Is Anarchy gameplay realy that much fun?

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Re: Is Anarchy gameplay realy that much fun?

Post by TheAnarchitect »

Well obviously I can't speak for what everyone finds fun. I meant "Help" to mean "assists in fully experiencing the game." Which isn't quite the same thing, though maybe related.

I sometimes find it odd how gung-ho you are about PvP, considering how you've outright stated that combat in minecraft is the least fun thing it has to offer. Would you care to elaborate what it is you get out of destroying someone else? That's not rhetorical, I actually don't really get it and I'm curious.
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Re: Is Anarchy gameplay realy that much fun?

Post by FlowerChild »

It's not the combat itself man. It's the building and developing taking into account having a seriously dangerous opponent (other players) actively working against you, and the thrill of outwitting their own defenses on the other end.

It's not about left clicking on other players by a long shot. It's about the additional challenge competitive play brings.

Remember, I'd also very much like mobs to pose a real threat to your structures, which is largely the same thing, although no AI will be able to compete with having another player trying to do you in.
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Re: Is Anarchy gameplay realy that much fun?

Post by TheAnarchitect »

Well I totally get the idea of the thrill of the danger. I wouldn't want to play on a server where everyone pre-agreed to cooperate, because that would be boring. That's why I haven't really spent any time on the friendly servers. I get the additional challenge part. I get solving puzzles.

It's that initial motivational move from "I found someone else's base" to "I'm gonna rob and vandalize them" that I personally lack.

I hope this isn't coming across as judging anyone's playstyle. I'm just very interested in how people act when empowered to do whatever they want.
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Re: Is Anarchy gameplay realy that much fun?

Post by FlowerChild »

TheAnarchitect wrote: I hope this isn't coming across as judging anyone's playstyle.
It is :)
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Re: Is Anarchy gameplay realy that much fun?

Post by Six »

One of my 'problems' with anarchy play is something that comes up with a lot of persistent world pvp games. People are offline a lot more than they are online, so almost always when you come across a base it is not actively guarded and there is little to no way to effectively 'defend' something from another player without being there.

Sure you can set traps, but in a game where the player can just mine out any block and literally disassemble a trap, I find they're too high a cost for too little benefit in terms of defense. And even if you do build something which manages to kill an intruder, they can be back in a few minutes to get through and disassemble it knowing how it works. And this also leads to there being almost no consequences to your actions, as if no one sees you steal / destroy something then you can't really be blamed or seeked out for revenge.

And I understand that this is simply an aspect of the gameplay which you must deal with, but my 'problem' is that these constraints pretty much reduce 90% of the gameplay to hiding and luck, ala: have a surface entrance which is indistinguishable from the surrounding terrain, dig down far enough so that animal / base noise can't be heard from the surface and hope / be lucky enough that no one digging mines or exploring tunnels gets close enough to hear base noise.

So not losing any kind of significant hidden base is mostly just luck, and if it is raided then there's little you can do in retaliation besides (grabbing bedrock chest items) moving somewhere else, starting over and hoping it doesn't happen again.
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Re: Is Anarchy gameplay realy that much fun?

Post by FlowerChild »

I'm pretty sick of this thread.

If you haven't played anarchy: play it before criticizing it.

If you have played anarchy and it's not for you: don't play it again and leave it to those of us who do enjoy it.