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Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:35 am
by Stormweaver
screally wrote:I just want to start out by saying I really enjoy the updates, and am really greatful for the people involved in this (especially FC).

However, with this recent update, I just have a feeling that steel is too easy to make to be better than diamond. While I like that there is an improvement over diamond (finally), I think perhaps implementing diamond directly in steel's construction process would legitamise (if thats a word) it's power; perhaps lining the inside of the crucible with obsidian or diamond itself to withstand the high temperatures? Or perhaps steel tools themselves requiring a diamond inset in their construction.

Currently its not extremely difficult to make steel, especially if you find slimes (since then water wheels are very easy to make), as lava buckets can be used to craft portals for netherrack (thus diamond is not currently neccessary).
Going from nothing to steel tools is a long process, and chances are you'll be using diamond tools in there at some point.

- Steel requires huge tech tree
- Diamond requires mining to level 12 in the first night and digging in a straight line for however long it takes.

It's power and reusability is a just reward for going through the tech tree - it's not exactly made of dirt.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:52 am
by screally
I'm not so sure. Personally (and I'm fairly certain I wouldn't be alone), if I didn't find diamond instantly on digging a mine, but did find lava quickly (fairly likely), I'd probably just use a pair of block detectors to mine obsidian or a mould to place lava then cool it with water to build the portal, hence making diamond obsolete (to me).

Perhaps that is the intention, but if steel armor becomes available then diamond will truely become useless (apart from making jukeboxes).

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:02 pm
by Urian
Steel tools might not be difficult to get but it's still takes way longer to get than diamond tools. For steel tools you need to either get slime (which spawn at roughly diamond level depth) or glue. You'll also need to get tanned leather which means getting dung and making a millstone. For the bellow to work you'll want continuous power, even if you've relied on a hand crank until now. For the axles you'll then need to grow hemp.

Now, it's true that getting to the nether can be quite quick if you find a lava source of at least 10 lava source blocks at or close to the surface. If you don't find lava though, you're once again back at having to dig to roughly diamond level depths.

So yeah - getting steel tools isn't difficult if you see it as an end goal. Getting steel isn't mean to be an end though, it's merely a stepping stone to make things easier. You should also remember that Flower has said that (some of) the things added in 2.9 are only the beginning of the next age :)

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:07 pm
by screally
Urian wrote:Now, it's true that getting to the nether can be quite quick if you find a lava source of at least 10 lava source blocks at or close to the surface. If you don't find lava though, you're once again back at having to dig to roughly diamond level depths.
Technically you only need 1 lava to make infinate obsidian blocks, (unless thats been fixed?)

And yes I'm aware of the requirements for steel (heck it took me 2 days after I downloaded the patch just to get it in my real world, which already has several water wheels, a hemp farm, etc.), and perhaps my initial post wasn't really conveying my real worries about diamond being obsolete/effectively neutered by steel.

But then again, perhaps you're right and steel will lead to new uses for diamond.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:08 pm
by Haidaes
Still he has a point imho. After all it breaks the development chain.. kind of.

Usually you go wood->wood pick-stone->stone pick->iron ore->ironpick->diamond ore->diamond stuff. But as he mentioned because of the whole casting of portals with a few lava buckets you cut down the whole iron tool part. Not to mention that you don't even need to reach low levels of the map to do it. Iron can be found in higher levels, sometimes even close to the surface and in the end you can handcrank the tanned leather and the glue fairly easy. With 2.9 i started a new map and I didn't find a single diamond until I was already pimped out with steel gear.

I'm not sure this is FC's fault though. In the end it comes down to casting portals with buckets, which is something this can't or shouldn't fix.

Maybe there should be another step in the production of these tools that does require you to have diamonds after all. At least for the sword it would make sense if you had to sharpen it with some special tool (maybe a diamond weathstone ?), because i think the sword is the most powerfull of all 5 tools , since it can one-shot creepers, zombies, spiders, zombie-pigmen, skeletal archer and so on. This wouldn't work on other tools (except the axe) though, as a pickaxe isn't sharpened.

The only thing that prevents me from making these tools in huge quantities is the haft and that gets easier to come by if you realize that "mooo" means profit :).

EDIT: I guess it comes down to how lucky you were with the world gen and how you play the mod in general. I found a whole wolfpack quite early on which gave me enough dung to make tanned leather. And I view the BTW progression as some kind of parallel progression hence the whole tech-tree doesn't prevent me from anything. Fact is that diamonds are way harder to come by, as they are not regenating and don't spawn in your yard, you also can't melt them down (even though thats uneccesary as steel is easy enough to get once you have the tech).

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:18 pm
by Urian
I don't count glitches, that's IMO the same as using a mod like TMI to give you the items.

Yes, you can luck out with the map generator but the same can also be said for getting diamonds. In one of my first maps (way before seeds) I had a cave alnost at spawn going down, lit by lava, until it reached diamond layer with a diamond vein beside an iron vein (so I got an iron pick axe). Diamond pick and sword within 10 minutes of starting... that doesn't mean finding diamonds is easy on all maps :)

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:21 pm
by FlowerChild
Any way you look at it, I can't see diamond being an effective material for the construction of any but the most primitive of tools. To my mind, its inclusion in the Minecraft tech-tree is a bit of an oddity.

How does one shape diamonds into effective tools? The answer is: you can't. You're basically stuck with whatever shape of diamond the ground yields up.

The idea with the steel tools is it's not the hardness of the material that makes them more efficient, it's the fact that you can refine the shape of the tool, and also form it into something that can be effectively attached to a proper handle instead of just strapping a large diamond to a stick (which is how I imagine the diamond tools).

Let's put it this way: If you were stranded in the middle of nowhere and left to fend for yourself, would you be happier to find diamonds or iron? Outside of some uses in modern technology, diamond is a fairly useless substance when you get down to it. It can't be easily worked, and historically it was valued for its rarity and aesthetic properties rather than for its practicality.

So, in terms of "realism" I think this one is a no-brainer. I think the Refined tools in the latest release make way more sense than the crude tools that are found in vanilla to begin with.

Then, there's the question of game balance and "breaking the game-progression". Yes, I am fully aware that diamond is still in the game and it is now effectively lacking an in-game use. I don't view this as "breaking" anything, but rather changing how the game plays out in its latter stages (since I think it exceedingly unlikely that a player will be jumping straight to steel tools without ever using diamond). I've given use to many vanilla objects and systems that were of limited use before (lapis, netherrack, glowstone dust, wheat, wood...wolves), and this happens to be a rare instance of when I actually downgrade the significance of a vanilla item for the sake of continuity within the mod. Explain to me how I could have *logically* made diamond part of the tech-tree, and I'm all ears, but all the solutions I've heard so far (like diamond-bladed saws or whatever) wind up making very little to no sense if you consider the physical properties of diamonds.

What I feel I've done is shift the latter stages of the game ever so slightly away from mining so you can spend less time doing it and focus more on other in-game activities. I've replaced some of the effort of mining to find diamonds with a means of creating a better substance through other activities (namely, developing and using the mod's features) I've also done so with an intended use for diamonds coming up in the tech-tree that will retain some of their value (since it's an announced feature, I'll even just say straight out that diamonds will be used in the Lens).

So yeah guys, I don't see the problem here. What I've largely done is temporarily reduce the value of diamonds, and turn them into an object similar to Hemp, Dung, the Haft, or Tallow: an object in the mod which serves no real purpose when first released, because I have plans for it down the road.

In other words, what this comes down to is the inevitable "What does Dung do?!" questions that I always get when I release new features, except in this case, the question happens to relate to a vanilla item that I've temporarily nerfed. I can assure you though, that in the future I'll be no more responsive to "What does diamond do?!" then I am to other questions of the sort.

You can filng it and wave it about.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:33 pm
by Urian
Yay, a use for diamonds (in the future)! :p Even before the refined tools I rarely used diamonds so I've got quite a decent stack of diamond blocks in my strip mine-base. I was actually going to suggest diamonds for the lenses when I got to the part of your post where you asked what realistic use Steve could have for diamonds but you ninja'd me without even having to post again... damn :p

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:38 pm
by FlowerChild
Urian wrote:Yay, a use for diamonds (in the future)! :p Even before the refined tools I rarely used diamonds so I've got quite a decent stack of diamond blocks in my strip mine-base. I was actually going to suggest diamonds for the lenses when I got to the part of your post where you asked what realistic use Steve could have for diamonds but you ninja'd me without even having to post again... damn :p have always been intended in the Lens recipe. If you ever saw the old block that people had access to with inventory-editors, the front face was always diamond ;)

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:49 pm
by Stormweaver
And here I've been tossing my diamonds into my lava fountain. Well I haven't, but with a stack or so of them taking up precious space I've been tempted...

It's going to be interesting to see how this new age develops, and how steve is going to tackle shaping diamonds to make a lens :p

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:58 pm
by Urian
Remember that there are no guarantees that the lens will make it into this age, Flower has said that the lens is in the future but not how far into the future :)

As for diamond saws and how they do or don't make any sense when considering their physical properties. If my memory serves, a diamond saw works on the principle of finely grounded diamonds attached to a metal blade and the blade needs to be kept under constant (flowing) water in order for it to not overheat. I guess that if Steve ever gets around to something that can crush diamonds then perhaps he would, from a quasi-realistic point of view, be able to construct a "diamond saw" that catches on fire (and is destroyed) unless used under falling water. Diamond saws are something that require a very high level of technology to produce though so I'd say it's for the Age of Spaaaaace :)

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:08 pm
by Rasuth
Urian wrote:Remember that there are no guarantees that the lens will make it into this age, Flower has said that the lens is in the future but not how far into the future :)
In the interview he explicitly stated that the lens should come within 5ish updates. Then again, being who he is, FlowerChild might have been screwing with us again.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:16 pm
by Battosay
FlowerChild wrote:Then, there's the question of game balance and "breaking the game-progression". Yes, I am fully aware that diamond is still in the game and it is now effectively lacking an in-game use. I don't view this as "breaking" anything, but rather changing how the game plays out in its latter stages (since I think it exceedingly unlikely that a player will be jumping straight to steel tools without ever using diamond). I've given use to many vanilla objects and systems that were of limited use before (lapis, netherrack, glowstone dust, wheat, wood...wolves), and this happens to be a rare instance of when I actually downgrade the significance of a vanilla item for the sake of continuity within the mod. Explain to me how I could have *logically* made diamond part of the tech-tree, and I'm all ears, but all the solutions I've heard so far (like diamond-bladed saws or whatever) wind up making very little to no sense if you consider the physical properties of diamonds.

What I feel I've done is shift the latter stages of the game ever so slightly away from mining so you can spend less time doing it and focus more on other in-game activities. I've replaced some of the effort of mining to find diamonds with a means of creating a better substance through other activities (namely, developing and using the mod's features)

I wish could upvote that.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:24 pm
by Haidaes
FlowerChild wrote: Then, there's the question of game balance and "breaking the game-progression". Yes, I am fully aware that diamond is still in the game and it is now effectively lacking an in-game use. I don't view this as "breaking" anything, but rather changing how the game plays out in its latter stages (since I think it exceedingly unlikely that a player will be jumping straight to steel tools without ever using diamond). I've given use to many vanilla objects and systems that were of limited use before (lapis, netherrack, glowstone dust, wheat, wood...wolves), and this happens to be a rare instance of when I actually downgrade the significance of a vanilla item for the sake of continuity within the mod.
If thats the case then there is no point in argueing. I never liked how how gold armor wasn't treated the fantasy way, while diamond was. Never made sense to me. I guess for some ppl it just feels a bit odd to "leave the way they're used to".

Even after an extensive google search all I could come up with items thats made of diamonds comes from industrial diamonds and doesn't fit in BTW atm. Even the whetstone I mentioned earlier would more liklely be made of clay or granite(obsidian) than diamonds (at least if you don't want steve to timetravel anytime soon).

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:55 pm
by empath
screally wrote:I'm not so sure. Personally (and I'm fairly certain I wouldn't be alone), if I didn't find diamond instantly on digging a mine, but did find lava quickly (fairly likely), I'd probably just use a pair of block detectors to mine obsidian or a mould to place lava then cool it with water to build the portal, hence making diamond obsolete (to me).

Perhaps that is the intention, but if steel armor becomes available then diamond will truely become useless (apart from making jukeboxes).
TBH a lot of design decisions in vanilla minecraft are lazy and poorly thought out. The wood/stone/iron progression make sense, but gold and diamond tools just smack of notch being desperate to find a use for a rare ore.

IMO, gold and diamond should be for decoration and currency and maybe some specialist use and that's it.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:06 pm
by SterlingRed
I fully agree with FC. I have never liked diamonds as they are used in vanilla. It has never made any sense at all. Neither did gold really. I'm very pleased to see that FC has not been afraid to change the way vanilla is played in order to make the game better by temporarily making an item useless.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:04 am
by screally
First off, I do appreciate the direct response to my qualms, I am aware this isn't the first time the issue has been raised.
FlowerChild wrote:
Any way you look at it, I can't see diamond being an effective material for the construction of any but the most primitive of tools. To my mind, its inclusion in the Minecraft tech-tree is a bit of an oddity.

How does one shape diamonds into effective tools? The answer is: you can't. You're basically stuck with whatever shape of diamond the ground yields up.

The idea with the steel tools is it's not the hardness of the material that makes them more efficient, it's the fact that you can refine the shape of the tool, and also form it into something that can be effectively attached to a proper handle instead of just strapping a large diamond to a stick (which is how I imagine the diamond tools).

Let's put it this way: If you were stranded in the middle of nowhere and left to fend for yourself, would you be happier to find diamonds or iron? Outside of some uses in modern technology, diamond is a fairly useless substance when you get down to it. It can't be easily worked, and historically it was valued for its rarity and aesthetic properties rather than for its practicality.

So, in terms of "realism" I think this one is a no-brainer. I think the Refined tools in the latest release make way more sense than the crude tools that are found in vanilla to begin with.
OK, I was under the impression that minecraft and possibly this mod didn't focus 100% on realism and the way things work, but more on the gameplay. I realise now whereas thats the case in minecraft (lets be honest, almost everything about the game doesn't fit in with the real world... the nether, the sun rising in the north and setting in the south, etc.), but that is not the case here, so I'll try and factor realism into my arguments in the future.

Also, yes, you're correct, diamond, especially at this point in a tech tree, would be useless.
FlowerChild wrote:Explain to me how I could have *logically* made diamond part of the tech-tree, and I'm all ears, but all the solutions I've heard so far (like diamond-bladed saws or whatever) wind up making very little to no sense if you consider the physical properties of diamonds.
My thoughts towards this have essentially been using diamonds or obsidian blocks to line the crucible. I'm aware crucibles can be made solely or largely of clay, but they can also be augmented with higher temperature-resistant materials (such as the above). If you want a mechanism for this, it could involve three cruicible types: the pre-kiln clay form, the post-kiln "unrefined crucible", which is then placed above the hibachis, and then a certain amount of diamond/obsidian is placed inside, then heated on a single hibachi flame, which turns it into a "refined crucible". If heated on a double (bellows) flame before being refined, it simply melts into clay.

But apart from this, my idea stream is pretty dry :P
FlowerChild wrote:
Then, there's the question of game balance and "breaking the game-progression". Yes, I am fully aware that diamond is still in the game and it is now effectively lacking an in-game use. I don't view this as "breaking" anything, but rather changing how the game plays out in its latter stages (since I think it exceedingly unlikely that a player will be jumping straight to steel tools without ever using diamond). I've given use to many vanilla objects and systems that were of limited use before (lapis, netherrack, glowstone dust, wheat, wood...wolves), and this happens to be a rare instance of when I actually downgrade the significance of a vanilla item for the sake of continuity within the mod.

What I feel I've done is shift the latter stages of the game ever so slightly away from mining so you can spend less time doing it and focus more on other in-game activities. I've replaced some of the effort of mining to find diamonds with a means of creating a better substance through other activities (namely, developing and using the mod's features) I've also done so with an intended use for diamonds coming up in the tech-tree that will retain some of their value (since it's an announced feature, I'll even just say straight out that diamonds will be used in the Lens).

So yeah guys, I don't see the problem here. What I've largely done is temporarily reduce the value of diamonds, and turn them into an object similar to Hemp, Dung, the Haft, or Tallow: an object in the mod which serves no real purpose when first released, because I have plans for it down the road.

In other words, what this comes down to is the inevitable "What does Dung do?!" questions that I always get when I release new features, except in this case, the question happens to relate to a vanilla item that I've temporarily nerfed. I can assure you though, that in the future I'll be no more responsive to "What does diamond do?!" then I am to other questions of the sort.

You can filng it and wave it about.
Over the course of my previous few posts, I was thinking about the possible future uses of diamond that you had in mind (although lens didn't actually occur to me at the time, its fairly obvious now haha), which has really countered my arguments.

At the end of the day, the issues I have raised aren't the real reason I've been posting against how "easy" steel is to come by. I've read most of the topics on the forums before deciding to post, and when I think about the process to make steel compared to what you get out of it, I just have an uneasy feeling about it; which I've only had about a few other parts of this mod/game. When I read the turntable update, I had the same feeling about the number of settings (after learning the impact). Also, the more I come to understand block dispensers, I have the same qualms (but I guess they're just too ingrained to be changed now).

The arguments I've put forward are only the convenient problems I can come up with so far to justify my uneasiness, and I think that I just don't have enough experience with - and there just isn't enough data about - steel to say one way or the other whether it's overpowered.

It's perfectly (and probably more than) likely that I'm wrong. I've had the same worries about how far water can flow in the vanilla game, but I've changed my mind over time. I'll probably get over this with the addition of the new features with diamond.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:54 pm
by finite8
I meant to say earlier...

The pottery idea is a bloody fantastic direction to go! I'm really looking forward to see where you are going to take the whole concept as it can obviously lead to a whole new line of technologies (due to the possibility of creating moulds that would allow metals to be melted into shapes that would retain their core durability and strength in their new form rather than having been Drop-Forged / Hammered into shape).

Good Work!

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:49 pm
by RHCPepperfan
Honestly FlowerChild, this mod has added such a layer to the game and I love you for that. Minecraft is now like three times the fun!

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:23 am
by EvanT
After being stuck in a 80% renovated house with lots of moving boxes I finaly managed to get some space to set up my PC again. Unfortunaly no Internet beyond UMTS yet..

OK Compressed version:
  • vMC use of Diamond: never felt right.
  • Steel Tools: Tech-Tree procession speed is highly depended on luck. (no slimes: no Water wheel, etc.) In my opinion the actual position and properties of Steel tools is fitting and they reduce the time one has to spend on dull strip mining (which is fine to get the stuff needed for the tech but a pain to endure after some time)
  • Diamond "nerf": No problem at all, I did use diamond tools/armour rarely because of the wired feeling they cause to me.
  • Pottery: Jay! I wonder whether there will be more pottery.
  • Crucible: I expected the remelting output to scale with the input-tool's integrity. But after all, all parts of an broken pickaxe have nearly the same mass a new pickaxe has.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:59 am
by CheGiuAn
EvanT wrote:(no slimes: no Water wheel, etc.)
sorry that I'm going off a bit here (I think this belongs to the 'off'), but man, you can use glue too for the waterwheel... if you're not lazy, you can easily find som wolves -> produce some dung make some tanned leather, make a saw to can make a bellow, the stoke the fire under the cauldron (can be done by hand crank easily, just requries a bit of patience). after all that, from 8 leather and some wood, you can make your water wheel.
(sorry for too long explanation...)

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:25 am
by Deepsniper
To be fair you dont need tanned leather to make the glue, you need it for the bellows though.

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:18 am
by CheGiuAn
That's what I meant by you need it ;) (you also need a belt for the saw, to make panels for the top of the bellow)

Re: New Release! (Version 2.91!)

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:31 am
by Deepsniper
I like the Idea of the glue because to be honnest ive only found slime in the wild once... the rest was when i made a nice big slime farm at bedrock...