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Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.67]

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:26 am
by Kezza
Levaunt said the glasspanes don´t work like the glassblocks at the moment, he is aware of it.
The axle was a "quick and dirty"-job is on my list.

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.67]

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:40 pm
by tspriggs
2 things to say really...

Firstly this texture rocks! Secondly, I may need some help installing the texture pack as I have made the move to 1.5.1 and have run into some problems with the move; i.e. some textures from vanilla are popping up along side Derivation's... how can I resolve this? Oh and if it helps I am on a mac (please don't hate me, I am doing a custom build later this year to replace my sins XD)

Thanks for any support and keep it up ont he awesome texture pack!

Tspriggs out

Edit: After a lesson in the 'quantum' workings of the texture packs and have now resolved the issue, but it is still an awesome pack!

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.67] CTM-Support added

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:23 pm
by Kezza
Made a Version2 of the current Release.

Added CTM-Support (Random) for Decorative Blocks: Stonebricks, Smothstone, Whitestone, Blackstone, Bricks, Oak, Spruce and Powderkeg
Finished the Axleanimation.

If a few more mechanical blocks get an on/off-state, I will give the millstone and turntable a animation, maybe the gearbox and sawblade too.
If the couldrun and crucible get stocked/on/off-states I will give them different (cold, warm and glowing) looking static textures (no animations)
I tried to give every fence-type a seperate texture, like the oak-one, but there is a problem with metadata.
The upper pedestal uses the same texture like the fence of every blocktype, so I am sorry :(

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.67] CTM-Support added

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:51 pm
by HighMongrel
stone brick fences and upper pedestals seem to be showing error.

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.67] CTM-Support added

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:09 pm
by Kezza
My fault, forgot to remove a textfile. Should be ok now

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.67] CTM-Support added

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 11:02 pm
by Mr_Hosed
Is anyone else getting a weird texture bug when hitting pigs? The left side of the face derezzes to pure white for me. I'm not sure if its MCPatcher, but I'm using 3.1.0 Beta 4, which is supposed to support BTW... Some comfirmation or decomfirmation would help me narrow down if it's something with BTW 4.69b, MCPatcher, or the Texture Pack.


Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.67] CTM-Support added

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 11:34 pm
by jecowa
Mr_Hosed wrote:Is anyone else getting a weird texture bug when hitting pigs? The left side of the face derezzes to pure white for me. I'm not sure if its MCPatcher, but I'm using 3.1.0 Beta 4, which is supposed to support BTW... Some comfirmation or decomfirmation would help me narrow down if it's something with BTW 4.69b, MCPatcher, or the Texture Pack.

I've got BTW 4.69b, Dirivation [BTW 4.67], and am using MCPatcher 3.1.0-beta4. I've punched lots of pigs, and they and their faces look just fine for me. The pigs turn red when punched.

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.67] CTM-Support added

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 6:38 am
by tspriggs
I saw that in an earlier post that someone had problems with a pedestal top not rendering properly and an error being displayed instead, I am having the same error but also appearing on another block, I have taken some screen shots to highlight the error, I am using the most recent posting of Derivation BTW addon TP, latest BTW version and 1.5.1 MC.

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.67] CTM-Support added

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 7:12 am
by Kezza
I know where the problem is coming from.
I tried to give every fence type the same unique texture (with ctm) like the oak has one.
but the problem was that the fence shares the same metadate-texture with the upper pedastal, so i stopped my work on that, but maybe i forgot to remove a few files. Im currently at work, have no access to my files, will change it, when i am back at home.

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.67] CTM-Support added

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 7:24 am
by tspriggs
Thank you for the reply, don't worry too much on it, I was only highlighting it as I only noticed it the other day and was unsure on what to do with it...

Just want to say thank you for the continued awesomeness of this TP add-on really enjoying the feel it provides in game

Thanks again


Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.67] CTM-Support added

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 12:29 pm
by TheGatesofLogic
Tspriggs, use MCPatcher 3.1.0 beta to get the CTM's to work, they are off in that screenshot

EDIT: after looking at your screenshot it is obvious you ARE using MCpatcher, just the wrong version. You are currently using MCPatcher 3.0.3 I believe, which is incompatible with BTW, the new MCPatcher 3.1.0 Beta works properly and was fixed for BTW compatibility. That is what is causing the vanilla stone, dirt, sand, and ore CTM's to be broken.

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.67] CTM-Support added

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 12:37 pm
by tspriggs
Thanks for the solution TheGatesofLogic, I will do so now.

much appreciated

-edit- I have now updated to the specified MC patcher, but am still seeing the error code on the fence and pedestal blocks, I think it might be to do with what Kezza posted back on the situation

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.67] CTM-Support added

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 1:56 pm
by HighMongrel
You might actually have the old texture pack cause all my pedestals and fences seem to be loading fine in my texture pack test world.

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.67] CTM-Support added

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 2:01 pm
by tspriggs
I have re-downloaded to the pack today and installed it into the correct places.. i will continue to work to see if i have made a wrong turn somewhere

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.67] CTM-Support added

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 2:35 pm
by TheGatesofLogic
Sorry if I wasn't clear, tspriggs, my 'solution' was for the stone blocks in the background not displaying CTM's, not for the pedestal/fence problem you are having. Kezza has said that he will soon fix that problem

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.67] CTM-Support added

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 2:40 pm
by tspriggs
Ar I see now, thanks for clarifying that, I did notice that before the move to the new MC patcher that CTM wasn't displaying properly, thanks again for the replies and help

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.70]

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 5:21 pm
by Kezza
updated to BTW 4.70

Wool and Padded Armor are still in work, thay aren´t part of the support yet and will take some more time.

have fun

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.70]

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 9:13 pm
by Mr_Hosed
Thanks again Kezza for the update. Derivation is really growing on me and your support of BTW is the best looking and most complete of any pack out there (IMHO).

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.70]

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 11:58 am
by Gotoru
Archive Download Blocked (

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.70]

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 6:18 pm
by MaxAstro
Wow. MediaFire seems to have leveled up it's Asshole Score. Archive files can only be downloaded 10 times per week by non-members? Really? That's... stupid. >.>

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.70]

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 8:27 pm
by Skrump
MaxAstro wrote:Wow. MediaFire seems to have leveled up it's Asshole Score. Archive files can only be downloaded 10 times per week by non-members? Really? That's... stupid. >.>
Yea, getting that too. WTF Mediafire? T_T

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.70]

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 11:40 pm
by Mr_Hosed
It's free to join and actually a useful membership to have.

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.70]

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 1:02 am
by MaxAstro
Having a free membership is not enabling download - it insists I give them $5.

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.70]

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 1:04 am
by Mr_Hosed
You're right. Does it for me as well. I guess everyone needs to move downloads to or something similar

Re: [32x] Derivation [BTW 4.70]

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 4:20 am
by ignika42
MaxAstro wrote:Wow. MediaFire seems to have leveled up it's Asshole Score. Archive files can only be downloaded 10 times per week by non-members? Really? That's... stupid. >.>
MediaFire wrote:The file you attempted to download is an archive that is damaged or possibly encrypted. Free accounts are limited to 10 downloads per week of each file of this type.
Seems that for whatever reason, MF is considering the file damaged or encrypted, which enables the limit. Not archives in general, otherwise only 10 non-premium users could of downloaded 4.71 since FC also uses MediaFire. They probably did it to reduce the usage of split-archives to bypass the previous upload limit.