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Spiderwebs disappearing on half blocks is sad

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 12:17 pm
by CrimsonStorm
Recording some discussion I started on this on the discord here, for posterity and easier searchability (and so people not on the discord can comment):

[5:02 PM] crimsonstorm: What do y'all think about the thing where a spider shoots web at you, but the web hits a half-block and gets yoinked into the void? Early game btw when web is one of the main limiting resources, I'm finding it pretty frustrating...
[8:08 PM ]Hiracho: That topic had come up a couple times :) more ppl are frustrated with it, but the solution of having it spawn a block above if so might cause issues like not being able to hit the attacking enemies.. iirc yany's mod did experiment with it doing so though
[8:08 PM] Hiracho: Any other solutions that came to mind maybe?
[9:04 PM] crimsonstorm: Hmm, you could have it just drop a string, or a web block item, or an item that can be converted to a string but isn't placeable, though all of those add an easier source of web than currently exists...
or search for a nearby empty block to spawn the web block like you said, but that maybe blocks line of sight or is otherwise counterintuitive...
[9:05 PM] crimsonstorm: When I posted that earlier I forgot how half blocks work in Minecraft and I was thinking you could just make a "half web" or something but that's not really possible.
[9:06 PM] Dawnraider00:
> an item that can be converted to a string but isn't placeable
This is actually not a terrible idea
[9:06 PM] Dawnraider00: Maybe it drops like a web glob or something that needs to be refined ala knitting into string?
[9:06 PM] crimsonstorm: Yeah, something like that. You could even make it require a sharp rock to process.
[9:07 PM] Dawnraider00: That way it still takes a bit of effort and doesn't encourage cheesing, but also doesn't have the issue of potentially blocking line of sight for attacking
[9:07 PM] Dawnraider00: Yeah
[9:07 PM] crimsonstorm: Or not, it's not like rocks take a lot of resources.
[9:07 PM] crimsonstorm: Even day 2.
[9:08 PM] Dawnraider00: I like the theming though, and it would also help with the issue that web globs wouldn't stack unless you do something like that to convert it to the progressible item

Re: Spiderwebs disappearing on half blocks is sad

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 2:50 pm
by dawnraider
Good call on posting that here :) I'll be honest I had totally forgotten about that, so it's definitely good to have the reminder for myself as well.