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Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:12 pm
by Eriottosan
Awfulcopter wrote:For sure. It was his mod that inspired me to go with this theme. I wanted to get the basic building established with only BTW blocks, so that if ever the Japanese Architecture mod loses compatability, it won't break my world.
Very clever (:. As I've mentioned elsewhere, it will be splitting into two mods, one of which will be a BTW addon (which will probably use most of what is in the mod at the minute, but in a more BTW spirit of things). I'm going to try and keep the split as clean as possible, though, as I use the mod in my worlds, and wouldn't want them breaking :P.
Awfulcopter wrote:It has taken quite a while. I'd guess close to 40 hours. But that's partly because i didn't have a clear picture how I wanted things to look.

My building style is to build a roof sitting on a box. Then Look at it for a while. Then go back and iterate the design; make the roof better in some way, improve the level of doodadage on the walls, add some landscaping; just anything to improve it a little. I do that over and over until I'm happy. That means the first building in a new style takes me a long time, but further buildings go up pretty quickly.
Ahh I am so impressed (:. I love the commitment, man! And I love the little notes on the pictures that describe your methodology for building it, too; very helpful!

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:34 pm
by Ulfengaard
Awfulcopter wrote:...nothing says harmony with nature better than leaves that bleed. AMIRITE?

Beautiful work, Awfulcopter. Just too awesome. Between you and Anarchitect, I really get the jones for some design. *rushes off to turn pathetic architecture into ART*

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:52 am
by TheAnarchitect
Man, this means I'm gonna have to go take pics of my completed japanese-style castle to compete.

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 2:17 am
by CycloneSP
speaking of japanese architecture, I built a japanese torii (gate) with a friend a while back. Sadly, it is on my friend's server and I am thus unable to... no wait, I think I took a screen shot of it. gimme a sec...

Here we go! Found it!
I know I was using creative at the time, but like I said, it was on a friend's server. He was more of the artsy type. (He built some pretty impressive japanese themed stuff. sadly I never screen shotted any of it. :( )

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 5:34 pm
by CueballSWR
This is a 3 stage sand generator. Starts with cement and ends with sand. makes about 3 stacks per 3 buckets of cement.

Top of the cement pouring area
Inside pouring 3 layers
Bucket drop to cauldron and the start button
loaded and closed, and blasted and open for washing
Building layers with BD and piston from other end, 12 long 3 times then down 6.
Half loaded and then blasted after full
after that it washes to a filter/collection area with a small amount funneled of to the side as both gravel and sand dropped into a cauldron waiting for the buckets.

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:31 pm
by CycloneSP
That looks really cool man. But I got a question. Why use expensive cement buckets? You could do the same thing far more effectively with 4 cobble generators and pistons. If set up right, with 1 mining charge, you'd be able to get 24 gravel.

Of course, if yer so well off that cement buckets aren't a problem, more power to ya. Extravagant and complicated builds are the heart and soul of MC and BTW, right?

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:50 pm
by CueballSWR
I only built it because it seemed like something fun to build. As far as the expense of the cement goes i consider mining charges alot more expensive, I'm won't be able to run it constantly for sure unless I atleast double the size of my farm. Another draw back to it is the time it takes to pour the cement but I dont have to do that everytime, theres more cobble made than gravel per cycle and i set up 2 buttons to be able to only do the second half after I posted it.

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 12:27 am
by CycloneSP
Ah, really cool.

In my previous world(the one that got corrupted) I had made a prototype of a cobble blaster with block dispensers and pistons, where I restock the BD's with cobble and throw a switch to have the pistons push it out. I had obsidian to stop the 2 high 3 wide bridge of cobble under a BD which deposited a mining charge to make it go 'kablooey.' I had a block detector right next to the obsidian to send a signal for the BD to drop the charge.

Once I have enough resources in my current world, I intend to modify my design to one similar, but instead of BD's supplying the cobble, I'll use cobble generators directly as to avoid the need of ever having to restock the BD's.

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:42 pm
by mCharger
Ive been working on a city incorporating BTW and Kaos's deco mod for a few days, and I'm kind of stuck on what to build in this little spot. I want a cool statue, but it's a fairly small space. To put it in context, the whole city has a Medieval/Renaissance style to it, but in particular this place is the "Acropolis" of the city; the square it is situated in has a shrine to the Sun and Moon, and directly below it is the city courthouse and government building (which isn't built yet.) I need some cool ideas as to what to put in the center of the square, because I've never really designed any cool statues.

By mcharger at 2012-08-05
This gives a good view of the shrine of the Sun. To the left is the Courthouse, which is on a lower layer than the shrines.

By mcharger at 2012-08-05
To the left is currently condemned Moon shrine (it's supposed to be abandoned) and up to the right is the eternal Ender Dragon flame.

By mcharger at 2012-08-05
An overview of what's already done. The big green spot on the left is going to be the government/Congress type building. That green spot in the square to the upper right is where I want to put a statue but I don't really know what to put there. Any suggestions? If you have some really cool statues that will fit in a 3 by 3 spot, please by all means post pictures.

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:00 am
by Jay42
C'mon ppl, we can't let this topic die D:

And while I don't have anything particularly BTW-related, I'll show you something I built on a friend's server:

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:36 am
by TheAnarchitect
mCharger: I don't usually go for classical architecture, but your plazas are just so beautiful. You make excellent use of level changes and the existing landscape, and your massing is wonderful. You have my praise for good use of space and material. Nice work.

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:42 am
by Graphite
Jay42 wrote:C'mon ppl, we can't let this topic die D:

And while I don't have anything particularly BTW-related, I'll show you something I built on a friend's server:
Bit skinny, ain't it? :P

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:58 pm
by odranoel
edit: im trying to spoiler the entire post so it isnt so huge. but it doesn't seem to be working the way i thought it did. :/

yay, so iv been seeing all the cool builds people have done in this thread

and been wanting to post pics of my single player world for a bit, but didnt

know how to post images, but yesterday i figured it out! :p so here we go.

this is my survival single player world of two months so far.

here is a view of my first three buildings, the one on the right was

my very first home, and continues to be my main home at the moment. the

middle building was my first windmill, and the third building on the left is

my pottery/klin/ crucibles and stewing pot area.
here are the interiors of each building.
the house


the windmill


pottery are of third building


FC's ever so tantalizing clues always messing with my head on my way to the

klin and crucibles


and the klin and crucibles

after building these three buildings on the tops of the mountains and

connecting them with bridges i was able to climb manually all the way up the

BTW tech tree. i decided to expand to the surface below and beyond to start

tinkering with auto factories and other decorative buildings in general.

here is a quake pro pov view from high above my base showing most of it.

however it has gotten so large i can no longer view all of it at the same time

even on far render distance, a first for me.
and some general shots at day and night from various angles of my base. so far with the exception of the light house each building has some function, either to house animals or some mechanism. however iv been spending more time decorating lately, then factory building.

day shots









and night shots









here are my wolves in there crammed natural habitat
this is the library i built for the infernal enchanter, now when i started i

miss understood how it worked. i thought it was 17 blocks from every

direction of the enchanter. turns out its a 17x17 cube with the enchanter in

the middle so its just 8 blocks out in every direction. so i have a library

twice as large as it needs to be xD, oh well, looks cool tho :p

this is it from the out side
the inside
and looking up at the roof, which i think is the best roof i have made in any

building so far :p
here is my mob trap with a skelly falling to his death :p
here are my manual farms, which i still haven't finished repairing since

reporting and experimenting with the planter bug. xD
and this i started last night and is my newst addition. building it on the

top of a mountain in the jungle biome right next to my base. its obviously

not finished yet.i think this might become my new home once im done, as my current home has gotten rather crammed es i keep expanding.

and finally the view from my soon to be new home :p
i hope you guys liked it!

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:30 pm
by Gargantuan_Penguin
I like the skywalk thing you have going there. As for the rest of the architecture nothing really stands out to me except your library which I really like.

I also like your use of logs and wood. not something I typically use and I must say you have done a tasteful job with it. good job.

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:38 pm
by odranoel
thanks! i always liked making sky bridges so i took advantage of the mountains i spawned near. but yes iv been trying to improve my architecture for a while now, i always seem to use the same materials. :/ kind of a bad habit. i must admit i am getting tired of it my self. iv been trying to come up with some other ideas but so far they haven't worked to well xD. i always seem to end up useing the same blueprint so to speak, such as square buildings and i want to try and limit that a bit more. more variety and such. ill keep working on it :)

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:47 am
by mCharger
TheAnarchitect wrote:mCharger: I don't usually go for classical architecture, but your plazas are just so beautiful. You make excellent use of level changes and the existing landscape, and your massing is wonderful. You have my praise for good use of space and material. Nice work.
Thanks so much, that means a lot to me since I've seen how great of a designer you are. I actually finished the government building a while ago, but didn't really want to double post since nobody had responded for a solid week.
By mcharger at 2012-08-21
It's basically an attempt to do a "Pantheon" style building, the outside isn't as impressive as I had hoped for, but I really am pleased with the inside. In this picture I had replaced all of the smooth stone with Kaos' Deco Add-on Pavement. It has the same texture of smooth stone but is white washed, and gives everything a much more classical marble feel. There is a sort of throne at the end, and pillars give the interior both a sense of style and structural integrity.
By mcharger at 2012-08-21
This is the interior of the Courthouse, I wanted to do a tribute to "the chair" in A Tale of Two Cities. If you haven't read the book, or just hated it like most people do, in the novel there is a famous French court for sentencing people to death. There is no place for a lawyer, or even any sort of witnesses, it is a room where a single judge simply hands out death sentences to anyone who happens to be in "the chair" at the time, your "guilt" was presumed by being there. I reflected this by using one of Kaos' add-on chairs, with a huge desk for a judge, and arena style seating around for people to yell at the condemned.
By mcharger at 2012-08-21
Here's a more close-up view of the Pantheon with the "Pavement" block instead of smooth stone.
By mcharger at 2012-08-21
Here is a view of what I re-did with the "Pavement" block. I also added a small fountain, because I honestly couldn't think of any cool statues to put there, but I'm going to justify it and say the Romans/Greeks loved to put fountains everywhere important.
By mcharger at 2012-08-21

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:19 pm
by TheYaMeZ
Hey everyone! It's been an eternity since i've last posted but rest assured i've been lurking full time, especially during these exciting recent updates!

I haven't played in a while but I thought i'd share some screenshots I uploaded late last year before I tried out BTB. Nothing fancy but I thought it looked cool at the time.
(Its a link to an imgur album which you can quickly scroll through)

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:46 pm
by CycloneSP
Really cool stuff guys.

Hey, recently I've been strongly repressing the urge to just build an ungainly machine simply to gain a profit or proceed in the tech tree. Rather, I've been constructing buildings in which to house each device/project. Now, I want to make a cobble and smoothestone generator. But I want to give it a cool building to house it in, so I decided to go with a fantasy workshop/stonemason workshop design.... problem is, I can't find any pics to aid me in my endeavors because I have no idea what one should look like. Any suggestions?

EDIT: Also, I like yer world TheYaMez. But is it just me, or does vMC beta 1.8 have better world gen? I feel like all the worlds I've gen'd in 1.2.5/1.3 are so tame compared to what the world gen used to be.

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:39 pm
by SterlingRed
Well, in keeping with my overly complicated messes, here is the auto pottery and kiln factory I just built completely waterless, with clay recycling. Yes, the pottery feeds into the kiln. I didn't really have a plan when I started, so it sort out of hand. There's 6 bd's, 2 detectors, 11 pistons, 1 pulley, and who knows how many axles, gearboxes, and redstone. Its not small or resource efficient, and the kiln has 1 hibachi so its not even that fast. But, it freaking works and I didn't take off of any other designs. 3 creepers exploded in the middle of this mess during construction so the next step is to put a building around it to protect it.

Large Pics in spoiler.

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:55 am
by TheAnarchitect
Those are nice pics, but they don't tell me much about it. I can't see how things work from those angles.

Perhaps you could label things? or describe how it functions in detail, with close ups of the specific parts?

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:03 am
by Williamson
Quick video showing a sheep shearer I designed. I didn't look to see if anyone has done anything similar, but basically it uses the turntable to move the harvested wool away from the sheep for collection.
Hardcore sheep got me thinking about a way to do this, and this is what I came up with (breeding could cause problems what with random mutations, so this avoids that problem altogether). Also has a nice small footprint (4*3*3 I think).

Any thoughts? (Sorry for the um-ing and ah-ing, hope my voice still sounds ok :P)

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:35 am
by SterlingRed
TheAnarchitect wrote:Those are nice pics, but they don't tell me much about it. I can't see how things work from those angles.

Perhaps you could label things? or describe how it functions in detail, with close ups of the specific parts?
That would take quite a write up. It's a little hard to follow. Maybe I'll do a vid, been thinking about starting to record. It'll have to wait until Monday though, as I'm traveling this weekend.

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:18 am
by Rianaru
SterlingRed wrote: -snip-
Also, you mentioned having DBs in there. I couldn't see where they were, but if you have a setup that can detect when a kiln is done, can you post something of that too? Maybe in the 'Useful Builds That Get The Job Done' thread. I've had a vague idea for a while of how it could be achieved with an inverted DB and a monostable, but I've never had the time to sit down and actually make it work :(

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:38 am
by nilink
Wow I accidently deleted the world that I spent 84 hours trying to post it here working on since I have been playing since 1.0 and I cant recover it so I am pissed at myself (double sad face) ))::

Re: Show us your builds!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:16 am
by SterlingRed
Rianaru wrote:
SterlingRed wrote: -snip-
Also, you mentioned having DBs in there. I couldn't see where they were, but if you have a setup that can detect when a kiln is done, can you post something of that too? Maybe in the 'Useful Builds That Get The Job Done' thread. I've had a vague idea for a while of how it could be achieved with an inverted DB and a monostable, but I've never had the time to sit down and actually make it work :(
Db's in that mess are used for some piston controls so that I'm not pushing clay balls into empty space while a platform is moving.
The kiln is pure timing based, rather than detection based. If you want one like that you need a buddy block instead of a db since the db will see the urn placed and the urn item the same. Buddy based systems work well, but you need a bd to damp out the extra pulse from when the urn gets placed.

Edit: I used a timer in mine for the kiln instead of the buddy, because very occasionally some clay balls ends up in the unfired urn dispenser and if they built up to four, I'd have a clay block in the kiln that would freeze the system since it would never turn into an item. But because I have a timer, the dispenser would pick it back up and place the next slot in its inventory. It wastes a cycle, but it doesn't break.
The disadvantage of a timer is performance. It's always running whereas the buddy system only runs if it had Urns to put in the kiln.