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What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:57 pm
by FlowerChild
Just wanted to do a quick survey here. What other mods are you still using with BTW? Now that high-res texture support is built into vanilla, I suspect the list is getting pretty short indeed for most players.

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:08 pm
by MaxAstro
TreeCapitator (unsure if cheat... >.>), Status Effect HUD, and Craftguide are it for me.

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:30 pm
by JakeZKAM
Absolutely none. There are a couple I'd like to play with BTW for flavor reasons, but I'd uninstall them after a couple days due to imbalance.

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:31 pm
by Psion
For me, the only mod I use is craftguide. I'm not even sure how many other mods exist that work with BTW now lol.

I also use six's better map frames add-on for BTW, because maaaaaps!

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:32 pm
by Gunnerman21
Yeah I agree with Jake, BTW is so micro managed on being balanced that anything else would offset the feel over it all. BTW is just enough for me :)

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:33 pm
by Thyrllann
CraftGuide, Risugami's Armour Stands (don't really play well with mod armour, but having old suits of armour around just looks cool), Karob's Big Trees, and I was using Inventory Tweaks (can't stand messily organised chests) but the original developer has passed it on to a couple of others, and they've dropped Modloader compatibility so it's Forge only now :(

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:34 pm
by Wookieguy
I use CraftGuide, and used InventoryTweaks before it switched to Forge-only. Since managing abundant material wealth without the latter is an annoyance, Convenient Inventory will most likely replace it.

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:35 pm
by jakerman999
With the slower cook times introduced, I've now unistalled treecapitator. Which feels weird, as it was the one mod I always used, even before BTW.

I would be using pfaeffs mods(the allocator and such) but blockid config wouldn't stay the same long enough for me to have a world, so I dropped it too.

The only thing that's left is the occasional foray into alternate terrain generators, biosphere being my personal favourite so far.

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:39 pm
by FlowerChild
Note that by "other mods" I also mean utility mods like MCPatcher. I'd be particularly interested in hearing what aspects people are still using of that one now that high-res textures are supported by vanilla.

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:49 pm
by Battlecat
I still use MCpatcher for the additional features (connected textures, better skies, etc), particularly since I use Misa's texture pack which takes full advantage of all the cool secondary mods. The only other mod I'm using beyond that is Six's better map frames.

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:51 pm
by Katalliaan
I'll still be using MCPatcher for Better Skies, Custom Colors, RandomMobs, and the ability to use it to install BTW.

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:59 pm
by darahalian
I still use some of Risugami's that I always grab at the same time I grab modloader, like recipebook, biospheres, and shelves, but I rarely actually use them. I'll take a peak at the recipe book at times, but I don't think I even have a shelf made right now, and I haven't made a biosphere world in quite a while. I just kind of automatically install them along with modloader.

Other than that, I install the mods provided by mcpatcher, since I use it to install my mods, though I think the only one of those I really end up using in-game is connected textures. Oh, and I also install a very simple mod I make myself to make the main title screen dirt again, but that's hardly worth mentioning.

I've noticed as I update to new versions of Minecraft that I often drop a mod or two at that point, initially usually because it hasn't updated yet, and then because I can't be bothered, and I've gotten used to being without it. An example of this is InvTweaks. I used to always use it, but after it didn't update for a while, and the vanilla inv interface kept improving, I stopped using it. Part of the reason I haven't picked it up again is that I realized I had come to rely almost too heavily on being able to sort my inventory and by doing so equip a sword with just a key press. (And apparently it's gone forge now, too) I still kinda miss being able to easily organize chests, but it's not that big of a deal.
But yeah, the amount of other mods I use has slowly gone down over time.

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:14 am
by RezDev
I use all of the features of MCPatcher for textures (custom colors, ctm, better skies, etc.) as well as mod installation. This is the only other utility I truly care about.

I typically use Urist's CraftGuide and Risugami's ArmorStand as well.

I will probably add Six's maps add-on when I start my new world.

I am not particularly interested in other mods that are not specifically designed as add-ons to BTW, for the above mentioned balance/consistency issues.

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:23 am
by Detritus
Usually, nothing. This new version however, I have all of MCPatcher installed, Craftguide, and Six's addon.

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:54 am
by Toyi
Since vMC 1.3 I only use Craftguide and InventoryTweaks along with BTW.

I'm a bit depressed IT went forge-only because it was the first mod I ever used and the only one I have always installed since I started using mods... The R key and the Z button in chests to sort inventory were the only functions I ever used of it, and I miss them a lot :(

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:04 am
by HaloGamefreek
I use all of mcpatcher, Risagumi's shelves, armor stands, death chest, and I have a few worlds with biosphere but its always a pain cuz of the lack of clay.

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:10 am
by Ferrus.Manus
MCPatcher (mostly for the easier installation) and CraftGuide.

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:14 am
by Psion
Yeah, I used to use convenient inventory before it was no longer updated. :( Main thing I missed from that was just having to hit the middle mouse button to auto sort everything in the inventory you clicked on.

I also used to use treecapitator, but I wouldn't even consider it now with all the updates and balancing FC has done.

I still use MCPatcher, but mainly just because it's convenient to install mods in, and not have to bother fiddling with the .jar file every time i want to update a mod. :P

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:19 am
by agentwiggles
Thyrllann wrote:CraftGuide, Risugami's Armour Stands (don't really play well with mod armour, but having old suits of armour around just looks cool), Karob's Big Trees, and I was using Inventory Tweaks (can't stand messily organised chests) but the original developer has passed it on to a couple of others, and they've dropped Modloader compatibility so it's Forge only now :(
This is terrible news for me :(

I used Inventory Tweaks and Craftguide, so not really any gameplay mods.

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:30 am
by Shengji
I use Minecraft profile manager to maintain multiple installs on my dropbox account, on which I maintain a vanilla installation, a latest snapshot, a vanilla BTW, a BTW test version from when you asked us to test before release a few weeks ago and my main play installation

I use Better Ore Distribution which clumps the ores into veins

I use a propriety mod which causes saplings which drop to the floor to plant themselves & gives a planted sapling a chance of survival based on biome type to stop forests taking over the map! It causes rain to break exposed torches, adds a second water type which is essentially a finite water to flood caves if I inadvertently mine into the ocean. Once the cave finishes flooding, it reverts to standard water. Also rain causes a buildup of this finite water, so building a base with no consideration for drainage quickly turns into a swimming pool - note this water does not hydrate farmland.

I use a propriety application which erodes steve-made structures in selected chunks, so I can basically turn old bases into dungeons for me to assault at a later date!

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 3:23 am
by jecowa
I started using MCPatcher for the HD textures, but even if 1.5.1 really does support HD textures, MCPatcher is still nice for installing mods for me. I kind of doubt that Mojang really has full-HD support this time. MCPatcher looks like it is still needed for HD text and HD skies, for example.
MCPatcher is convenient for installing mods. It keeps a backup of the minecraft.jar. It always remembers to delete the META-INF. It makes it really easy to turn mods on and off as you need them.

AudioTori (soundpack mod) is also nice. In my opinion, the rain, chests, and doors in Minecraft are all too loud, and the music played in the disc player is way too quiet compared to Minecraft's "background" music. So I've made a custom sound pack to rebalance the audio to my liking.

And really, HD textures, mod management, and sound packs are all things that vanilla Minecraft should support.
Shengji wrote:I use a propriety mod which causes saplings which drop to the floor to plant themselves, causes rain to extinguish exposed torches, adds a second water type which is essentially a finite water to flood caves if I inadvertently mine into the ocean. Once the cave finishes flooding, it reverts to standard water.
This mod sounds like it would be fun. I like the idea of saplings planting themselves. It makes sense for that to work. The torch vulnerability to water would provide additional discouragement from people pseudo-randomly placing torches all around their bases. Even if all it takes is one piece of cobble over the torch to protect it, this could give people cause to put a little planning into the positioning and decor of their torches.
Wookieguy wrote:I use CraftGuide, and used InventoryTweaks before it switched to Forge-only. Since managing abundant material wealth without the latter is an annoyance, Convenient Inventory will most likely replace it.
I'm seeing lots of mentions of CraftGuide and Convenient Inventory. I'll try to remember to try them out later and see if I like them.
Psion wrote:I also use six's better map frames add-on for BTW, because maaaaaps!
Six's Better Item Frame Maps looks good. The off-center map frames in vanilla kind of bothers me, so I'll be sure to try this mod out.

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:34 am
by Ribky
Short and sweet list. Modloader... MCPatcher, Better Map Frames Add-on, Better Ore Distribution and Painting Selection GUI.

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:18 am
by Wibbles
Just MCPatcher (and all it's included mods e.g. connected textures). Have been procrastinating about installing Six's better item map frames and will likely install that too very soon.

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:27 am
by Solymr
I use only MCPatcher and all the mods that come with it.
When you released the bbb.class file with the performance fix I noted that Connected Textures wasn't working with it installed, I tried in 1.5.1 and it still doesn't work, but I don't know if it's my texture pack's problem or the mods are interfering.

Re: What mods are people still using with BTW?

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:47 am
by wirer

SMP: ML, Audiomod, BTW, Rei's Minimap, bspkr's HUD Mods (Armor status, Direction), all of MCPatcher's extras(assuming that none cause trouble), Six's Maps

SSP: all of the above, TreeCapacitor, Floating Ruins, Noppes' AnimalBikes(untested), Armor Stand, Death Chest, theBombzen's EnchantView(which doesn't seem to be working, but not much of a loss), LittleMaidMob(untested), Some OreGen mod(planned)

Mods I've dropped as of 1.5.1: More Village Biomes(FC and his awesome village changes, too many villages anyway), In Game TP Button(seeing as its functionality is now in), DNoved's Potion brewing(was here a while back), Several extra mob mods(it was killing my creeper spawn count, making gunpowder hard)