Unofficial Suggestions List

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Unofficial Suggestions List

Post by magikeh »

This Is Simply A Place That Suggestions For BTW Can Be Made.

All Suggestions Are Great Suggestions, as they can lead to new innovation and ideas for the mod!

It Is known that the Elitist Swine Will occasionally pass over this topic and read a few (not really, they will probably read them all) of the posts so feel free to post.

But Remember:

-All suggestions Are Subject to Cruel And Unusual replies From Other Posters

And As FlowerChild Said himself In The OP (viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3)

I am NOT particularly open to suggestions, as 99% of the ideas posted on this thread are just plain bad. However, if you feel the absolute need to make one, the following in particular will be ignored and/or mocked (depending on my mood):


3) Any feature suggestion that would require an inordinate amount of work. The intent of this mod is to provide additional core features to Minecraft with MINIMAL DEVELOPMENT COST. As such, all proposed features will be evaluated in that context. In other words, I'm looking for features that both improve the game substantially, and which don't take a lot of time to implement. Even if your idea would be the coolest thing ever, if it's overly ambitious, it will likely be ignored (this is my whole problem with wolves to begin with).

4) Feature suggestions that are strictly aesthetic. While I have no problem with aesthetic features in general, they are not the focus of this mod. I want to focus on introducing new functionality to Minecraft, and will leave the aesthetic changes to other modders.

5) Feature suggestions which do not fit in the "feel" of vanilla Minecraft. I will not include any features that will nerf existing aspects of the game (overly powerful devices, or ones which replace functionality already in the game), which do not reasonably fit into the level of technology found in the game (like no guns, spaceships, or holographic pimp-bots), or which otherwise just feel "wrong" in minecraft. This mod is intended for folks, like me, who love the base game but wish there were just more of it.


9) Anything to do with wolves :)

I would ask you to think before posting an idea, and in general, just not waste my time with them unless after careful consideration you think that it is something that is relatively easy to do given the features already in place, that it brings real value to the game, and that it is in keeping with the overall spirit of the mod. If that is the case, I'd certainly still like to hear it, but unfortunately, most people have very poor judgement in this regard.

Also DO NOT in any way expect a response to any suggestions you do decide to make. As a general policy, I simply do not acknowledge them.
So Have Fun And Play Nice!

Due To The Recent One Word Ideas And Not So Well Thought Out Ideas The_Fodder and I Have Came Up With A List Of Guidelines To Follow When Posting And Idea;

Interface: OPTIONAL
EDIT: i will be adding a list of all the things that have already been suggested soon, keep updated!
------- i have read 58 pages from the minecraft forums in the past few hours. So at (due to past calculations) with 253 pages, this project should take me around ... 30+ hours... AKA 7-9 days (i work on a farm = 12 hour days...)
------- Glad To Announce that Speltz has offered to help with the collection of all the pre-suggested, suggestions!! Many thanks!

Finished = 26.5% (this figure does not include 'fancying it up')
Time Stamp = 12:47 PM Monday July 11/2011 (YAY 7-11 Day, Free Slurpees!!)

NOW I have noticed the great support/ traffic that this thread has received and i have decided to release some of the suggestions that have already been posted:

From The MineCraft Forums:

I have an idea, fans. If liquids were to come to the side of the fan, it would force the liquid in the

direction of the fan. If it was going directly against the flow then it would just make a gap. up would shoot

the water up like a fountain, with the water pushing the player and items up. It would do the same for items.

If you were to place multiple fans in a row, all pointing the same direction then the range of the fans would

increase. Redstone would turn it off.

Fluorescent Lights
Me again. I have a suggestion; fluorescent light bulbs. Wouldn't take much extra coding- maybe add one or two

more light layers and change the "on" texture to an iron block. Would be good for industrial-style bases.

Random Mob Spawner
a great idea for a block could be a block that when activiated with power (redstone) it spawns a random mob. if

it is light and grassy it will be an animal :Pig: :Sheep: . if it isnt grassy and dark it will be a monster

:SSSS: :) :) :Pig: . it could be crafted like this.
:Iron: :Iron: :Iron:
:Iron: :) :Iron: = spawn fragment
:Iron: :Iron: :Iron:

(fire = spawn fragment)
:VV: :VV: :VV:
:VV: :VV: :VV: = powered spawner
:VV: :VV: :VV:

if you like the idea then tell me. it may be too hard to make into the mod but it is still cool right.
Fence Gate
Fence Gate
Connecting Minecarts
I want to say this looks like an awesome mod and i'll get it as soon as my new motherboard arrives ,but beyond

that i would like to make a request, could you make it possible to connect minecarts with string (either in a

working bench or in any other fashion). If we're talking about working benches the design would/could look like

this :

( :tnt: = storage minecart)
( :RedShroom: = powered minecart)
( :Furnace: = minecart)
( :Furnace: = string)

like this
[] :Furnace: []
:RedShroom: :Furnace: :tnt:
[] :DBlock: []

or just make it so that when you have string equiped and right click 2 minecarts it connects them.

so that a powered minecart could pull you or a storage minecart instead of being pretty useless. i've always

wanted to have like a train system instead of singular carts...
Corner Blocks
I got a block idea for you, purely aesthetic but its one i would like to see.
Corner blocks.
craft able with a combination of the basic build blocks :Iron: + :_: , :stone: + :iapprove:
these blocks would have 1/4 of a texture facing out as a molding to make buildings look nicer.
:Iron: :Iron: :stair:
:Iron: :Iron: :stair:
:Iron: :Grey: :stair:

:stone: :stone: :Ham:
:stone: :stone: :Iron:
:stone: :stone: :Iron:

:Grey: :brick: :Iron:
:brick: :brick: :Iron:
:brick: :brick: :Iron:

just a few ideas, but something along those lines.

If I could gracefully recommend a block/idea. Cannon. Sort of like the piston mod, but a reloadable block that

effectively works as a tnt cannon. It could be reloadable, sort of like a furnace, but you place tnt in the

slot, and it then fires you. Is that too hard to code?

EDIT: Or perhaps a redstone ran block that obeys gravity when activated. Useful for traps and the like, meaning

that until electrical force is applied, it won't drop.

Fish Products
Two realistic fish products:

Fish Oil : (uses could include lighting, or possibly an intermediate ingredient for something that would work

well with oil)
Fish Glue: (Some sort of intermediate recipe for something that would require gl
Retexture Mods Blocks
I didn't make it prominent enough, but there you go. Maybe you'll catch it this time.

Thinking about retexturing your blocks - after reading some of the posts in this thread, I got an idea: blinds.

Not sure how workable this is, or how good an idea it would be, but people have mentioned using your lights as

windows during the day, and "shades" during the night. Blinds would act as transparent blocks when open, and

opaque when shut - operable by hand or by redstone input.
Walled Redstone
Another idea would be the ability to run redstone along walls, instead of having to wire it up on the floor.

Hell, if you could do that, you could take it to the ceiling.
Mushroom Spawn-Rate
I'd like to see mushrooms spawn in shadows any time, instead of just when a chunk is created. They'd spawn in

the right amount of shade and perhaps you could cultivate more in the appropriate environment - with a cap on

how many you can grow successfully in the same area.
Passive Mob Behaviour
Passive mob behaviour is something that bothers me, if only a little. I don't think they already do, but if

they slowly regenerated health over time, and were a little more relaxed (by which I mean they pause for

longer, and sometimes move a little slower), it'd open the possibility to literally farm sheep for wool, and

chickens for eggs. I'd like to be able to punch a chicken for a chance of getting a feather without killing it.

To wrap that up, I think there'd need to be a method of discriminating between captive mobs and free-roaming

mobs in place (perhaps observing proximity to player-created blocks) so that passive mobs could be selectively


Sleep has been neglecting me, so apologies if the post seems a bit off. Hopefully there'll be some salvageable

nugget of inspiration nestled in there.

Edit: I should mention that I haven't yet come across mods that include a fence gate or a fluid grid-thing.

There's a demand for both of those things. I know the gate has been mentioned in this thread already. Those are

definitely two things I would love to see in Minecraft.

Change Sign Text
Signs that change text when a redstone current is applied!

Half Door/ TNT Fuse
1. Even though I do like the wolves, I find this mod's title amusing and your reasons for using it very sound.

2. Couple ideas: it's probably done already in another mod, but still...gate blocks. Those would basically just

be half a door, though perhaps vertical bars would help give it a "gate" feel. I'd also kinda like to see a

half-block of netherrack, though I'm not sure that's possible to implement and still have it on fire.

Also, would be kinda cool to be able to make cement that turns into cobblestone, for easier laying of roads.

Last idea: a fuse to use with tnt. Something like combining string and gunpowder, you'd lay it down like

redstone and light it. It burns down and....kaboom. Based on my own experience, I think that'd be a lot more

flexible to work with than using redstone for remote detonation. Brings new ideas for traps, as well.

Coal Block
Hey, me again,
1) Do your Modified dispensers work with blocks from other mods?
2) Keep up the good work :obsidian:
3) idea, Coal block seen it around but don't really want any more mods i keep running in to compatibility

issues, red stone block, 9x dust storage also if powered can it glow a bit, and had this one last night,
A red stone "chip"
Have it crafted from chests and red stone, basically allows you to build compact red stone circuits within the

grid of a chest, have the in/out be the front/back of the chest, when powered it simulates what would happen

based on the positions of the red stone inside it. not sure how red stone repeaters would work but ill leave

the coding up to you.
this would probably just make red stone clocks take up less space, but it might be worth a try.

Colored Lighting
Is colored lighting supported by default? If it wouldnt take a terribly large amount of tweaking, id love to

see the laser blocks project colored lights. With a single color, it already has pretty large potential for

displays. Imagine if each laser could be a different color... Full color led screens, anyone? Yo dawg, i herd

you like minecraft, so i... Never mind :3
Anyway, if the lasers had a spot in the crafting grid for a dye, that would make the laser block much cooler :(
Happy Modding!

Light Blub
would it be possible for the Light Block mod if instead of a block, you could possibly make it a "Light Bulb"

something like this


or for the ceiling

pretty much a smaller version of the lightblock on top of a metal stick?

just a suggestion though.

Mud Bucket
Think you could make a "mud bucket" that has a similar crafting to the cement but covers twice the distance.

turns to dirt when dried out.
:Lime: = slime
:Lime: + :Water: + :soil: = mud?

My friend had a suggestion:

Spikes. You place spikes at the bottom of a pit, and if something falls on it, it dies instantly. It allows for

more compact traps (instead of a 40 block deep pit to kill someone, just 3 blocks deep with spikes will do), is

a surer way to kill someone (lava traps are rarely lethal to a good player), and provide an aesthetic

alternative to the usual traps one might make.

It's like cactus... but looks cooler, and kills faster. Also, I think it'd look pretty cool, having spikes

protruding down from a ceiling...

Edit: Mmmm... block dispenser/pistons + spikes block...
Edit 2: Maybe it would be better if momentum came into the damage calculation, so that walking on spikes

wouldn't kill you instantly, and you would have a chance of surviving a small drop into spikes if you have full

health and armour, or something.

Redstone Transmitters
Got a block idea in my half awake daze: Transmitters. They would activate all redstone powered blocks within a

certain radius :) it would make circuitry a lot more compact, and make large fields of things like the hibachi

or pistons much more accessible for a redstone fledgling like me :D I suppose any way to activate a lot of

devices in one area would be cool no matter what it is though.

I think you should add something called Glue.

It could be used for mob traps (make them move slower or get stuck)
it could also be integrated with pistons to make the block move back with it, even though that is a separate

finally, it could make it so sand and gravel doesn't fall

[] [] []
:Water: :Diamond: :Water:
[] [] []

:Water: = water bucket
:Diamond: = Slime ball

Various Redstone Additions
Love the mod man :D a diamond for you :SSSS: exactly what i like in the mods i choose to play with. Adds

function and new possibilities without breaking the game.

now for some suggestions :SSSS: since you seem to be open to new ideas.

1) Vertical Redstone- not sure how difficult it would be to make it so redstone could be placed on the vertical

sides of blocks. If its too difficult maybe make a new block that will carry a signal up/down that can be

stacked on each other. maybe for aesthetic reasons you could just re-color a fence post and code it to carry a

signal up and down.

2) Redstone switches: not sure if this already exists in the game with the repeaters or not but basically it

will either carry a signal from side a to b or stop said signal entirely. a signal from side c or d will switch

it to the "on/off" mode.
*this idea may be redundant but i dont really play with redstone to much so hopefully im not wasting space with

this idea.

3) netherrack button - this is a more aesthetic then bringing something new to the game. works just like a

normal button except one click on then another click off instead of the on then delayed off that it already is.

recipe would be netherrack on top of soulsand. when off it shows netherrack when on its soulsand.

otay done with my ideas but again ill say freakin awesome mod :D

Giant Redstone Powered Cats
well im not going to change it either

also you should make redstone powered GIANT ROBOT CATS
that would show those damn wolves a lesson

Wagons/Barges/WaterMill/Studded Leather Armor/Fishing
Never considered the laser blocks working vertically as well as horizontally 0.o

Now for more ideas since I just love to think of new things :) I've limited my thoughts to something close to

your own goals for this mod and focused on what I considered underdeveloped. So I came up with this thought


Wagons/barges - while minecarts are the end all be all for passenger and cargo transportation over distance

they are a bit of a resource hog to have tracks running to every possible place you'd need transportation. So

instead of tracks running every where why not make a wagon that's pulled by a passive mob to take all your

materials to that new build site. Same idea for barges (I chose barges simply because I couldn't think of a

smaller cargo carrying vessel). Found that new continent you want to build on but you already have all this

building material stock piled at your old base. Well just load up a barge and ship enough materials with

yourself to get started befor you build that expensive railway to the new location.

The wagons/barges are really just time saving ideas I guess but I feel they add to the medium range of

transportation. Railways can already cover all transportation needs but to me setting up new rails is very

costly and time consuming. With these items implemented you can save time for those shorter runs and just focus

your railways on the longer distance needs.

Watermill - since you like to play with redstone why not make a block that sends a signal while water (or lava

if you like) is running along side of it?

Studded leather armor - this is more of my OCD kicking in then a need but tools and weapons all come in sets of

4 materials while armor only has three sets :\ thus I thought of studded leather. Adds the a nice little step

befor wearing complete iron armor. Recipes would just be a mix of leather and iron and naturally it's

durability would be between leather and iron armor.

Fishing- fishing atm is pointless. While being basically free to collect they just aren't worth the effort.

Much like wheat befor the invention of cake. So why not add a random chance that you can catch something worth

while. So add two new fish. One which once cooked heals 3-5 hearts while the other is very rare and once cooked

becomes a fish dinner and works just like a cake. I know that all health needs are pretty much covered by pork

but this was the simplest idea I came up with to give something a purpose when it is currently pointless. Or

you could just come up with some reason why you'd need fish oil 0.o

Umm that's all of my ideas so far. I'll get back to building stuff now and leave you alone for a bit :D

Reverse Physics Block/Longer Torches/ Aquarium
Here are 2 ideas which would add something pretty nice i think to the game play :Skeleton:

The down side up block!

This would be a block which would ''act'' like sand with the unique ability to float on watter if water was to

fulfill the surrondering area of the same level. the block would be push up on top of the water whichi would go

under it.
Could be based on a wood recpe or something similar to plastic?

The boucning block

It would be a blcok which would invert your incoming velocity,

Exemple : Fall on it, bounce in direction of the star with the same power or some grvity applied physics
Or, Charge in one of these blcok with a minecart and see it rebound on it

Recipe should be based on strings and wool + wood sticks

The higher up block
When actived with redstone, the block makes surrondering block go up of a level, until deactivated
Which would be great to create elevator? or lava/water aesthetic fountain? XD
recipe based on iron and redstone

Long Torches
Torches which are 3 block high? similar to street lights?
Use more wood stick for recipe


Glass blcok which can be filled with water, lava cement, 1x1
Could be activated to boil or keep liquid? Oven like?

Floating Chest/ Punji Stick
Some kind of floating chest I can send through various water channels with gates to change its path? That would

be nice and useful.

Also, I was wondering if you were still considering the Punji stick trap idea. I searched a bit and found the

previously mentioned mod with retractable iron spikes. But judging from the description and comments, it does

constant damage on touch like the cacti and is yet another item that uses iron for his recipe. The Punji stick

trap however would just multiply/amplify the fall damage, making them always harmless to walk through. Plus it

would give another use to reed which doesn't see as much action as iron. I just really liked the idea and

wanted to know if it was still a possibility. :3

More-Powerful Powered Minecart
So, Flower, now that you're going to be phasing out the soul boosters, i think you should make some way to make

freight trains more efficient. I had this idea, which is essentially a much more useful and powerful version of

the powered minecart. It's pretty much a roughly minecart-sized steam train, powered by coal (obviously) that

you can ride in, and which is much better at pushing minecarts around. Maybe you could also make some form of

minecart joining system, maybe something you craft onto a minecart? i imagine it somewhat like this:

:D [] :goldore:
:YFlower: :YFlower: :Notch:
:Notch: [] :Notch:

You would then craft it onto a minecart (any type) like so:

[] [] []
[] :Diamond: :Pig:
[] [] []

Where :D=minecart and :Pig:=joining mechanism thingy.
Then, whenever you move a minecart adjacent to the one you just crafted and press, i don't know, H or

something, then they'll attach to each other. Press it again and they return to normal. Using a series of

these, you could make a minecart train, powered by the mini-steam-train thing i mentioned earlier. The

advantage of a train instead of a bunch of minecarts is that the train won't move so slowly up hills, and will

move faster overall, if you use the mini-steam-train thing.

So, there it is. This would help transport the several chests of cobblestone, iron, and whatever else you mined

up to the surface in a timely fashion, and also give you other options for long-distance transportation. For

example, you could use booster tracks to get you started, and then have the powered minecart/mini-steam-train

thingy (yeesh that's a mouthful, i'll just call it the MSTT from now on) keep the train going for most of the


Redstone Block Functions
While building something I had a great idea for a an addition to better than wolves mod.

The red stone core block. It would look like other blocks but with a red circle in it. The red circle would be

the redstone core that would carry the current up down, left right. The user could position it with a punch.

Much like we already do with pistons.
This could be done with all blocks in multiple configurations.

Red being the redstone
wood being anyblock in the game you are building with.

Straight core
:P :) :Diamond:
:D :Red: :wood:
:wood: :wood: :wood:

L Core
:wood: :Red: :wood:
:wood: :Red: :Red:
:wood: :wood: :wood:

T Core
:wood: :Red: :wood:
:Red: :Red: :Red:
:wood: :wood: :wood:

(Plus/Cross) Core
:wood: :Red: :wood:
:Red: :Red: :Red:
:wood: :Red: :wood:

The advantage with this system is greatly reduced redstone bloat/space.

Buttons and switches that can carry current straight down to the redstone business area. Or with T shaped cores

carry current directly to blocks and continue the circuit to the redstone business area for other functions.

wallpapers/skins: lets you change the texture of a block to look like a different type of block
fall through blocks: block that one can fall/walk through but can have things placed on them (like

and keep the pressure plate blocks so that there will be a pressure plate that skins can be applied to

Opacity Changing Block
(Sorry if this has already been suggested, I admit to not reading through all the thread pages)

How about a block that changes states between glass and an opaque block when it receives power? It could e.g.

be used to make shuttable windows underwater/-lava or for secret windows on land.

Flower Pots
Could You please make flower pots? If so, i think they should be the size of a flower. (Perhaps a little


Otherwise, Awesome mod, hope you fix it to Multiplayer

Tweaks/ Back Pack
You're right, I didn't express my idea correctly ^^

Three little things I though about :

- The Companion cube : Could it be like sand, and fall with gravity ? It wouldn't change much, but we could

make it fall from hidden dispensers, fly around with pistons, make companion-cubes-collapsing-doorway and

secret passages, ...

- A chest that would pick up items when droped close to it. Quite usefull by itself.
And even more, when in contact with a dispenser (yours and the MC one), it would reload the dispenser : Usefull

for auto-harvesting systems (wich I'm very found of, as you've noticed), to reload dispensers, for fully-auto

circuits in mines, minecarts station, and so more ...

- A transportable chest/ A backpack : Without stackable food, of when moving your stuff away from your old

house to your new, or in a huge construction session, don't you ever thought ''Damn I'm gonna have to do at

least 30 trips to carry it all with my ridiculous 4 lines of inventory ?''
This item could be placed, and act like a regular chest, but when picked up with a special item (TBD), it would

keep them inside, and could be pickup, only if you're not wearing an armor, so you can only have one, and

carried on your back.
Since it's kinda really helpfull, it should require a lot of ressources to be built, I'd see something like :
:Sheep: => Wool
:Bacon: => Leather
{SMILIES_PATH}/feather.png]" title="-<->" /> =>String
:sponge: => Glowstone

:Sheep: :Sheep: :Sheep:
{SMILIES_PATH}/feather.png]" title="-<->" /> :Sheep: {SMILIES_PATH}/feather.png]" title="-<->" /> ==> :Logs^:

The bag
{SMILIES_PATH}/feather.png]" title="-<->" /> :Sheep: {SMILIES_PATH}/feather.png]" title="-<->" />

:sponge: :Diamond: :sponge:
:Diamond: :chestfront: :Diamond: ===> :chestfront:* The storage
:sponge: :Diamond: :sponge:

:Bacon: :chestfront:* :Bacon:
:Bacon: :Logs^: :Bacon: ==> The backpack
:Bacon: :Bacon: :Bacon:

So, usefull, but balanced, since only you can only carry one at a time, a quite expensive to craft.

Sifting Block
I had an idea for a sifting block while i was punching gravel for the hibachis.
1st, you need to build a grate
:Iron: [] :Iron:
[] :Iron: []
:Iron: [] :Iron:
:|: [] :|:
[] :|: []
:|: [] :|:
Depending on how easy you want this to be made.
Then, you make the sifting block,
:Rose: =grate :Blue: = redstone dust
:Iron: :) :Iron:
:Iron: :Pink: :Iron:
:SSSS: :( :Indigo:

It would need an inventory of 1 and a deposit space, like the furnace.
Gravel goes in, pop in coal/redstone power, and it turns your gravel into flint.
Now arrows are just a little less of a hassle to make :Notch:
Edit: Maybe if you put sand in it, you get fine sand, used to make lenses for your focused torches?

Steam Power
Making SMP SupportHey flower,
I was tossing around some ideas for your steam in my head the other day,
Case 1) Steam comes into contact with air (the same way flowing lava comes into contact with flowing water)
I could create an invisible unmine-able air block that just spawns lots of white smoke effects to easily fined

steam leaks.

case 2) Have it work a little like the pistons, have the piston head be a separate block and the steam act like

the arm, the more heat the cauldron or boiler block gets, the longer the steam arm gets, ( in the scene of case

1, stops expanding once it touches air.

this way, you could build elevators that require doors to operate :]

Just my thoughts, i do like the idea of us building our own pipes out of blocks. Hope the basics of the steam

come out soon, looking forward to it :chestfront:

Edit: also, for the nethercoal crafting dilemma, why not just have it give you more torches than regular coal?

8 maybe.

Underwater Item Speed Booster
Finally, just to overwhelm you further, I wanted to lend my encouragement to any ideas that increase the use of

water throughout the world, as I am seeing mob-farms and automated water collections loosing favour. Perhaps a

water wheel to 'boost' item speed in the water (without affecting the number of blocks the water spreads

over?). These wouldn't even need rotational animation as they could be placed above the stream of water

(although a custom texture would probably be necessary!). I don't know how feasible any of that would be, just

my thoughts on a adding to an otherwise excellent gameplay mod.

Btw, just a little combat suggestion, how about adding poison? You could add a special mushroom to the Nether

that allows you to apply it to your weapons. Additionally, Poison could be added to spiders to make them more

of a threat because let's face it, they're weak-ass.

Would definitely enrich the minecraft combat (which is pretty shallow) and be awesome for traps as well!

Multi-Smeltable Furnace
You know, yesterday, while mouse-cliking to death while cooking hundreds of glasses and stone, I thought :
The cauldron is great, no more need to wait for the food, but still have to wait for thoose f*ckin' furnaces,

in which you can't even shift-click (gettin' used to it now !).
How could we have some same feature for the hard materials, without making the coal useless. And I thought :

Why not make the cauldron use, for the food, the hibachi's fire from bellow, and for the stone and stuff, use

coal (or even nethercoal) ?
Something like that in the cauldron GUI :
Posted Image
(dit it in two minutes so it looks like crap, but you get the point)
So if there's nethercoal to the boost the fire it can cook stone, if not, only food. (And since the cauldron is

big, 1 slot of nethercoal would be small, but might be a way to not overpower the cauldron.
Or maybe it could require some 'diamond netherack' new item, that would need to be in, and would decay over the

uses. Many ways to make it still balanced, but yet more usefull for big builders.

Loaf/ Chain Mill Recipe/ Tweaks
1)A block similar to cake, but made from pork wheat egg and water, PORK LOAF! Maybe even Wolf loaf if you feel

like it flower :]

2) A legitimate crafting recipe for chain mail?

3) Boiled leather +BL armor! Put some more use for the cauldron maybe?

4) Some more uses for my previously described sifting block, can turn sandstone back into sand, (sandstone is

now a sand storage method along with an early building block) Can turn cobblestone into gravel, sift sand into

fine sand for future crafting recipes, sift dirt to make a Silt block, better for growing crops and trees?

Keep up the good work flower!

Cow Usages
Rofl random idea. You were thinking of making another use for leather. Why not make up a whole other use for

the cow. Chickens occasionally lay eggs so why not make cows occasionally drop "fertilizer" or "patties" which

you can sow into tilled soil and it will slightly increase the grow rate of plants. Maybe add a limit to one

fertilizer for one plant so people would have to keep a stock pile. Since eggs aren't laid that often keep it

the same for fertilizer. It would limit it to smaller grow ops since collecting enough for the larger ops would

be too much of a time sink. And on a side note to that idea cow and pig "eliminations" are also a good source

of methane if you ever come up with a reason to have it. In fact the are several uses for animal "eliminations"

that could be made up

Multi-Smelt Furnace
While i was making a shit-ton of glass, I thought of this:
The Smelting Station:
A block that manages A number of furnaces around it.

:) :Diamond: :)
:) :Black: :Furnace:
:Furnace: :Furnace: :Furnace:

Like so in a wall, I think this would make mass smelting a bit better, as multiple furnaces could be tended to

with one click.
Toggle Button (aka switch)
A togglable button. First push door open then second Push door closed instead of the current open/close with

one push. I think I've found a way to make it a simpler process to wire a button and pressure plate system that

toggles but now that I'm working on it I think I would make it more complicated then it already is.... Eh

either way I'll come up with a cool use for block dispensers being used in a redstone circuit.

Electric Furnace
Any KNOWN incompatibilities I should be aware of? Because I don't see any OBVIOUS reasons for the problem I'm


Also, for the record, IDEA:
Electric Furnace
:Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond:
:Diamond: :DBlock: :DBlock:
:DBlock: :Sheep: :DBlock:
Where :Diamond: is a Habachi grill.
Slower cook/smelt speed, but near-indefinite use.
It's not like it's inherently unbalanced against Charcoal with the materials suggested; Charcoal is renewable


well, i don't hate wolves but i dont LOVETHEMLIKEMAD. some people are nutty crazy about wolves. and a idea is

this: Cage. it would act and put in/ let out whatever was in it if powered by redstone. the way to get

something in would be make it touch the cage block when it was set to putting things in. it wold be crafted by

three iron atop one then iron with nothing in center then iron and to finish it off, three iron on the bottom.

still, I still support this mod though. have diamonds.


. By the way, i said i support, i didn't say i

like it. but i like the cement idea.

Water Removal

I just discovered this mod because I always thought it actually was about wolves so I chose to completely

ignore it, but then I was lucky enough to be pointed towards it when I google searched for cement in minecraft.

Really a lot of cool ideas here and now that I got it working wit the rest of my mods (had to replace your

et.class with that of minecraft extended again, not sure what exactly the effect of that is going to be but

cement works fine so far, which is what I was initially after) I am really enjoying it.

So yeah anyhow. No that I've seen how responsive and open to suggestion you are I might as well make one.

What I've really been loking for is an efficient way to get rid of large amounts of water (for example if

you're building underwater) and once I saw how the cement works I thought the following might be possible:

Insulating Foam (alternative: )
It behaves somewhat similar to cement but it does not dissipate when it contacts water, it rather replaces the

water (in a coding sense) or absorbs it in a logical sense. If possible it could be that it actually only

spreads further than a couple blocks if it connects to water. Once it is hardened out one can start smashing it

up (without it actually dropping any ressource) or burn it, because it is highly flammable (meaning fire you

spread really fast and the block should dissappear rather quickly).

If you want you could add other properties like stickyness to remove movement speed or maybe negating fall

damage if you land on it or something, but for me the priority would be to get rid of water although you could

of course use it for other stuff like really long fire based TNT ignition without having to collect massive

amounts of wool or wood, which burn rather slowly.

Recipe is up to you really. Maybe use some gelatine from grinded up wolf meat? ^^

PS: If you wanted to make your rope more wolf unfriendly maybe you could add a rope-based trap that either

immobilizes whatever walks on to it or simply just starts strangling it. ;-)

Rope Tweaks
IDEA I haven't played with the ropes yet but from the video it looked like a slow fall instead of a being

controlled decent. If this is so why not make a knotted rope segment that would catch the player at the bottom

of the rope so you could safely dangle in the air and harvest whatever goods you wanted. Assuming it works like

all partial blocks you could then build a small platform around it. Best implementation of this idea is

lightblock harvesting in the nether

lol you should make craftable joints
:) = hemp :|: = rope :Lava: = lava bucket
[] [] :Lava:
[] :|: []
:Leaves: [] []
make a hallucination and healing type thing when you smoke it lol

Rope Arrows (Grappelling Hook)
We need rope arrows! Fire an arrow and when it hits something (preferably a wall or ceiling) it lets down a

rope you can climb! If you lack walls and a ceiling, fell free to shoot at wolves - you hobo.

Dispenser Block Tweaks
Please make extended dispenser block, which distance would spread down to same block types. For example, we

:Coal: - dispenser
1 state:
:P :RedShroom: :Diamond: :Coal: :Coal: :Coal: :Diamond: :grass:
2 state:
:Furnace: [] [] [] [] [] :Diamond: :grass:

If we put 5 cobblestone instead of obsidian, we will get:
:Furnace: [] [] [] [] [] :P :grass:
:Furnace: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Coal: :D :grass:
And then
:Furnace: [] [] [] [] [] [] :grass:

Max extended block dispenser distance can be for example 32 blocks. It will allow to make castle gates, and can

be useful in factories, maybe.

Lava Spawning Block/ Boom Sticks
2: My new idea is a lava creator. It would constantly spew lava into a mold or something, but be activated by

either redstone, or putting cobblestone into it. Made out of netherack, a flint and steel, and diamond, it

would make obsidian farming SO much quicker and easier. Instead of having to repeatedly dig underground to get

lava for your obsidian, you can just make a pond of lava, sitting in your front yard, ready and waiting for you

to pull lava from it. This would make me able to have MANY more circuits, and be able to make portals to/from

the nether quickly and easily. Building config might be something like
:Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond:
:iapprove: {SMILIES_PATH}/flintnsteel.png :Black:
:Black: :Coal: :Black:

where :Black: = Netherack

3: Another idea I have, a insta mine. Basicly, a shaped TNT charge that directs its blast downward, allowing

you to utalize the anchor and rope for mining down, especially if you (like me) have the mineral dectector mod.

YAY diamond mining. I do suggest it only go down 10 or 12 blocks. Any deeper and you risk killing some idiot

that falls in the hole.
:stone: :tnt: :stone:
:stone: :tnt: :stone:
:stone: :tnt: :stone:

It can be either one row, or all three. You might be able to vary power based off of how many rows you made (1

row going 3/4, 2 rows going 6/8 3 rows going 9/12)

Glow Rope
4: Yep, another idea (this one though of as I was posting the second new idea). GLOW ROPE!. Basicly, rope that

you add glowdust to in the process of making your rope. SO MUCH BETTER for mining. I'd descend with rope into

caves and CONSTINTLY have to drop torches as soon as I'd start. I also got lost... alot... very easily. With

the glow rope, it would be quicker to find the exit and get out. It would also keep creepers away.

glowrope recipe?
:|: :--+: :|:

were :|: = rope and :--+: = glowdust

2 glowrope for each making of the recipie (you rolled the rope in glowdust)


OH! Also, can you make wool non flamable? I put the wool above the hibachi for a floor.... POOF up in smoke.

Wool is naturally fireproof, and I think you might be able to add a 'wool sheet' with which to beat out large,

out of control flames


Mob Attraction/ Ditch
Well, I allready have the Airship mod... Blankets maybe?

Stronger leather boots. - Possability?

"porta-chest" - INTRODUCING: YOUR OWN PORTABLE HO-BO TRAVEL BAG! (now only 4 cows away!)

I noticed somthing. If you have a culdron.. it will attract EVERY MOB IN THE AREA TO GO SIT ON YOUR FIRE AND

GIVE YOU PORKCHOPS! =P (My base was on top of a mob spawner, so I'd have cows and things traped inside.

Idea I had whilst playing (after that last post): Seems simple enough to me, but a "combine" or some other such

farming device. You put seed in, push or drive it over your feild, and it will 1: Put furrows in the ground, 2:

Carve a channel for water and place water 3: Plant seeds.

The "Carve channel for water" doesn't neccisarilly need to be on the combine. Like, you push the '3x1 block"

across the ground, and it will prepare and plant whatever seeds you have in it. You can go back across and

carve out a channel.

Crafting recipie?
Gear, Stone, Gear
hoe, gear, hoe
stone, null, stone

I had a debate with myself over getting this mod and the Buildcraft mod.

You can tell which one won :D

Here is a little something for you!
Gear-Redstone Converter
Holy crap! That waterwheel is so cool! May I ask if you can make a gear-to-redstone converter?
Maybe crafted like:

B) :cobblestone: :cobblestone:
:Portabella: :Furnace: :RedShroom:
:cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone:

:RedShroom: =redstone torch

Wolf Armor
i had an idea for something you could add to your mod. I actually really like your mod and when you added wolf

chops this popped into my head. wolf armor. Some way of getting wolf hide and using it to make a cleverly

textured armor. if you like the idea, use it. you can take full credit if you'd like. if you don't, then don't

put it in. it's just something i found amusing in my head.

Ferris Wheel
Idea place the water wheel in the middle of the crafting grid and surround it with torches. Ferris Wheel!

The real idea. Same as above but surround it with buckets. Improved water wheel. The buckets increase the power

of the wheel thus allowing it to tackle much harder jobs :) plus it'll give the wheel metal ends which could

allow it to be powered by lava

A mechanically powered elevator would be nice, attach an anchor to the top of a block with some rope then run

that rope to a mechanical thinger that will retract the rope pulling the anchored block up with it when it

receives power from an axle and letting it down when it doesn't have power.

Also thanks for straightening me out on the frankenclassing... some things men are not meant to mettle with...

:Skeleton: :Zombie: :SSSS: like those

Suction Chest
Hey first post ever! Oh well down to business. What would you think of having a block like a chest, but it

picks up dropped items laying near it. This is something I have often wished I had as It's the last thing I

need to make my farm and mob traps fully automatic.

Thanks for your time and great mod. Now I'm off to find more clay...

Wind Mill
maybe put in a windmill? just a water wheel but with iron ingots. oh and about the reason for creating the

water wheel as an input and windmill is because the redstone could be powered farther?
not sure how many people will back this idea, but here goes:

the ability to make a pot (single block of dirt that has a wooden* exterior except the top layer)
Allowing the player to grow a single hemp/wheat crop (if ploughed) inside, or place a flower/mushroom (if not

ploughed) (adds to the furniture/décor side of building a house)

*alternatives could be:
- terracotta (clay)
- marble (stone)
- Gold (adds uses to gold ore)
- Iron
and pretty much any other ore/mineral/material that people would think would look good
This would also add more things to craft for the player (such as making wooden panels for the pot etc.)
RedStone Block
With your continued emphasis on redstone maybe create a redstone block? Would make storing and transporting it

easier. Maybe to give it a purpose set it to work like a redstone torch but it only has one state and that is

powered. Could also be used in future recipes for whatever features you may add that would need 9x the power of

redstone to operate?

Power Generator (Redstone Torch)
Add a power generator!

Minecart With Pedals
How About a Minecart that Has Pedles In it like a bicycle so the Player can Ride The rails. also a Way to make

it trip or not trip Detector rail so you can Pick witch way you want to go ( without having to get out and

through a switch )

a simple But Efective improvment ( in my opinion )

Tie Up wolves
bonsly24, on 23 May 2011 - 03:55 PM, said:
i also have a segestin... a way to tie wolfs to anchors ...
Lol! And throw them into the ocean? :)

No, I won't be doing that, but it did give me a good laugh :)

Zip Lines
I just had a thought with regard to rope, anchors and such: Zip lines. I'm not suggesting, requesting, or even

really worried about whether or not it happens, but it would be pretty cool if it did. Just throwing it out

there. :iapprove:
Redstone Placement
First i have to say you that my english is not good cause i'am from germany.
I like your better than wolves mod but i would like to use it with the buildcraft mod, that doesn't work cause

the item and block IDs are sometimes the same! I don't understand java and minecraft modding so i ask you: can

you make your mod compatibly to the buildcraft mod ?

And i have an idea for your mod! Make redstone able to travel on walls and ceiling! I hope it is an good idea!

Cobble Omni-Slabs (aka Cobble Slabs)
A small request.

Could we get some cobblestone Omni Slabs? I would love to get some extra building love on some of the castle

looking blocks that i build with so regularly. :)

More Versions Of The Companion Cube
here is an idea! when you make a companion cube with a wolf how about make more versions of it using the other

mobs like a creeper cube and zombie cube of Example. I would love a house a made of Compressed creepers. LOLZ

Spinning Wheel
Hi. First, thanks for the mod. Second, a suggestion which I think fits the theme:

Spinning Wheel - processes wool into string.

Have you thought about putting BTW specific achievements into the mod?

Like ^3'd for making a companion cube.

I have an idea: a parachute, it would reduce the fall damage while in the inventory and take damage for each

block you fall through. It would be crated thus:
:White: :White: :White:
:|: :: :|:
:: :Red: ::

Where :|: is string and :Red: is scored leather

Wind Power
A thought just crossed me a second ago. Before i go on, please don't think that im trying to shout and scream

at you to add more features to this already fantastic mod BUT. I was just thinking "Well...We have water

power.. What about wind power!" Or even solar power :) Just throwing an idea out there. I don't know whether

wind power would be at all codeable as there wind :) (on a quick note i started looking at tutorials

for minecraft modding :D. Really interesting stuff. I'm sure im gonna be pretty hooked.)

Castle Gates
Just a fast suggestion (again).
A use for the axles and water wheels: A Castle Gate!
Wolfie Wheel
Hmm good point. Although I have seen an automated storing system using powered minecarts that delivers storage

carts to the first open slot. Bah!!! I need to drop thus subject it has nothing to do with BTW :|

New idea! The wolf wheel. Naturally it's powered by a running wolf :D place one companion cube and one new cube

that could be called "compacted lamb". With the power of redstone the companion cube and compacted lamb are

transmogrified back into their original shapes thus allow the wolf to chase the sheep on a stick and powering

the wheel. (this is a humorous idea and not really an attempt to get this implemented)

Diagonal Ropes
Flower, I know your somewhat against aesthetic features but is there any chance you could add ropes that go

diagonal, because I was asked to make a free running custom map with ladders but their physics won't cut it

(you can walk on top of them for god sake!!!), it would also work nicely with my pirate ship :P

Message From FlowerChild Himself!
FlowerChild wrote:Sorry guys, but I won't be following this thread religiously.

HOWEVER, if any Elitist Swine notice a truly exceptional idea in here, he'll let me know about it. I think they have a good grasp of what kind of stuff I like and don't like and can really help me out by doing this.

If There Are Any Discrepancies In The Above Post Please Feel Free To Post In The Below Section
Last edited by magikeh on Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:46 am, edited 12 times in total.
Magical Shit
Syruse|Work: i like magic shit
MagikEh: ...
MagikEh: >.>
MagikEh: <.<
»» MagikEh walks to the bathroom
Syruse|Work: hahaaaaaaaaa
Syruse|Work: wait
MagikEh: xD
Syruse|Work: fuck
Syruse|Work: NO
Syruse|Work: DONT
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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by diegokilla »

Perhaps we could compile a list of already suggested suggestions?
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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by walker_boh_65 »

diegokilla wrote:Perhaps we could compile a list of already suggested suggestions?
we already have a topic for that i think
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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by diegokilla »

walker_boh_65 wrote:
diegokilla wrote:Perhaps we could compile a list of already suggested suggestions?
we already have a topic for that i think
I saw it 30 sec after posting that -.- ... woopsies :P
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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by finite8 »

Problem: This topic will get spammed to hell with everyones ideas. It will soon become impossible to tell what is an idea, what is a comment, and what is a duplicate.

I think it would be better if either:
a) A seperate section for "Ideas" is set up. That way, you know what you are getting in for.
b) Another tool such as is used. It failed miserabally for Mojang, but might work better for something at a smaller scale such as a Mod.

Also remember people, this is for a MOD of Minecraft, not Minecraft itself. Don't ask for things that you asked Mojang or other Modders to do but didn't do. Make suggestions RELEVANT to this Mod, not just stuff that you want in the game.

I present f***ing guns as an example of this:
Flowerchild (IRC) wrote:I'm not trying to stop you BTW ..., I'm saying that I think you're a piece of shit...not the same thing
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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by magikeh »

diegokilla wrote:
walker_boh_65 wrote:
diegokilla wrote:Perhaps we could compile a list of already suggested suggestions?
we already have a topic for that i think
I saw it 30 sec after posting that -.- ... woopsies :P
Lol yeeah, im going to talk to the creator of that topic and see if he/she wants to combine these topics
Magical Shit
Syruse|Work: i like magic shit
MagikEh: ...
MagikEh: >.>
MagikEh: <.<
»» MagikEh walks to the bathroom
Syruse|Work: hahaaaaaaaaa
Syruse|Work: wait
MagikEh: xD
Syruse|Work: fuck
Syruse|Work: NO
Syruse|Work: DONT
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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by Kwilt »

I plan to be posting here quite a bit. That is, if this is fine by Flower. I'd love to play the ol' game of science and just throw things at the wall, seeing what sticks, but I never wanted to clog up the old topic with utterly moronic, first mind ideas.

But hey, maybe we can fish a treasure out of the heap of trash, eh?

Also, I think we should keep two topics, to be honest: One where we throw ideas together (here possibly) and then another that just lists all the ideas thrown together, possibly locked so that only the TC can update it.

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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by Zraupp »

scope? binoculars PLEASE!?
Mod to attach to this like too may items mod
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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by Cale »

I have an idea that you might have heard before which is a conveyer belt. It can carry dropped items into a hopper. Say for a monster-killing-machine the items can fall onto the conveyer belt and into the hopper. But this is just a basic idea. Great mod.

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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by redrew89 »

Here are a couple of suggestions that I figure I will add to this thread:

Wolf Chow - Feeding your wolves can be a bit costly, especially if you are trying to achieve maximum dung production. Since changes in the passive mob spawning algorithm were introduced in 1.6, controlling where pigs will spawn, especially within a pre-designed mob-trap, is much more difficult. Hence wolf chow is intended to be a more resource-effective method of feeding one's wolves. (I understand that this suggestion pertains to wolves, but it is intended to go hand-in-hand with other features found in this mod.)

Proposed recipe: Flour + Pork Chop + Bone Meal = 3x Wolf Chow

The logic being that one would need to have some sort of milling system set up to produce flour, as well as access to bones for bone meal. Three units for each craft makes it balanced, but still more efficient than feeding wolves whole pork chops.

The following suggestions are nonsensical at best, and are intended as humorous ideas that don't exactly fit the feel of this mod. Not to be taken seriously, by any means.

Medicinal Hemp - Since the introduction of hemp as a crop and resource, many users have postulated the potential of this substance's better-known psychoactive properties. While FlowerChild has maintained that the hemp featured in his mod is purely for industrial purposes, as history would dictate, I feel that this suggestion would make for an amusing "easter egg".

Hemp + Furnace -> Cured Hemp

3x Cured Hemp + 3x Paper -> 1 joint

1x Bowl + 2x stick -> Wooden pipe

Using any of the above items requires you to have at least a flint and steel in your inventory (As a lighter, of course.) in the case of the latter item, the user would also need a unit of cured hemp in their inventory for each use. Each use would raise a counter, to determine the level of psychoactive effect. At a pre-determined level, the player's movement speed would decrease by 0.05%, at a higher pre-determined level, perhaps even the use of some kind of "block distortion" code (such as Risugami's Block Distortion Mod), to (unrealistically) simulate the onset of mild hallucinations. The counter would naturally decrease over time (-1 for 1/2 MC day), so that the effects are not long-term.

There would be no perceived benefit to using this feature, as such, I do not anticipate it to be taken seriously. No one else should, either.
FlowerChild wrote:Happiness is a warm and moist tentacle.
FlowerChild wrote:I just want to be loved.
Havok wrote: I'm so fucking psyched I could punch a kitten into the troposphere
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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by PlayerZero »

Love the mod, long time user first time poster. Sorry what happened on your other forum,. Who complains about free stuff?
So any ways how about rubber blocks. Rubber comes from trees and was discovered in the 1700, so not to tech. One could harvest natural latex from a tree with a bucket and refine it in a cauldron to produce rubber blocks. Rubber block would be bouncy, which would be fun. And the possibilities for crafting are endless( i.e. wheels, balls, trampoline, bungees, extension and contraction springs too name a few).
Thats my 3 cents. Be vicious if you like, I can take a little deconstructive criticism. :ugeek:
Last edited by PlayerZero on Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
-Never trust a nihilist with a sense of humor.
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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by FlowerChild »

Sorry guys, but I won't be following this thread religiously.

HOWEVER, if any Elitist Swine notice a truly exceptional idea in here, I'd very much appreciate it if they let me know about it. I think they have a good grasp of what kind of stuff I like and don't like and can really help me out by doing this.
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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by laxadaisical »

Hmm it's just one idea right now, but what about an anvil or something like that to repair almost broken tools. I find it annoying to keep having to use my good materials on equipment when I can be using them for my buildings and such. It's not a high tech devise and it can be made easily. I don't know if that's exactly what FlowerChild may be looking for in an idea and i dunno if someone suggested it but it could be nifty.

Example of what I pictured if anvil was to be made.

. [iron][iron][iron]
. . . . .[iron]
. [iron][iron][iron] <---- dunno if it should be all iron or have a stone or wooden base to it.

When it's used two boxes appear, one above the other, where you put your almost broken tool and one material that is used to make the tool (ex. iron, gold, diamond). Also, have a box to the right of it where the fixed tool will appear and maybe a hammer in the middle of the two boxes on the left and the one on the right that lights up as it is being fixed (like how one would cook).

Example of how I picture it.

. [Box for tool]
. . . . . . . . . . . . {timer/ lighting up hammer} . . [Box for fixed tool]
. [Box for mat]

Note: please excuse the periods on the examples. When i previewed it didn't appear how i wanted it.
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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by finite8 »

FlowerChild wrote:Sorry guys, but I won't be following this thread religiously.

HOWEVER, if any Elitist Swine notice a truly exceptional idea in here, I'd very much appreciate it if they let me know about it. I think they have a good grasp of what kind of stuff I like and don't like and can really help me out by doing this.
I think i speak for the other swines when i say we will keep our eyes peeled and add, clarify and refine any good ideas we come across in our section for you (Just don't be too harsh if we accidentally pick / promote a crap idea)

-- With Great Power comes Great Responsibility... and Great Privileges! Yay! --
Last edited by finite8 on Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
Flowerchild (IRC) wrote:I'm not trying to stop you BTW ..., I'm saying that I think you're a piece of shit...not the same thing
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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by darahalian »

Here are a few suggestions/ideas that I've been thinking about for a little while:

Make a use for slimeballs, if you don't already have something planned for them. You've already managed to make uses for previously useless (or mostly useless) things such as glowstone dust, mossy cobblestone, and sugarcane, and I think you could do the same thing for the slimeballs. A use I hadn't thought of when I started this post could be being a part of what I'm describing in the next suggestion.

Grappling hook: I think someone suggested this on the original thread, but I also think it is a good idea. Basically, by crafting together an anchor and some rope, and possibly a slimeball, to make it stick, you can make a grappling hook of sorts, which can be thrown and attach to walls or ceilings. To make the crafting simple, the hook could require you to have previously made a coil of rope by crafting nine rope together, and use that coil in the crafting recipe. Or, for use with the 2x2 grid that you'll likely be using if you're on the go with a grappling hook, it could be four rope crafted together into small coils, four of which could be turned into a large coil. If the grappling hook successfully attaches, it will place an anchor where it hit, and the amount of rope it was crafted with will extend down from it, and any extra rope that hits the ground will turn into an item.
Rope, when used for climbing, is currently good for getting down a cliff or something, but this would make it also useful for getting up someplace quickly with out having to worry about needing a ton of ladders, or leaving pillars of dirt or cobble behind. If you wanted to get the grappling hook back, you would have to pull the rope in, re-harvest the anchor, and re-craft the hook with a new slimeball.
I don't know how hard this would be to implement, but I think it would be a good idea.

I also have some suggestions about the current balance of some existing features.
Currently, you can get string by mill-stoning wool, and get fertilizer by contaminating the food in your cauldron with dung. String and bone-meal are things that you previously had to fight monsters for, and I think being able to get them this easily is a little unbalanced.

With this mod, you can obtain string and make what is currently the most powerful weapon in the vanilla game without having to fight any spiders, like you needed to before. Plus, putting some wool in a millstone doesn't seem like it would give you string anyway. Maybe instead you could make a spinning wheel to serve this purpose, or just remove the ability altogether, as there currently isn't much use for string.

You do have to kill a skeleton or two to get the bones needed to tame a wolf so you can get dung, but once you do, you don't need to fight any more of them to get the power of unlimited instant grow. (Unlimited since once you get a small wheat farm going, it is very easy to make donuts in large quantities, and turn them into Foul Food) Maybe to balance this out, you could give foul food a different use, or just decrease the chance of it successfully fertilizing something.

One other thing that seems slightly overpowered to me is the ability to filter gravel into flint and sand with a 100% success rate. If this is unbalanced, it is at least a bit more balanced than the previous two things, as it doesn't eliminate the need to fight a monster for a resource. It is definitely nice to be able to have an alternative way to get sand if you are nowhere near a desert, but you've said that a little challenge is a good thing. Also, I think flint is supposed to be a little tedious to get, since it is used to make arrows, the ammo for the bow, which is, as I already said, currently the most powerful weapon in vanilla minecraft. And it also does seem a little bit strange that you can get sand from gravel, as it is just a bunch smaller rocks and pebbles and stuff. Maybe if the chance that gravel was separated this way was greatly reduced, it might be a bit more balanced. I think that the way gravel works normally is good: not every pile of gravel has flint in it.

So, yeah. Sorry for such a wall of text, but I think these things would be improvements to the mod, though it is already quite awesome. ;)
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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by FlowerChild »

finite8 wrote:
FlowerChild wrote:Sorry guys, but I won't be following this thread religiously.

HOWEVER, if any Elitist Swine notice a truly exceptional idea in here, I'd very much appreciate it if they let me know about it. I think they have a good grasp of what kind of stuff I like and don't like and can really help me out by doing this.
I think i speak for the other swines when i say we will keep our eyes peeled and add, clarify and refine any good ideas we come across in our section for you (Just don't be too harsh if we accidentally pick / promote a crap idea)

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Be very selective about which ideas you pass along man. Keep in mind that of the swine, you're probably one of the newer members of the community, so might not be as tuned-into my particular thought on game design as others ;)
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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by Flesh_Engine »

While i have started typing multiple ideas and then deciding not to post since ultimately the idea wasn't that good or could be already accomplished i thought it might be worth muling about or that it might ignite an idea somewhere.

Problem with suggestions is that our frame of reference is, atm, a bit too small to see the bigger picture, i'm hoping that with the next feature addition another part of the veil is lifted and we can all speculate about the future.

As such;

I was thinking about the image that was posted in the forum about an actual ore hopper that was tipped to unload its contents; there was a brief discussion between FC and the guy that made the post, which boiled down to the notion that its not going to be implemented or somesuch.

This brought me back to when i first heard of minecraft, i had the mental picture of toiling away underground while periodically loading up a minecart to be boosted back up so that i could keep mining. With this in mind i envisioned a sort of railpiece that basically looked like a normal railpiece with a bumper and a hook; while not receiving power any cart bumping it would be latched on the hook, while powered the hook releases. When mechanical power is provided it pulls the cart overhead to tip it, then replaces it.

Convinced i had a good, plausible and multi use idea i wanted to post but then realised that the minecart can't actually store anything but mobs and for items the chestcart existed and, while it could be applied to this, it seemed wonky to tip a chest and have its contents fall out, so maybe some sort of hoppercart in addition!

But then what would be the purpose of such a thing? It obviously can't expel items underneath it, maybe to the sides but it started to sound contrived while compared to a block dispenser sucking in the minecart and then replacing it...

Not sure if this made any sense or is of any value but i thought it was a nice train of thought that might inspire others.
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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by Fracture »

Flesh_Engine wrote:While i have started typing multiple ideas and then deciding not to post since ultimately the idea wasn't that good or could be already accomplished i thought it might be worth muling about or that it might ignite an idea somewhere.

Problem with suggestions is that our frame of reference is, atm, a bit too small to see the bigger picture, i'm hoping that with the next feature addition another part of the veil is lifted and we can all speculate about the future.

As such;

I was thinking about the image that was posted in the forum about an actual ore hopper that was tipped to unload its contents; there was a brief discussion between FC and the guy that made the post, which boiled down to the notion that its not going to be implemented or somesuch.

This brought me back to when i first heard of minecraft, i had the mental picture of toiling away underground while periodically loading up a minecart to be boosted back up so that i could keep mining. With this in mind i envisioned a sort of railpiece that basically looked like a normal railpiece with a bumper and a hook; while not receiving power any cart bumping it would be latched on the hook, while powered the hook releases. When mechanical power is provided it pulls the cart overhead to tip it, then replaces it.

Convinced i had a good, plausible and multi use idea i wanted to post but then realised that the minecart can't actually store anything but mobs and for items the chestcart existed and, while it could be applied to this, it seemed wonky to tip a chest and have its contents fall out, so maybe some sort of hoppercart in addition!

But then what would be the purpose of such a thing? It obviously can't expel items underneath it, maybe to the sides but it started to sound contrived while compared to a block dispenser sucking in the minecart and then replacing it...

Not sure if this made any sense or is of any value but i thought it was a nice train of thought that might inspire others.
It actually sounds like a kinda neat idea. It would replace the current next-best solution of sucking up the minecart with a block dispenser and spitting it back out to remove the items, instead allowing it to passively grab items thrown at it and then dump them in one direction when a piece of track is activated. Interesting, very much so... Don't really know how the functions would work with an object that moves though, instead of a stationary block like the hopper.
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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by finite8 »

FlowerChild wrote: Be very selective about which ideas you pass along man. Keep in mind that of the swine, you're probably one of the newer members of the community, so might not be as tuned-into my particular thought on game design as others ;)
I know that mate. That's the reason why i haven't put anything through yet. Still getting the precise feel of your thought patterns and the feel of the mod itself.
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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by FlowerChild »

James, you mind switching the title to the *unofficial* list, and changing the note in the OP about me reading all this stuff?

I most likely will not, but I'll rely on the turtles to pass along the best suggestions they come across. I really didn't have time to go through all the suggestions in the old mod-thread to begin with, so I doubt things will be different here.

I almost changed the title myself and put a note about the above in your post, but I feel a little weird about editing other people's posts so I decided against.
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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by Flesh_Engine »

I'd love it if FC made the Companion Cube be able to produce Dung like the Wolves :p

Another reason to turn those foul beasts into nicely packed, completely immovable shit producers :)

But make them whimper instead of the ghast sound, bwhaha :p

(Companion Slab should *not* make Dung)
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Re: Offical Suggestions List

Post by magikeh »

FlowerChild wrote:James, you mind switching the title to the *unofficial* list, and changing the note in the OP about me reading all this stuff?

I most likely will not, but I'll rely on the turtles to pass along the best suggestions they come across. I really didn't have time to go through all the suggestions in the old mod-thread to begin with, so I doubt things will be different here.

I almost changed the title myself and put a note about the above in your post, but I feel a little weird about editing other people's posts so I decided against.

It Has Been Done;

Also I PM'd Battosay about somthing id like you admins to mull over!!
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MagikEh: ...
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»» MagikEh walks to the bathroom
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by Thalmane »

I think I have a nifty idea.
GLOWBALLS- a throwable item that stick to any surface it comes into contact with. Once it's stuck to a surface it emits light. Would be made by combining slime balls and glow dust. Since it's a slime it could also be waterproof as well.

I think we all could enjoy the advantages of having a throwable light source. How many times have you been exploring a cave and find a massive seemingly bottomless pit? Wanted to see if that small opening near the ceiling was worth checking out? Heard the sound of nearby monsters and wished you could see around the next bend without having to get in harms way? Wanted some kind if lighting for those underwater builds? Well the glowball could cover all of those situations and possibly more. I feel that using glow dust and slime balls to create it balances the cost/convenience because this would be super convenient and should be limited to the more advanced steves (and the ones lucky enough to find areas where the slimes spawn)

While this idea has nothing to do with the mechanical system what so ever to me this idea feels as if it would fit seamlessly into vanilla mc
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by walker_boh_65 »

All credit goes to Triskelli, i just thought i put it here where it belongs, he talked about a place-able clock which would make a much better then the current watch
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Re: Un-Offical Suggestions List

Post by Triskelli »

Hah, thanks walker.

Allow me to elucidate: The wall-clock would function similarly to the Omnislabs, in that it would be a half-block that is placeable on walls. The main difference is that it would have an animated face similar to the watch is currently.

HOWEVER... This could serve a more useful purpose by converting mechanical power to Redstone power at regularly timed intervals. Right-clicking would bring up a HUD that would change how quickly the clock turns, and how often a redstone signal is sent. Cutting off the mechanical power would turn off and reset the clock. This would be incredibly useful for automated farms for reeds and hemp, as they can collect based on time passed rather than on whether a single block has grown in