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Post by CheGiuAn »

As far as I know, in beta 1.8, animals will be breedable wich could be used to make specific animal farms, I think.
I have an idea about the use of chicken, more specifically, the egg.
The egg shell (google translater said <.<) contains a lot of Calcium. (yes, I know, getting a large amount of calcium from eggshells is a bit ridiculous idea)
Grinding the eggshell (idk yet how to get rid of the stuff inside) would produce Calcium.
Fireing the Calcium would produce Calcium-Oxid, or whitewash.
Mixing this Clacium-Oxid with water would produce Calcium-Hidroxid, wich (as the wikipedia said) is an important material of cement (once you got to the Nether, the soulsand is a pretty cheap way to make cement, so this Ca-OH could also be added to the recipe)
It would give a reason to make a chicken farm / to collect egg (the main feather source I think, are the zombies)
Also Calcium could be mined from the bottom of the seas (the remnants of the ancient animals), wich also shows up the idea of an underwater-travelling method.
I think, a new block could be addend to speed up egg production, a 'layer', with a simple crafting recipe (w: wooden planks, g: grain(straw)):
w w w
w g w
w w w
it could look like a box but on one side opened, with straw in it, and it would attract chickens.

P.S.: I think this is one idea about the Calcium. however, idk if the adding of new raw materials is in the plan list of FC.
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Re: Ca-OH

Post by FlowerChild »

That doesn't qualify as a descriptive title. Thread locked.

Requiring folks to look up your description in a periodic table to figure out what you're getting at, or more likely, using confusing title names to act as "advertisement" for your thread, is not cool.