level (coastal highway) in particular where I think the building density is about twice what it should be. As a result, whenever I enter that area, the fun almost immediately drains out of the game as it completely messes up the overall pacing. Gameplay diversity is of course a good thing, and this kind of scavenging and exploring gameplay is much better IMO when you are alternating between the two regularly. Having very long stretches of either just winds up feeling extremely monotonous. Put another way, in a survival game, POIs are basically the "candy" that you're out looking for in your exploration. Having that candy both be incredibly rare and then having it suddenly dumped on you all at once in a volume where you'll never even want to look at another piece of candy ever again just isn't any fun at all.

Graphics are nicer I guess? :P
Renegrade wrote: It is indeed very "meh" overall. The increased challenge is nice, and gating the hated crossbow is nice too (requires leather tanning and forge ahead books and materials).
Yeah, it is cool that they seem to be trying to add a bit more progression, but man, after trying it today I'm doubly face-palming over all the posts I've seen on their forums about it being too hard since the release of Alpha 11. It really isn't difficult by any stretch, and I find the regular bow is so powerful to begin with that the gating of the crossbow feels almost entirely irrelevant. After building a blunderbuss at some point and not having a regular Zed die after two point-blank shots to the face, I also found myself wondering where the heck that thing was intended to fit into the progression since the bow seems to be far more powerful, its ammo is far more readily available, and I even got the impression its reload speed is better.

I guess if you preload a bunch of them and fill your hotbar with them you might be able to take a zombie down quicker than with a bow having to draw between each shot? That doesn't sound right to me, but it's the only possible use I could think of for the thing.
Renegrade wrote:Oh well, at least they seem to have trimmed back on the garbage piles a bit.
Unfortunately they also combined that with upping the value of loot in them making you feel obliged to search...every...fucking...one of them :)
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by Dralnalak »

FlowerChild wrote: I have the sinking feeling that they're balancing building density for "realism" rather than gameplay, and absolutely want to have these small towns here and there which I don't think suit the game well at all.
Some "7 Days to Die" forum reading has left me believing that the current POI setup isn't so much "balanced" as an effect from a set of balancing errors. Players are talking about adjustments to rwgmixer.xml in order to get a better mix of POIs into the game.

The new roads may be a part of the problem here, as several people have posted that adjusting the road settings has made a noticeable difference in POI spawning. I have yet to test this myself, but plan to. Example thread.

There is also a post from Kinyajuu of Fun Pimps that:
Kinyajuu wrote:Just so everyone knows, the towns had a measurement issue. Causing all town blocks to get culled from the town instead of just ones near a biome edge, leaving nothing but an intersection. I have fixed the bug so it will work correctly in the next patch.

In the meantime everyone can replace the property below for all "town" hubs in their rwgmixer.xml as a temp fix. Mileage may vary, depends on where the biome center is in relation to the edges. Some may still get culled, but plenty more towns should show up.

<property name="MaxCityBlockSizeInMeters" value="206,206" />
So, hopefully Fun Pimps are working on the overall balance of POI to be more interesting. Right now, I completely agree that the layout of POI are making the game not particularly fun. Friday and Saturday, I played multiple worlds under Alpha 11 because I start a new game when I die. I have frequently had to walk for several days along roads before finding any kind of POI. Twice now I have stumbled on a POI in the middle of nowhere purely by accident cutting cross country to avoid the harder biomes like the wasteland.

The POI change added to the large biomes means that, for me at least, any foraging expedition is going to be a multi-day trip. I'm feeling like I am not making any progress on my home base because I am having to spend time building sub-bases a day's walk in every direction hoping to find materials I can use. Maybe I need to change how I think about playing "7 Days to Die", but I used to consider building these scout bases to be a later game activity, after I had set up a moderately decent home fort to range out from.
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by Renegrade »

FlowerChild wrote: Yeah, it is cool that they seem to be trying to add a bit more progression, but man, after trying it today I'm doubly face-palming over all the posts I've seen on their forums about it being too hard since the release of Alpha 11.
Many of the forumites seem to embrace the concept of "whine and complain" rather than "adapt and overcome". Maybe "indy" somehow equates to "casual" in their expectations? :/
FlowerChild wrote: So yeah, they seem to have made POI's rarer, but left them just as big as ever, which IMO is not a reasonable solution to the building density problem of previous releases.
I just found this massive city in my first A11 save. I haven't explored all of it, but the parts I can see make it at LEAST half as big as the big hub city at 0,0. I can count 32 buildings visible on the map, and there's more hidden under the fog of war. It would be an eternal grind to clear it all, and I'm certain I'd have all but the super-rare stuff multiple times over by the end.
FlowerChild wrote: I have the sinking feeling that they're balancing building density for "realism" rather than gameplay, and absolutely want to have these small towns here and there which I don't think suit the game well at all.
Agreed. I'm convinced that they have 'realism' as one of the major goals on their goals list, and that could very well be driving that design. The guns are all based on real-world models (Beretta 92Fs and MP5s and R700s and all that), they pushed extra hard to get that smooth terrain thing going, etc. I don't mind a bit of realism here and there, but if it ever gets into a fight with gameplay, it needs to take the back seat. That doesn't seem to be happening here.

A good example is that one-high block thing. You can sneak through a one-high block hole, which is all fine and realistic and all, but I find it makes breaking and entering rather trivial (just cut a 1-high hole in something, sneak in, and most of the zombies can't surprise you anymore. Half the effort and risk...).
FlowerChild wrote: Having very long stretches of either just winds up feeling extremely monotonous.
Yeah, looting that big POI I found is definitely monotonous. It's massively huge and just goes on and on and on... It's like eating all of your Halloween haul in one night as a child...delight (and sugar-induced spazziness) turns into a tummy ache all too quickly heh. Much better to space that out some :)

My favorite sort of POI is the one where there's a general store on one side of the road, and a couple of houses on the other. I'd rather see a liberal application of those and ONLY have large groupings of houses in the actual cities (the ones in the center of wastelands). With all the good loot in the wasteland-cities (there's apparently more than one sometimes), and all the dangerous zeds there too. As it stands, they're basically sprinkling dogs everywhere, and ferals can happen anywhere too...and if you find one of the item stores outside of the city, you can reach absolute peak tech without ever risking the cop zombies.
FlowerChild wrote: After building a blunderbuss at some point and not having a regular Zed die after two point-blank shots to the face, I also found myself wondering where the heck that thing was intended to fit into the progression since the bow seems to be far more powerful, its ammo is far more readily available, and I even got the impression its reload speed is better.
My thoughts about the bow is it's a step in the right direction, in that it's not as all powerful as the laser-sighted magical crossbow. It's harder to get headshots, and it only does 30 base damage. So that means a sneak attack on a cop zombie probably won't kill it even with a headshot, unlike the crossbow. I think the bows are supposed to have projectile drop, but that doesn't seem to be working yet :/

Now if only we could get them to take five or six more steps in that same direction..and default airdrops to off.
FlowerChild wrote: I guess if you preload a bunch of them and fill your hotbar with them you might be able to take a zombie down quicker than with a bow having to draw between each shot? That doesn't sound right to me, but it's the only possible use I could think of for the thing.
I don't think you can switch during reload animations, and the reload is compulsory it seems... The blunderbuss: life's greatest mystery. Why is it here? Why would anybody use it when the bow is ten times cheaper AND silent? Does TFP just like loud bang sounds? Do they consider silence to be a disadvantage somehow? Nobody knows.. ;)

If they took the wooden ranged weapons out entirely, then it might actually have a purpose as a kinda entry-level shotgun.

(by the way, if you aim down sights with any shotgun, including the blunderbuss, the game tightens the pellet spread for some reason..they all have some magical choke I guess?)
FlowerChild wrote:Unfortunately they also combined that with upping the value of loot in them making you feel obliged to search...every...fucking...one of them :)
More bad news: The garbage bag reduction was apparently a bug. :C The bags were getting overwritten by grass and that's apparently been "fixed" so there's going to be more garbage (and less grass). Also, I found an iron armor pants schematic in a garbage bag randomly in a plains biome. I didn't find ANY such things in the hub city! I think they really don't understand the concept of risk/reward at TFP.

Anyhow, least people think I'm an entirely negative person, I do enjoy some aspects of the new update:
- The quality system is.. interesting, and gives me a reason to not immediately scrap every metal tool I come across at least.
- Making guns out of bits is fun, although not sure why they made them all four-part recipes (and where the heck are all the hunting rifle parts?)..
- The variable sized health/stamina bars give a better idea of how wellness is coming along.
- The caves are interesting to explore (although not a big fan of zombies beaming in behind me or beaming into the walls or undermining the structural integrity of the ground).
- I'm glad they got rid of cliff-face resources, that stuff was way too easy to access. I miss their old softcore stratification though. ;)
- I think the overall framerate is higher.
- I like how the zombies are a bit more varied (the burnt ones set you on fire now, and there's ferals...)
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by FlowerChild »

I broke down and updated BTGB. New release available over on the 7 Days forums ;)
Renegrade wrote:More bad news: The garbage bag reduction was apparently a bug. :C The bags were getting overwritten by grass and that's apparently been "fixed" so there's going to be more garbage (and less grass). Also, I found an iron armor pants schematic in a garbage bag randomly in a plains biome. I didn't find ANY such things in the hub city! I think they really don't understand the concept of risk/reward at TFP.
Sigh...the reduced garbage abundance was really growing on me, especially once I got rid of the uber-loot in them again.

Anyways, should be easy enough for me to reduce the abundance again once they "fix" that. I really did like how it tended to be mostly on roads though, which I don't think is something I can replicate through the .xml files.
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by FlowerChild »

Renegrade wrote: My thoughts about the bow is it's a step in the right direction, in that it's not as all powerful as the laser-sighted magical crossbow. It's harder to get headshots, and it only does 30 base damage. So that means a sneak attack on a cop zombie probably won't kill it even with a headshot, unlike the crossbow. I think the bows are supposed to have projectile drop, but that doesn't seem to be working yet :/
I was just playing around with tweaking this, and it turns out projectile drop is in there.

But get this: they currently have arrows traveling at 400 m/s. Hence the sonic boom when you fire one off ;)

I've tried playing around with a value of 50 m/s which is more in line with a modern recurve bow, and it still works very nicely. Will likely reduce it further to emphasize the drop effect and given the primitive materials involved. The base 30 damage and 6X headshot multiplier is also WAY overpowered for a weapon you can build in the first few minutes of the game IMO, AND which you can use from complete safety AND to launch damage multiplying stealth attacks. I also get the impression there isn't any drag applied to the arrows in flight which further boosts their effectiveness relative to what one would expect.

I would have also liked to get some random deviation in there given the crappy homemade arrows you are using, but that doesn't seem possible with the current modding system.
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by Renegrade »

FlowerChild wrote:I broke down and updated BTGB. New release available over on the 7 Days forums ;)
Uhoh - that's good news and bad news. The good news is, I'll have lots of fun. The bad news is - won't sleep very well. BTGB really gets me goin' on an adrenaline high with all that tension and stuff, and makes it hard to sleep afterwards hehe.
FlowerChild wrote:Sigh...the reduced garbage abundance was really growing on me, especially once I got rid of the uber-loot in them again.

Anyways, should be easy enough for me to reduce the abundance again once they "fix" that. I really did like how it tended to be mostly on roads though, which I don't think is something I can replicate through the .xml files.
It's supposed to be fixed already in A11.1 - I liked it too, and I also liked the mostly-on-roads part. :/
FlowerChild wrote: But get this: they currently have arrows traveling at 400 m/s. Hence the sonic boom when you fire one off ;)
WAT. There are plenty of handguns that would be jealous of that speed. D: I want some of whatever TFP is smokin'. No wonder it seemed like an instant hit.
FlowerChild wrote: I've tried playing around with a value of 50 m/s which is more in line with a modern recurve bow, and it still works very nicely. Will likely reduce it further to emphasize the drop effect and given the primitive materials involved.
Nice! Gameplay and realism dovetailing together :) Does that address the range issue? I've noticed that the bow-type weapons don't seem to have any practical maximum range (at least, not with my current render distance), and can easily outshoot the pistols.
FlowerChild wrote:The base 30 damage and 6X headshot multiplier is also WAY overpowered for a weapon you can build in the first few minutes of the game IMO, AND which you can use from complete safety AND to launch damage multiplying stealth attacks. I also get the impression there isn't any drag applied to the arrows in flight which further boosts their effectiveness relative to what one would expect.
Yeah, it's still overpowered, just less so than the old crossbow was :)

I remember that discussion you had with Icy in that video back in the day regarding the stealth stuff - and I totally agreed with every point of it (critical hit systems being the same as actual critical targets to aim at, zombies not being susceptible to that sort of thing to begin with, etc). I wish they'd remove that for zombies entirely.

I was actually wondering recently if removing the criticals from the bow items entirely might be a better concept - a 1x head multiplier. You'd still have some long range punch, but you wouldn't be able to instantly kill a zombie (even with the stupid sneak attack), so you'd at least have one zombie chasing you. (and I have no idea how sounds are actually handled in terms of alerting things vis-a-vis XML files...TFP should really add sound to the bows. A bow is quiet, not SILENT, and these zombies have fairly good hearing)
FlowerChild wrote:I would have also liked to get some random deviation in there given the crappy homemade arrows you are using, but that doesn't seem possible with the current modding system.
You could probably fake that by changing it to a shotgun with one ray hehe. :) Actually it seems like there's no deviation at all in any weapon that isn't a shotgun, as far as I can tell. These days, most shooty games have a cone of fire mechanic at least...
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by FlowerChild »

Renegrade wrote: Uhoh - that's good news and bad news. The good news is, I'll have lots of fun. The bad news is - won't sleep very well. BTGB really gets me goin' on an adrenaline high with all that tension and stuff, and makes it hard to sleep afterwards hehe.
Any feedback on this one? I went on a bit of a 7 Days/BTGB bender the past week, and I'm really happy with how things turned out. The added flexibility that I have now over POI generation allowed me to build much more of a progression into the mod where there's a progressive difficulty (and reward) scale to the various biomes, and honestly, some of them (snow biome in particular) freak me the fuck out now :)

Getting next to no feedback over on the 7 Days forums though, so I guess everyone there is still thinking that vanilla is hard enough on its own in Alpha 11 ;)
It's supposed to be fixed already in A11.1 - I liked it too, and I also liked the mostly-on-roads part. :/
If it's already fixed, then I'm quite happy with the current loot density. Backpacks and such seem to be much more rare than in A10, as do garbage piles, especially if you're off-roading.
You could probably fake that by changing it to a shotgun with one ray hehe. :) Actually it seems like there's no deviation at all in any weapon that isn't a shotgun, as far as I can tell. These days, most shooty games have a cone of fire mechanic at least...
Don't think that would work as I believe they're operating on two different systems. The bow generates a physical object which then travels on its own, whereas the shotguns are projecting rays for insta-damage.

If I had code access, yeah, but I don't think it's possible through the .xml files.
Renegrade wrote: WAT. There are plenty of handguns that would be jealous of that speed. D: I want some of whatever TFP is smokin'. No wonder it seemed like an instant hit.
They fixed this in Alpha 11.2 btw. They brought the speed down to 55 m/s, and from the way the bow was behaving at lower velocities previously, I think they just hadn't worked out angling the arrow and such in flight prior to that, as when they made that change, they also became a lot more visible at lower speeds.

However, they also gave the arrows a 0.15 second grace time where they aren't affected by gravity, meaning they can travel around 8 meters or so without any drop, which results in them still being perfectly precise at short range. Got rid of that part of course :)
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by Dralnalak »

FlowerChild wrote:However, they also gave the arrows a 0.15 second grace time where they aren't affected by gravity, meaning they can travel around 8 meters or so without any drop, which results in them still being perfectly precise at short range. Got rid of that part of course :)
Maybe the arrows are supposed to be magic; after all, the landscape is after the generation bug from the most recent version. ;)

I cannot give you proper feedback on a full game as far as balance with the most recent additions of BTGB primarily because that terrain bug has me too frustrated to play until they fix it. Your biome difficulty adjustments have me intrigued. Though what I really enjoy about the mod in many ways is not the big changes, but the attention to little details that makes the whole play session feel more polished to me.

For example:
FlowerChild wrote: -Changed skull caps and baseball caps so that they can be repaired with cloth.
-Removed the small wellness penalty from drinking coffee as it was too small to be intuitive.
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by FlowerChild »

Dralnalak wrote:I cannot give you proper feedback on a full game as far as balance with the most recent additions of BTGB primarily because that terrain bug has me too frustrated to play until they fix it.
Yeah, I can definitely hear that. I almost paused work on the mod entirely while that bug is in effect, but had a bunch of changes bouncing around in my head I wanted to get done so I could move onto other things.

Not sure if you noticed, but I've been harassing the pimps about that bug pretty heavily as it drives me nuts as well. In addition to all the posts in the release thread I put up as I was figuring out what was going wrong (and that was several hours I wasted on it as I was worried it might be related to the mod), I created this bug report thread here:

https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthrea ... -in-11-2b4

I'm both amazed and depressed that players really don't seem to give a shit about it. Depressed, because I suspect that will lower its fix priority substantially, amazed because it really causes havoc with save games as you can see from the screenshots I posted.

Anyways, once it's fixed, should be a quick update for me, and then I think you guys can consider BTGB "finalized" for this particular version of 7 Days. Having gotten everything I wanted to get done finished, and having playtested the hell out of it, I suspect it will be awhile before I decide to make further revisions.
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by Dralnalak »

FlowerChild wrote:I'm both amazed and depressed that players really don't seem to give a shit about it. Depressed, because I suspect that will lower its fix priority substantially, amazed because it really causes havoc with save games as you can see from the screenshots I posted.
I strongly agree that the lack of attention to this bug is probably going to make it linger longer than anyone experiencing it would like.

I wonder if part of the reason that fewer people are screaming about it could be attributed to players who either have longer play sessions or who don't go long distances afield and so do not notice that newly generated areas are off pattern? I have seen some other bug reports of roads that were "sheared" over and of buildings that were only partially built, both of which strike me as they could be related to the terrain issues. (At least based on my understanding of how seeds are used in these types of generation systems in order to guarantee the same world every time from the same seed.)

I posted screen shots in the bug thread you started, and pointed another bug thread that was having similar terrain issues over to that one. Hopefully someone at Fun Pimps will both notice and be able to determine what recent change(s) lead to this issue.

I'd feel a lot better if Fun Pimps at least acknowledged the problem and that it was on their todo list. Right now, as much as I was really enjoying v11 of the game and had even set aside a block of free time this past weekend to play the game, I cannot bring myself to load it up because: 1) It's going to annoy me when the world generation gets so screwed up as I know I have to frequently exit the game since there's no pause; and 2) At any point the Fun Pimps could find the fix, which would ruin any save game I had anyway.
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by FlowerChild »

Dralnalak wrote: I strongly agree that the lack of attention to this bug is probably going to make it linger longer than anyone experiencing it would like.
Just a quick update on this bug:

11.3 *seems* to have fixed it. I only had time for some limited tests but I could not reproduce it over several save/load cycles.

Just putting the finishing touches on a corresponding update to BTGB and should be uploading that in the next few minutes.
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by Dralnalak »

FlowerChild wrote:11.3 *seems* to have fixed it. I only had time for some limited tests but I could not reproduce it over several save/load cycles.
I just completed my first test world and could not get the bug to show either. I'll be loading up the game again after dinner. Hopefully the swatted it.

I am glad my cynicism was misplaced.
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by Renegrade »

FlowerChild wrote: Any feedback on this one? I went on a bit of a 7 Days/BTGB bender the past week, and I'm really happy with how things turned out. The added flexibility that I have now over POI generation allowed me to build much more of a progression into the mod where there's a progressive difficulty (and reward) scale to the various biomes, and honestly, some of them (snow biome in particular) freak me the fuck out now :)
Not yet! I've given GTA 5 a workout (and I have to say... I wasted my money) lately, and although I've been downloading the updates as they appear, I haven't had time for it (cleaning up and packing for a move.. hate moving). Also, some mental preparation is always required for me - it's way more exciting and tense for me than.. most games actually, and my usual "meh - it's just a game" reflex fails to reassure me at all.. and I gotta be careful about that, natural family has a history of heart disease.

(There's a certain Minecraft mod that has the same effect on me ;) )
FlowerChild wrote:Getting next to no feedback over on the 7 Days forums though, so I guess everyone there is still thinking that vanilla is hard enough on its own in Alpha 11 ;)
You'd think Squad er TFP had made it some uber-hardcore ultra-punishing thing (possibly including real-life mutilation) based on the posts on the forums. So.. not surprised they're afraid of a REAL challenge. I've been kinda campaigning against the stupid vanilla airdrops (which I call welfare-crates or air-welfare), and people get pouty about that and go into some weird sort of denial.
FlowerChild wrote:If it's already fixed, then I'm quite happy with the current loot density. Backpacks and such seem to be much more rare than in A10, as do garbage piles, especially if you're off-roading.
Yeah, it seems like the fix did little or nothing to the loot, so it looks like the reduced loot is here to stay :)
FlowerChild wrote:They fixed this in Alpha 11.2 btw. They brought the speed down to 55 m/s, and from the way the bow was behaving at lower velocities previously, I think they just hadn't worked out angling the arrow and such in flight prior to that, as when they made that change, they also became a lot more visible at lower speeds.

However, they also gave the arrows a 0.15 second grace time where they aren't affected by gravity, meaning they can travel around 8 meters or so without any drop, which results in them still being perfectly precise at short range. Got rid of that part of course :)
Oooh, interesting. I didn't know TFP did that. I'm glad you axed it though - don't need uber-precise sniperbows :)

I wonder if TFP is planning on addressing the vanilla crossbow - it's currently the best sniper in the game, what with the stealth icon being a red dot sight and 200m range heh.
FlowerChild wrote: Just a quick update on this [terrain] bug:

11.3 *seems* to have fixed it. I only had time for some limited tests but I could not reproduce it over several save/load cycles.
Ah nice. I had noticed those weird ridges, but I assumed it was from A11.1->A11.2 random gen changes rather than an actual bug, as I only really have two A11 saves to date (for A11 and A11.1). Anyhow, I'm going to mosey over there and download the new update of BTGB and put it through it's paces starting either tonight or tomorrow night.
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by DerAlex »

Finally solving the "Minibike"- mystery:

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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by Renegrade »

DerAlex wrote:Finally solving the "Minibike"- mystery:
...that's pretty much what I visualize when someone says "minibike" (although I imagine something a little less Mad Max, and more like a microscopic CBR or such). They're silly toys.

Of course I might be biased, I had an M-class license (Ontario; motorcycle-only) long before a car license (G). My old Nighthawk 250 would easily run down and run over a minibike~

(Actually the old '250 would be great for an apocalypse. Minimalistic design, almost entirely mechanical, air cooled, no injection, can be easily bump-started, fuel efficient. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_Nighthawk_250 )
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by Taleric »

I think we have kept most all developments on 7dtd in this thread so I will continue.

I gave it a spin this weekend and the optimization is pretty darn good. I tried out the blunderbuss and at two pipes plus log the ammo, rate of fire and range barley keep it from being better then a shot gun.

I must have missed the changes to dead zombies that cause the terrain to rise. It is a really neat idea to challenge the players builds vs hordes. It looks kind of odd though.

The cave systems are deadly! I wish I had a rope ala BTW to spelunk, I ended up trapping myself in a sinkhole cave and losing all my gear to the death trap / glitchy terrain.

It is amazing it is still called alpha despite the labels being arbitrary these days.
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by Dralnalak »

Taleric wrote:I must have missed the changes to dead zombies that cause the terrain to rise. It is a really neat idea to challenge the players builds vs hordes. It looks kind of odd though.
These are called gore blocks. If you're fighting around your base, it's useful to clear them away. While zombies cannot yet use them as ladders (v12?), gore blocks are part of the "heat" system which can draw in more zombies. Your activities and things like cooking and forging contribute to heat as well.
Taleric wrote:The cave systems are deadly! I wish I had a rope ala BTW to spelunk, I ended up trapping myself in a sinkhole cave and losing all my gear to the death trap / glitchy terrain.
When visiting the new caves, I always bring a stack of wood frames. Wood ramp frames are useful for getting out of pools of water. I used to bring more ladders, but I find them difficult to see on raw stone, so I stick to the frames. Plus I can remove the frames when I've built a platform and mined out the ore.

As for the sinkholes, that is gravel. Gravel has a very low structural integrity (SI) rating. The good thing about gravel is that it's easy to clear away with a shovel, especially if you clear from the bottom and let it fall. This is intended to help you find more ore veins around the gravel. Gravel that falls is destroyed, but if it causes any ore to fall that is supposed to remain as blocks.

I like the added challenge of worrying about SI as compared to a game like Minecraft because you have to think about where you're digging and make sure to always be digging a distance from yourself. (Both the shovel and pick have a bit of range to them.) If you collapse things on yourself, the damage can kill you, especially if you manage to bring a large amount of gravel down at once and collapse an area.

Gravel is also used in making concrete; if you want to actually gather the gravel, dig from the top so the gravel blocks don't collapse and get destroyed.

Never walk on gravel if you're near one of those big caves unless you're sure the gravel has support. Watching the floor cave away when you're the last human on earth doesn't even give you enough time to say, "Well, I guess I won't be saving the species."
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by FlowerChild »

Dralnalak wrote: These are called gore blocks. If you're fighting around your base, it's useful to clear them away. While zombies cannot yet use them as ladders (v12?), gore blocks are part of the "heat" system which can draw in more zombies. Your activities and things like cooking and forging contribute to heat as well.
Zombie gore blocks don't contribute to heat, as zombies aren't attracted to zombie corpses. Only animal gore blocks do.

I basically just ignore gore blocks as they degrade so quickly (long before a decent pile can form) that they're largely irrelevant. It's a very neat idea, but the implementation is missing something at present IMO.

I should probably mod them to not decay.
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by Dralnalak »

FlowerChild wrote:Zombie gore blocks don't contribute to heat, as zombies aren't attracted to zombie corpses. Only animal gore blocks do.
I apologize for the bad information. I appear to have mixed a suggestion discussion with the actual facts in my head.

This will certainly save some wear and tear on my fire axe.
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by FlowerChild »

Dralnalak wrote: I apologize for the bad information.
No worries. My apologies for spoiling a feature that was probably more fun the way you thought it worked, than the way it really does ;)
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by Dralnalak »

FlowerChild wrote:No worries. My apologies for spoiling a feature that was probably more fun the way you thought it worked, than the way it really does ;)
While I admit the whole zombie corpses equal more zombies was an interesting logistics aspect, knowing that I was wrong will save me a ton of time. I was very diligent about destroying any gore blocks anywhere near my base, the mines I'm using, or anywhere else I might be active so that I would have fewer hordes to deal with. I think I'll enjoy the game more with one less "household chores" thing to deal with. There are already enough things in the game distracting me from focusing on survival. :)
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by DerAlex »

since this thread is up anyway, here is a video the devs posted a few days ago, a preview for the next version:

A few new systems (new physics for blocks and bodies), some much needed inventory tweaks (Shift click when in a storage chest will transfer items to the chest from your pack, or vise versa. Shift Right click will split a stack (right click is now the menu shown above). Ctrl Click will grab just one. And when you put a stack of 350 onto a stack of 200 and the stack limit is 500 it will fill that stack to exactly 500 and leave the remainder of 50 in your mouse.). Also the bike!
There were horses and a guy on fire and I stabbed a guy with a trident.
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Re: 7 Days to Die - and How I'm now Spoiled

Post by FlowerChild »

DerAlex wrote:Also the bike!
I'm still shaking my head and wondering where it is we're supposed to be going every time I see mention of that thing :)

Other stuff is nice, but seems to mostly just be little convenience features, graphics thingies, and further expanding of the much dreaded leveled loot system.
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