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Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 4:15 pm
by FlowerChild
Ulfengaard wrote:One of the things I enjoy most about DF is that the world builds history as I play through different fortresses. Does this game have that functionality or is it more like one offs? Will I be able to return to a colony to reclaim it?
At present, no, there doesn't seem to be a way to reclaim bases, at least not to my knowledge.

However, there's mention of a new colony eventually taking over when you lose a game that tends to imply there is such an ability, but I couldn't figure out a way to do it when I lost my initial colonies. If it's not in there already, I suspect it's on the todo list given the implication.
Larmantine wrote: Care to share your designs? :)
Wouldn't be much point as it's relatively simple, just tweaked several times over the course of this game. I basically have a maybe 5 block long, single block width corridor with automatic doors at either end to act as an "air lock", limiting the amount of warm air that comes into contact with the freezer each time the inner door is opened. I set it up so that the first door has time to close before the second one opens as a colonist travels through. Which is a rather big deal as colonists tend to go in there at least a couple of times a day each to grab meals.

Otherwise, it's basically a largish chamber with two cooling units pumping the warm air outside into the courtyard of my base. The work I've invested into it largely revolves around tweaking it here and there to make sure that the contents within stay frozen even during heatwaves so I don't wind up losing my stockpile of food. I think I currently have around 250 meals stashed in there, and have stopped recruiting new colonists past 10 while I work on my ship to get off the planet, so it seems to be working as intended now :)

I've also considered creating a separate freezer for long term storage which I'd keep locked unless experiencing a food shortage, with a much smaller one for immediate access. Another idea is a very small unrefridgerated stockpile for food with a higher priority in the dining room which would get constantly refilled before food was added to long term storage, and which hopefully the colonists would prioritize when fetching meals due to proximity (there doesn't seem to be a way to prioritize or lock the way in which items are drawn from a stockpile short of locking the door to it entirely). I'll likely play around with those approaches in the future as right now my freezer is becoming a bit of overkill and the power demands on it are rather extreme. I have every steam geyser on my map tapped (maybe 5 or 6 of them) and I still run into power problems on occasion.

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:11 pm
by kregoth
HAHa Flowerchild, speaking of freezer rooms!

Alpha 9e update: first 2 changes
Reduced room temperature equalization rates.
Room walls that are two or more cells thick now equalize temperature slower.
Double up your walls! lol

Here the rest of the changelog:
Balanced sieges to be slightly weaker.
Various tuning adjustments to several thought mood effects.
Removed “buildings need power” alert as it is annoying to see it when a power switch is off.
Fixed a bug that corrupts savegames if you sell a statue that is marked to be installed.
While firefighting, colonists will now fight any fire they walk into.
Fixed a bug that caused non-prisoner beds to be set as prisoner beds on load.
Fixed a bug that froze wounded colonist prisoners if they were marked to get doctor care.
Fixed a bug that prevented prisoners from using nutrient paste dispensers in their cells.
Fixed a bug that caused temperatures indoors to sometimes become NaN (not a number).
Fixed a rare bug that prevented running a game that saved with some corrupted work priorities data.

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 6:19 pm
by FlowerChild
kregoth wrote: Double up your walls! lol
Very cool. My base is built into the side of a mountain, so that won't be too difficult given I already have plenty of insulation from the surrounding rock :)

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:35 am
by Larmantine
After reaching endgame in my current base, the next play through won't be in a mountain. I don't know the dwarf bases kinda feel cheaty to me.You just have to basically worry about the side where your entrance is. I'm not even using the op killboxes. My trade area is right outside the mountain so any pirates that land on top of my base ar ripped by turrets. I have multiple trenched positions across the map in case of large raids or mechanoids. So yeah, I'm just left with building the ship. Definitely no mountains for my next play through, perhaps even higher difficulty.

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:42 am
by FlowerChild
Dunno man. The game seems to currently be balanced (at least on the difficulty I was playing at) around using both a killbox (assuming that's what I was doing...which seems to aptly describe how I was setup) for defense and also using the terrain to your advantage as in building into mountains to withstand mortar attacks and restricting the approaches your enemy can take.

There's no way I could have fought off the hoards of enemies that were being thrown at me towards the end without either of those. Now, one of the minor complaints I have at present about the game is that I find it's too turret centric and sending your own dudes into combat is essentially suicidal (I was usually calling neighboring colonies for help to soften up enemies rather than attacking them myself if they weren't advancing on my base), but given the current balance, I think the aforementioned strategies are entirely fair game, and potentially even required on default difficulty (assuming Cassandra challenging is the default, which is what it looked like to me, and which is why I chose it).

Just launched my ship and got 11 of my colonists off that rock, including one surviving member of my original 3. Maybe now I can go back to having a life ;)

Screenshot of my final base if anyone is into checking it out:
Couldn't fit one geo-thermal power plant towards the north into the screen, so I actually had one more than pictured ;)

I assume that big sandbagged entrance to my courtyard with all the turrets in nooks is what you're referring to as a kill box. I kept refining that throughout the game to keep up with the ever increasing numbers of enemies attacking me as there were several points in the game where it was almost overwhelmed, and if anyone was caught outside in a wave of attackers they were basically toast. I even wound up building a second crematorium just to keep up with the number of bodies I needed to dispose of between attacks.

Of course, it was only at the very end once my ship was built and ready to launch that I had a "wait a minute..." moment and figured out that:
You can befriend the local natives by capturing their wounded and indoctrinating them while in captivity before releasing them again.
Which may have made things quite a bit easier had I figured it out sooner :)

Oh, and as you can see in the above screenshot, once I finally got my souvenir shop up and running with non-brain damaged captured natives working around the clock on producing art (you can see Olga, one of my two artisans at her table in the above screen), I wound up rolling in cash ;)

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:17 am
by Larmantine
FlowerChild wrote:snip
Wow, that's a lot of cash... Yes that's a typical killbox. Although when I read that you said your base was in a mountain, that's not what I imagined. I imagined that you're (just as me) dug up in a big-ass mountain that covers half of the map. I played on rough difficulty. Definitely will higher it. Perhaps the kill box will be needed for me as well. Don't the raiders usually destroy your walls?

Maybe I just got lucky with my guys. I have this prosthophile-hauler guy that has a jogging and brawler trait and two bionic legs. He's incredibly fast, compared to others, and usually just flanks every raider and kills them from behind with his scyther blade and his personal shield, while one my badass construction thugs, Dmitri, shoots everyone with his centipede minigun while others cover him with snipers. The bionic guy usually just finishes the job by chasing down stragglers and cowards.

It's quite hard to understand what stockpile contains what in your screenshot, but aren't you attacked by pirates dropping at your beacons?

EDIT: Oh wait, now I see it. You have a nice defense line there, cool.

EDIT 2: BTW, I don't quite get the stockpile chains/priorities. As I understand there are materials delivered for Olga, and she crafts the art and puts in the same stockpile where she takes materials from. How do you make that the finished art is then carried from that stockpile to the orbital beacon? Does she just dump in the closest stockpile, ignoring the priorities?

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:02 am
by FlowerChild
Larmantine wrote: Wow, that's a lot of cash... Yes that's a typical killbox. Although when I read that you said your base was in a mountain, that's not what I imagined. I imagined that you're (just as me) dug up in a big-ass mountain that covers half of the map.
Oh gods no. I only had enough mountains on my map to put the living quarters and key production facilities within them, and they're still partially exposed due to having connected a few smaller mountains together with structures I built, so those are still vulnerable to mortars. The only thing the mountains did for me really is allow me to not have key facilities or characters get randomly blown up, while I still had to deal with fires and explosions in my courtyard area, which still could hurt an awful lot.

But yeah, I could see how having a map covered in mountains could wind up feeling really cheap. I just had enough that they were basically a limited resource that I had to plan around.
Don't the raiders usually destroy your walls?
No, all my walls were granite and thus really tough. I basically saved all the granite I found for building walls, and all other stone for making art. There's also no way into my central base without going through mountain side (or double thick granite walls in some areas), and my peeps were usually hidden in the interior whenever an attack occurred.

If they were to destroy any of the single thick walls, they'd just wind up in my storage rooms and then inevitably in my courtyard where my turrets are, and in practice, that never happened. I was planning on thickening the walls at some point, but they never took sufficient damage for me to get worried about it and make it a priority.
I have this prosthophile-hauler guy that has a jogging and brawler trait and two bionic legs. He's incredibly fast, compared to others, and usually just flanks every raider and kills them from behind with his scyther blade and his personal shield, while one my badass construction thugs, Dmitri, shoots everyone with his centipede minigun while others cover him with snipers. The bionic guy usually just finishes the job by chasing down stragglers and cowards.
Ummm...yeah, no, that doesn't even sound like the same game I was playing :)

My guys generally couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, had crappy equipment, and I was playing almost entirely defensively. I wouldn't let them engage in direct combat unless I either had no choice or unless I had first called in a couple of waves of military support from other colonies to soften up the opposition (I blew tons of cash on that over the course of the game). Eventually I had one dude with a sniper rifle that was able to pick off mechs from a sufficient distance that I wouldn't get shot in return, but that's as close as I ever came to owning anything in combat, and I usually used it to hit the AI canister to piss off the mechs and lead them into my kill box.

Now in hindsight I probably could have focused more on leveling up my combat skills, but the impression I got very early on was that combat was so deadly, and opponents would arrive in such numbers, that it wasn't worth it to risk my colonists on it.
EDIT 2: BTW, I don't quite get the stockpile chains/priorities. As I understand there are materials delivered for Olga, and she crafts the art and puts in the same stockpile where she takes materials from. How do you make that the finished art is then carried from that stockpile to the orbital beacon? Does she just dump in the closest stockpile, ignoring the priorities?
I let the artists deliver the final product to the outgoing stockpile. I just had the different stockpiles set to allow for different items to make that bit happen. Towards the end I noticed the workbench had the option on it to just drop the final product on the ground instead of delivering it somewhere, and I suspect if you have that set you can get your haulers to do that part. By that point though I already had so much cash that I didn't bother with it.

Will spoiler some of the following as it's a bit of a cheap way to game the system once you know about it, and I'm glad I only figured it out on my own later in the game:
That part might require some balancing, as if you manage to get a colonist that is passionate about art, initial skill level doesn't really matter as they'll level up super fast. I think Olga there started at level 5 and after a year or so making small statues full time was level 19 and occasionally making masterpieces which I could sell for a couple of grand. By the end I was causing the exotic merchants that arrived to totally run out of cash when they visited, and my second sculpture wasn't even very high level yet.
Keep in mind the money I have there is *after* I've bought a shit-load of resources to build my ship too, so I actually had way more than that.
Larmantine wrote:I played on rough difficulty. Definitely will higher it.
Yeah, that's too bad. I was actually thinking that this is one of the best balanced games I've played in a long time, which is particularly impressive given it's early access.

I know that now that I've figured a lot of stuff out, it would be much easier on a second go, but this game I felt like I was constantly on the verge of disaster right up until the end, and I'm really glad I got to experience it fresh that way going in with zero knowledge. I think it's a big part of what made it so addictive for me, as there always seemed to be something I needed to work on to prevent things spiraling into chaos.

The difficulty menu is a little ambiguous in that Cassandra is selected by default, but there's no difficulty level assigned by default. After considering it, I chose challenging as the most likely to be the one that was balanced since all other difficulty levels are described relative to it.

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:10 am
by Larmantine
Thanks for the tips.

Yeah once I realized the potential of the prostophile, getting my hands on bionic legs was one of the first priorities for me. I just wonder, why didn't you invest in advanced equipment with such vast amounts of money? Combat isn't so terrible once you have a decent doctor and equipment. In fact, I'd say that the combat isn't even close to deadly. Bullets always hit the mystical torso and can be easily healed by a common doctor. In all my games I had only one episode that the victim had her lungs punctured so badly that she needed a replacement. (it was described in one of my previous posts). Perhaps that's why I was so combat oriented, I just knew that there was almost nothing my surgeon wouldn't be able to fix. I've been looking on a mod that makes the combat deadly, once someone is shot in the torso it will be so that an organ actually gets damaged. I.e. If its the heart he/she will be dead pretty much on the spot. Maybe I'll try it once I beat a higher difficulty.

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:21 am
by FlowerChild
Larmantine wrote: Yeah once I realized the potential of the prostophile, getting my hands on bionic legs was one of the first priorities for me. I just wonder, why didn't you invest in advanced equipment with such vast amounts of money?
The money only came at the end, and I poured most of it into my space ship. Most of the game I barely had enough to get by.
Combat isn't so terrible once you have a decent doctor and equipment. In fact, I'd say that the combat isn't even close to deadly.
I don't think you were facing the numbers of opponents I was if getting your guys to a doctor was a viable option if they went down :)

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:43 am
by Larmantine
Yeah, most likely. I've even had multiple factions befriended, so the attacks were much more rare. Anyway... Ever heard of power armor? ;)

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 2:00 pm
by FlowerChild
Larmantine wrote:Yeah, most likely. I've even had multiple factions befriended, so the attacks were much more rare. Anyway... Ever heard of power armor? ;)
Ever heard of realizing that if you put a game on a lower difficulty and intentionally setup the key parameters of the game such as terrain to be easy, that complaining about it being too easy or unbalanced is rather silly? Sounds like you keep trying to find excuses as to why those decisions you made at the very start didn't mess up your entire experience, when Ockham's razor would tend to suggest that there's a much simpler answer to these problems.

You're essentially saying to me ( slightly different ways): "I don't know why you found the game challenging, I just put it on easy mode and didn't have any problems."

And yeah, I looked longingly at the armor that cost 4 or 5 times the amount of cash I had at any given time, and usually wound up spending my money on medicine or military aid because I realized that one dude in power armor was still going to get swarmed and overwhelmed. The only power armor I ever found were helmets on the corpses of a few pirates, and I was much more interested in selling those so I could afford the aforementioned medicine and military aid rather than sending some poor sod to get his limbs blown off and potentially replaced by bionics that I also couldn't afford.

Try it on default settings when your entire colony isn't entombed in rock and get back to me. As I said though, I know for myself that now that I've figured a ton of stuff out (especially how to manipulate the commerce and faction systems) I will likely find it much easier to survive from the start with a new game, which is why I'm glad I chose default settings for my first games so I could get the real first time experience out of it.

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 2:53 pm
by Larmantine
FlowerChild wrote:
Larmantine wrote:Yeah, most likely. I've even had multiple factions befriended, so the attacks were much more rare. Anyway... Ever heard of power armor? ;)
Ever heard of realizing that if you put a game on a lower difficulty and intentionally setup the key parameters of the game such as terrain to be easy, that complaining about it being too easy or unbalanced is rather silly? Sounds like you keep trying to find excuses as to why those decisions you made at the very start didn't mess up your entire experience, when Ockham's razor would tend to suggest that there's a much simpler answer to these problems.

You're essentially saying to me ( slightly different ways): "I don't know why you found the game challenging, I just put it on easy mode and didn't have any problems."

And yeah, I looked longingly at the armor that cost 4 or 5 times the amount of cash I had at any given time, and usually wound up spending my money on medicine or military aid because I realized that one dude in power armor was still going to get swarmed and overwhelmed. The only power armor I ever found were helmets on the corpses of a few pirates, and I was much more interested in selling those so I could afford the aforementioned medicine and military aid rather than sending some poor sod to get his limbs blown off and potentially replaced by bionics that I also couldn't afford.

Try it on default settings when your entire colony isn't entombed in rock and get back to me. As I said though, I know for myself that now that I've figured a ton of stuff out (especially how to manipulate the commerce and faction systems) I will likely find it much easier to survive from the start with a new game, which is why I'm glad I chose default settings for my first games so I could get the real first time experience out of it.

Allright, sorry man. My limited experience/gameplay settings clouded my judgement about all this. Didn't want to start an argument. In my defense however, I was not aware that I picked a mountainous region. :P

On a side note, I take it all back. Am now playing on challenge mode and I have to say that I am really struggling. It gets so hard at points that I have a flashing text in my head: "Warning: mental break soon" from the excessive playing.

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:19 pm
by FlowerChild
Larmantine wrote:On a side note, I take it all back. Am now playing on challenge mode and I have to say that I am really struggling. It gets so hard at points that I have a flashing text in my head: "Warning: mental break soon" from the excessive playing.
Why not just use bionics or power armor? :)

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:26 pm
by Larmantine
FlowerChild wrote:
Larmantine wrote:Why not just use bionics or power armor? :)
OK OK, I get it now. :D Sorry again for being a jackass.

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:38 pm
by FlowerChild
Larmantine wrote: OK OK, I get it now. :D Sorry again for being a jackass. worries, but couldn't resist a little revenge ;)

Looks like I'm not over my addiction yet as I just felt compelled to start a game with a fully random crew (no rerolls, just going with what I first get), and landing in a desert a little further north than my previous save so I have to deal with harsher winters and a shorter growing season. Going to stick with challenging difficulty as I suspect the above may make it more than difficult enough, even with what I learned in the first game.

I really wanted to go with "no save loading" as another restriction on myself, but after checking the options menu was disappointed to find there was nothing for getting the game to drop out of time accel when negative events occur. I've had way too many instances where people died just because I didn't have time to get them out of trouble when enemies spawned because I was on high time accel, and without an option for that, I don't think I can go fully no save as I know it would just be rather unfairly frustrating. The thing that sucks about that to is when I do load a save under such circumstances, it's usually before the enemies spawn, in which case it's usually swapped for another event entirely.

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 4:44 pm
by DaveYanakov
FlowerChild wrote:...The thing that sucks about that to is when I do load a save under such circumstances, it's usually before the enemies spawn, in which case it's usually swapped for another event entirely.
Isn't that more of a positive as it would keep you from feeling like you're save scumming and getting advance knowledge of the crisis so that you have to work it out as it comes instead?

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 4:58 pm
by FlowerChild
DaveYanakov wrote: Isn't that more of a positive as it would keep you from feeling like you're save scumming and getting advance knowledge of the crisis so that you have to work it out as it comes instead?
Well, not really in that case, as negative events are often replaced with positive, or a lesser negative, or nothing at all. So if anything, I feel more like I'm cheating when that happens. I'd happily restrict myself to only using saves in cases where I felt I was getting unfairly screwed by time accel, as I find stuff like that totally immersion breaking in a "oh...come on!" manner, and not using time accel at all is really not an option given the large amounts of down time in the game, but what ends up resulting is often worse.

If there was an autosave soon as a negative event happened, that would also take care of it, but the autosaves work on a time rather than an event basis. Auto dropping time accel on negative events would be much less immersion breaking though as it wouldn't put the player in the position of having to metagame to solve the issue by loading a save.

My two biggest complaints (and they really aren't that big) right now revolve around that, and the thing I mentioned previously about the game being very turret heavy from the start in a way that's a bit "wtf?". You basically can make full auto Aliens-style sentry guns with integrated friend and foe recognition right from the start, and just out of base resources from the environment, while you are still getting super excited about just managing to scavenge a bolt action rifle for your colonists, and spending time researching basic stuff like stone cutting. Would be much cooler IMO if you had to research the turrets (and a bunch of tech leading up to them), equip them with actual weapons that you find, and scavenge targeting hardware for them from the robotic type units you get occasionally attacked by. Would give things more of a sense of progression, would give a larger place for your units getting involved in combat early on, would give more of a sense of purpose to both research and looting, and would also limit the overall number of turrets you can field and give them more individual value in the late game as replacing them if they are destroyed would be much more painful.

I can only assume that the turrets are currently using a number of placeholder systems, but on the other hand as I also mentioned the game seems to be currently balanced around making heavy use of them, so the overall fun level doesn't suffer unduly from the above.

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:21 pm
by FlowerChild
Actually, having put the above into words, I don't think I can continue my new save without changes to how turrets work, as while it didn't bother me too much while I was still learning everything, it's really starting to chap my ass that my desert dwellers are already setting up automated defenses a couple of days after crash landing :)

Going to take a look at how moddable this game is at present and if I can implement any of the changes I mentioned above relatively easily. Everything that I mentioned about turrets other than adding custom weapons to them sounds like the kind of thing that *might* be easy to do depending on the moddability of the game.

And we go again. I figure if I'm going to be hopelessly addicted to a game like this though, I may as well do something productive at the same time ;)

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:06 pm
by kregoth
The turrets are my biggest irk with the game currently too, has been for a while. In the beginning you really should be cowboys with guns, than after researching and gathering materials, you can be cowboys with lasers and turrets "Maybe!" I also think that building the ship needs some work too. It's quite odd that you can see it from the get go, and really needs more challenging associated with it. It's not horrible right now, but it's a bit oddly placed for my liking.

It does go to show that it's still "Alpha". Turrets use to be worse, and remote explosives use to be even better than turrets, so I doubt he's done changing them. I'm actually surprised at how much more difficult this version is, as there is a LOT of changes that really made it more "Fun" than Alpha 8 was.

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:32 pm
by FlowerChild
kregoth wrote:The turrets are my biggest irk with the game currently too, has been for a while.
Gimme a couple of hours and I'll have it fixed ;)

Just dug into the modding. Plenty of power and the stuff I want to do short of putting specific weapons that you salvage on the turrets looks super simple to achieve, as I predicted.

I suspect the changes I'm making will make it exceedingly hard to play on challenging difficulty, but I'll be willing to give it a try just the same. Rough might be a little more realistic for it from what Larmantine was describing of that difficulty level, although it would be unfortunate if that also affects the rate at which you get good events. I'll see if it's possible to adjust enemy wave size independently of that.

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:38 pm
by Jesar
I love this game to death, but I too have a problem with the turrets. However, it's not just the turrets.

We are colonists who were in cryo-sleep that fell to the planet from space, and we crash with a wwII era battle rifle, a colt handgun, and a knife. (But wait, it's a PLASTEEL knife! Stabby stabby!)

Why is this game's aesthetic modern military when we are a space culture? Can't I start with improvised wooden tools and weapons, then research future tech, like gauss rifles and composite armor? It can still be balanced for the game's difficulty. I just don't like the idea of Luke Skywalker getting out of his X-wing, just to pull out a Glock and shoot Darth Vader in the kneecap.

It's just jarring.

As for the turrets, I think the game still needs automated defenses early on to prevent you from having to stop building and mining to punch a squirell to death. I think replacing turrets with gaurds that patrol the area or stay in bunkers or behind sandbags would be fine. The way the game is set up, however, makes having hands on wood and stones much more of a priority.

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:39 pm
by Larmantine
There are a LOT of turret mods on their forums, but AFAIK none of them does what you were talking about. There are mods where you can put the weapon of your choice on the turret, unlocked via research, however none of them seem to be disable the vanilla turrets. Could be wrong though.

I have tried some of them out, and in many cases they are super overpowered. There was one .50 cal like manned turret, but it could just fire across the map, decimating any kinds of forces with minimal effort.

Actually, after checking out the Ludeon mod forums for the last days, I always remember minecraft forums. "moar weapons, zombiez laz0rs, turrets, enemies, moar power, moar bionics, modular this, modular that". Gameplay enhancement mods are pretty non-existant IMO, at least for alpha 9 at this moment. There were some pretty cool mods on previous versions.

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:55 pm
by FlowerChild
Jesar wrote: We are colonists who were in cryo-sleep that fell to the planet from space, and we crash with a wwII era battle rifle, a colt handgun, and a knife. (But wait, it's a PLASTEEL knife! Stabby stabby!)
I'm not really bothered by that, as the way it strikes me is that you crash land with some basic survival supplies which makes sense in terms of being ejected from a ship or what have you. Energy weapons (which definitely do exist and a number of my colonists had them by the end in my last game) seem rare in this universe and there's that whole thing about high-tech "Glitter worlds" in many of the descriptions that suggest high technology is really only found in small portions of the universe. The tribes on the world you crash land on are also described as potentially being other colonists that have devolved into a more primitive existence with time.

I get the impression the universe of this game is one of fallen-tech similar to the old Battletech table top, the Dune books (the way personal shields work also seem to be a clear Dune reference), or Warhammer 40K for that matter. If high technology is rare then, I can certainly see survival kits on board ships containing more primitive firearms so as not to otherwise "waste" high tech weapons on that purpose. Early on in my previous game I was also handing out bows and clubs scavenged from dead natives to my colonists as the firearms were in such short supply, so I certainly don't see any of this being a gameplay or balance issue, unlike the turrets. I think with the turret changes I'm thinking of, that effect will be emphasized much more as base defense with your colonists fighting directly will become a much greater consideration.

I think it's actually really cool that there's some high tech stuff that you simply can not make no matter how far you progress into the game (power armor, energy weapons, bionic prosthetics, etc.), as those items essentially serve the role of "magic" in other genres of games, keeps the "ooooo...shiny" factor to scavenging cool loot active even in the late game, and supports the fallen tech kind of back story I was describing above.
Larmantine wrote: Actually, after checking out the Ludeon mod forums for the last days, I always remember minecraft forums. "moar weapons, zombiez laz0rs, turrets, enemies, moar power, moar bionics, modular this, modular that". Gameplay enhancement mods are pretty non-existant IMO, at least for alpha 9 at this moment. There were some pretty cool mods on previous versions.
Yeah, taking a quick look at the modding section of their forums, I was left with the same impression and was asking myself "why the fuck would I want better turrets and other equipment for this game?" as I perused the list. More variety is always nice I guess, but I really don't think better stuff is what's needed here. More just a few little tweaks to make some of the existing gameplay really shine.

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:09 pm
by hawk
FlowerChild wrote:And we go again. I figure if I'm going to be hopelessly addicted to a game like this though, I may as well do something productive at the same time ;)
FlowerChild wrote:More variety is always nice I guess, but I really don't think better stuff is what's needed here. More just a few little tweaks to make some of the existing gameplay really shine.
So much greatness in the above statements.

I'm enjoying the hell out of the game as is (Cassandra/Challenge). The day job has slowed my progress a little but my second colony, while not thriving, is limping along nicely. I have even skipped lunch twice this week to grab a couple more hours of play.

There is a good chance I might OD if you start adding FC style tweaks...
...can't wait for the download link.

Re: RimWorld Alpha 9

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 11:01 pm
by FlowerChild
hawk wrote:...can't wait for the download link.
Working on it! I ran into a little snafu figuring out the syntax for editing existing definitions rather than just adding new ones, and also ran into some "fun" with the game throwing up on comments within object definitions (for some strange reason you can only have a single comment within a definition, and if you have more, the game treats it like a duplicate variable definition and starts throwing ambiguous errors) in the .xml files that took me awhile to sort out, but rolling along nicely now :)

Typical issues associated with learning a new system aside though, this thing looks hela-powerful with regards to modding potential.