Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth edition

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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by FlowerChild »

Sockthing wrote:I do have a question. What does the finalization of BTW mean for BTW add-ons?
Honestly: nothing.

That's painful ground for me I have no desire to revisit. I put a lot of effort into trying to support add-ons and in the end felt that was used against me by a small number of individuals and brought more unwelcome chaos into my life that further distracted me from what I love doing.

As such, I have no intention to provide further support or allowances for them, have come to view them as a big old source of conflict I'd prefer not to have to deal with, and it's a subject I'd prefer not to discuss further.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by Tekei »

I haven't played BTW or read these forums for months now but I decided to check in today and found this post. Just wanted to give my support for whatever happens next and a huge thanks for what you've been doing these past three years. Thank you.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by Jay42 »

Oof. This is one of these moments when I don't know whether to cry or to laugh (or maybe both? AhHAHahAHahAhaH?!)
Over the past few months I have watched the development of BTSM with increasing joy - it IS fun as hell - but also increasing worry - wasn't this supposed to just be a little breather? Isn't it getting a little out of hand?
As the mostly insignificant member of this community that I am, I just sat still, hoping for the best. And now I get to read how much agony the overall situation has caused you. I know the pain of a creative outlet turning into a dreadful workload. I kinda forgot where I was going with this, but I wish to extend my condolences for what you have been going through [as well as my booze and manhugs:)].
Anyways, I'm glad you've found a way out. Best of luck with that.
And as always, thank you very much for all your hard work. I'm looking forward to whatever it will be that you cook up next.
Stormweaver wrote:BTW: where the line between morality and immorality is a mile wide and has loops in some places.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by OlbaiD »

I just wanna say THANK YOU. BTW has been giving me great levels of fun in the last years (which Minecraft failed to provide me in the long term)

As a BTW fan, I would like to see more of it, however i understand that projects have to "end" someday.

I wish you good luck for future projects and programming!

Also, have a good 10 day marathon.

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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by Detritus »

Going to step out of the shadows for the first time in a loooong while just to add my support (however much that's worth) to this final release of BTW. I've only just got back into the mod - although I haven't devoted much time to it yet in this recent spurt - but it seems that this renewed interest was very timely indeed.
BTW gave me a large amount of enjoyment when I was playing it and Minecraft regularly, and for that I thank you. Maybe I'll be ready to enjoy the new content as and when it is released.
Once again, thanks for all the effort you've put into this over three long years (only one and a half of which I experienced) and I'll see you and the new version of BTW on the tenth!
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by Rob »

FC, you are the man. I was expecting this truth to be you telling us 4.98Phillip was the last update. Because after the last 6 months you couldn't force yourself to deal with minecraft any longer. To read how much it pains you to work on a project, and then read that you'll work on it anyway for us, is just amazing of you. You've let us into your minecraft world, when you didn't have to, and I'm forever grateful for that. I'm with the rest of the crowd when we say we're behind whatever you say or do 100% in regards to BTW and RTH. May these last 10(9?) days be quick and filled with as little pain as possible.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by jackatthekilns »

While I am sorry that the situation may mean that BTW is not 100% what you always hoped it would be, I am extremely excited to look forward to Return to Home. I think your skills at game design, especially game balance, have made Minecraft much more enjoyable and I can't wait to see what you can do when building from the ground up.

I know that give your current feelings towards Minecraft may make this unpalatable, but I would love to see another LP with you and IcyNewYear after the Mond is "finished". I got so much out of the last one and it really helped me understand and appreciate some of the features that I was initially uncomfortable with. It would be great to get your hindsight perspective on the finished product. Its like watching the director's commentary to a movie. I understand if this is not something you want to do. Either way, I hope Icy does LPs of RTH and you join in with him occasionally. I have watched the BTSM stream and enjoyed it even though I have never played KSP.

Thank you so much for the Mod and I can't wait for RTH!
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by CryoPhönix »

Even though I'm a bit sad that it's going to be over soon I am also quite happy.
Do what you feel is right, we are standing behind you ^^

I am Really looking forward to RTH an I hope that you will have tons of fun.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by SterlingRed »

I've noticed the time gaps and really wondered if you still had interest in btw at all. This clears up that question and I'm glad to have one last release to end the epic saga that is btw development.

I absolutely understand that ultimately you mod for yourself. You owe us nothing. I have gotten to enjoy Minecraft for 3 years on and off as it should have been as a result of this mod. Thank you so much for that experience! I'm glad I've been part of this community and gotten to "ride along" in a way on the development journey.
I'm glad Minecraft and mojang has not spoiled your appetite for this game style and I look forward to what RTH may bring! Good luck with the change to independent developer, I really do wish you the best!
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by Gears »

So we're finishing up BTW? AND RTH is going to become a reality? To quote a certain foreigner from a beloved cartoon of mine: A CELEBRATION I SAY!

Congrats, brotha. You've been in the trenches of insanity for 3 years to help save Minecraft, you definitely deserve to clean your hands of the troubles.

I see beer money coming your way sometime today :D
FlowerChild wrote:For example, I'm feeling such a whim right now, and look forward with anticipation to the feeling of satisfaction that shall come from acting upon it.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by Marasambala »

I think I got something in my eye while reading this...

Seriously, even though I'm pretty much a lurker, I feel really attached to this community and our Dear Leader. You've shared a big part of your Self through your mods and through the forums. You've really put yourself out there by sharing your thoughts with us. I look forward to you being able to freely enjoy your work that you are so passionate about.

Thank you so much for what you do.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by Rawny »

I’m gonna have to try and go against the grain here.

As players of your mod I don’t see how you can do this to us! Our support and loyalty has been taken advantage of and betrayed! How dare you take your time to make a mod and just do with it as you please?

As faithful players we expect, no, DEMAND from you, a mod that supersedes expectations and makes Minecraft a game that can be played over and over again. We demand a mod which adds multiple new blocks and systems that provides both a wide variety of functionality and great visual esthetics. We need ever changing challenges in the form of balanced survival play, new mobs and behaviours, and goal oriented progression through an amazing technology tree. This mod needs to be so in-depth and captivating that it should make people reluctant of playing without it. With the loyal fan base you have, you MUST make it the BEST Minecraft mod out there.

Wait a minute... uh huh. Check. Yup. Check. Uh huh. Yup. Never mind, your “job” is done. Better than Wolves is all of the above and more, FlowerChild. Thank you for letting us play your Minecraft full conversion, the GAME, that we love. Thank you, and we look forward to what the future holds.

haphazardnuke wrote:"Quick and Easy" is incompatible with Better than Wolves. Try using the patch, "Sense of Accomplishment".
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by CandyCane »

Everyone's already made more touching, well-written responses in this thread, so I'll keep mine short.

Thanks for the 2+ years I've played your game overhaul. You've added over 200 hours to a game I thought I'd long gotten bored of.

I'm gonna keep an eye open for your future projects for sure and play the hell out of BTW 1.0

BTW 1.0 - How cool is that?
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by darahalian »

I don't think there's anything I could say that hasn't already been said, but I do want to thank you for the incredible amount of time you've put into BTW, and for sharing this amazing gameplay experience with us all. There is truly nothing like it.

Cheers, and good luck as you finish this up and move on to RTH.
FlowerChild wrote:Remain ever vigilant against the groth menace my friends. Early detection is crucial in avoiding a full-blown groth epidemic.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by FlowerChild »

Thanks once again for all the supportive messages guys :)

I think this was definitely the right move for me. I've been tossing & turning for weeks now, and last night I slept like a tentacled baby. Looks like my subconscious fully endorses this plan ;)
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by Anavros »

It's always refreshing to read something so decisive and well written. I hope this last bit of work goes well, and I really look forward to what comes next!
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by Sarudak »

I was afraid after the long absence and the half-hearted attempt to get back into finishing btw that you might have given up on BTW and RTH completely. I'm very happy to hear that's not the case and I'm very much looking forward to what RTH is going to bring.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by Dorugami »

Well that's closure right there. I just hope that wherever you go with RTH, it will have a backlink somewhere on this site. Knowing your taste in game balance, I'm quite keen on seeing how that turns out.

On a side note, am I the only one who immediately thought of Half-Life 3 while reading this post? I wish Newell would do the same.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by barcode »

Definitely looking forward to the final release, but I also have to say I'm a bit sad about that. I've only played the mod for the last 2 years roughly so I wasn't there in the beginning, but having seen Minecraft's ragged edges getting transformed into a whole well-rounded game has really been great. The speed at which you had been working was nothing short of amazing, the fact that you're communicating with your players on a very regular basis is awesome, although not everyone got what he wanted (MOAR POWER?!). You've made a lot of great decisions during the development of this and I always was looking forward to the next completely unexpected thing you pulled out of your sleeve that always seemed like the most obvious choice after a few hours of playing. It has definitely motivated me to keep playing BTW, and knowing there will be only one more release - really? With the thousands of ideas you still have layed out? Ohhhh.....

Anyways. Great job. Thank you very much for BTW. Good luck with RTH, I know I am looking forward to it big time. I hope you keep us updated every once in a while once it gets going.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by FlowerChild »



There's an evil god laughing at me somewhere. April Fool's indeed :)
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by Gunnerman21 »

You can resist it FC! We believe in you!
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by FlowerChild »

Gunnerman21 wrote:You can resist it FC! We believe in you!
Hehe...no, I can't really. Need to get updating BTSM out of the way so I can focus on other things.

Funny part is that I was delaying a similar announcement in anticipation of this release, but it kept getting pushed back until I finally said "fuck it...I can't wait on this any longer".

I do so, and bang...there it is.

Will likely only take me a few hours to update (it's nowhere close to the total hell of some MC updates), so not really a big deal, but I do find the irony of it highly amusing :)
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by erikdk321 »

Man, thanks for taking the time to write this, and I can't wait to see what ideas you have with BTW and especially RTH. No pressure though :)
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by Sage »

I'm glad to see that you were able to clear your mind on this subject. Like the others have said, I'm also way happy to see you moving towards the future, but I can understand why you called this "cold hard truth", since it must be painful to acknowledge as a beloved project that has occupied 3(!) years of your life has turned into something that you no longer enjoy playing AND developing.

However, as I've said, I'm really looking forward to what you're going to do in RTH, especially since you've accumulated tons of experience in "creative games" thanks to your two modding projects I'm really excited to see what you'll create from the ground up with your hands :)

Good luck with this last effort. I could send only a small donation today, but I'll try to collect some extra cash to pay you a beer for the celebrations on the 11th!
FlowerChild wrote:
Serjo44 wrote:today i was banned on ip for reason: <dances>
what i have do wrong?
Whatever it is...you just did it again.
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Re: Flower's Dev Diary (March 31st) - Cold hard truth editio

Post by Dreambolt »

Well I've had ideological disagreement with your stances in the past, but your skills speak for themselves, finish this and get working on RTH or what ever else you choose, it will be excellent what ever it is. It's be fun and a privileged watching BTW grow.

Best news all day!
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